
jīnɡ jì fàn chóu
  • economic category
  1. 弱势群体是一个经济范畴。

    The disadvantaged group is a term in economic category .

  2. 资本不是资本主义特有的经济范畴

    Capital Is Not the Peculiar Economic Category of Capitalism

  3. 安倍还对美国国会表示,日本、美国以及一群太平洋国家正在谈判的贸易协定&《跨太平洋伙伴关系》(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)的重要性远远超出经济范畴。

    Mr Abe also told Congress that the Trans-Pacific Partnership a trade deal under negotiation between Japan , the US and a group of Pacific nations matters far beyond economics .

  4. 新理论新思维&对知识经济范畴的深层次思考

    New Theoretic New Ideas & The deep-rooted thought about Acknowledge Economy

  5. 贸易政策的产生和制定不单纯是经济范畴。

    The decision of trade policy is not simply an economic concept .

  6. 质量成本控制中的几个经济范畴

    On Several Economic Terms in Quality - related Cost Control

  7. 奥巴马仍然把争论框定在经济范畴内。

    Mr Obama still framed the argument in economic terms .

  8. 对私有制和资本主义经济范畴的批判分析;

    Made critical analysis on the private ownership and economic category of capitalism ;

  9. 诚信首先是经济范畴&重读恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》序言

    Good faith above all belongs to economic category

  10. 试论知识经济范畴规范化问题

    Discussion on Normalizing the Category of Knowledge Economy

  11. 第一部分,主要探讨了公司资本制度的几个基本理论问题。指出资本一词既是经济范畴,又是法律范畴。

    Part One mainly studies fundamental theory problems about the company 's capital system .

  12. 对经济学若干经济范畴的再认识

    Re-recognition of the Economic Categories in Economics

  13. 循环经济范畴的科学界定

    SCIENCE Standardize the Recycle Economy Category Scientifically

  14. 论区域特色经济范畴

    On The Category Of Regional Characteristic Economy

  15. 民营经济范畴探析

    Study on the category of private economy

  16. 财政既是一个政治范畴,又是一个经济范畴。

    Public finance is not only a political category , but also an economic category .

  17. 因此本文在这一部分中,首先针对目前地下经济范畴界定的不统一性,对地下经济及相关范畴进行了探讨;

    Therefore , firstly , the author tries to define the meaning of the underground economy .

  18. 财政投融资是一个同财政、金融有着密切联系的独特经济范畴。

    Financial investment and circulation is a particular economic category which is closely linked with finance .

  19. 作为经济范畴的信用是一种经济能力与交换手段。

    Credit as an economic category is a kind of economic capacity and means of exchange .

  20. 如今,它已经超越了体育和经济范畴,成为一个文化团体。

    Now , it has surpassed the sport and economic field and becomes a cultural group .

  21. 尽管如此,政府并非纯粹担当被动角色,因而退出经济范畴。

    Yet the Government should not just take a passive role and distance itself from the economy .

  22. 对商品及使用价值两个经济范畴定义的异议

    My Disagreement about the Two Definitions of " Commodity " and " Use Value " in Economic Category

  23. 税收成本作为税收活动必须付出的代价,是一种客观的经济范畴。

    Tax revenue cost the price must be paid in taxation activity , belongs to an objective economic category .

  24. 竞争是一个经济范畴,是市场经济发展的基础和动力。

    Competition is a kind of economic category , and is the basis and motive power of market economic development .

  25. 但下一轮盛衰周期可能产生负面的社会及政治影响而不限于经济范畴。

    Yet another boom-bust cycle could have negative implications , social and political , stretching beyond the sphere of economics .

  26. 信用既属于人类道德的范畴,也属于经济范畴和上层建筑。

    It belongs to the category of the humanity moral , and also belongs to the categories of economics and superstructure .

  27. 在与会计相关的诸多经济范畴中,当属税收与会计的关系最为密切。

    Among the many economic scopes which interleave with accounting , it is tax that has the closest relationship with it .

  28. 资本并不是资本主义特有的经济范畴,市场经济和劳动力也是商品决定社会主义社会也存在资本;

    Capital is not a special economic category of capitalism , this is decided by market economy and labor 's commodity property .

  29. 随着社会的发展,生产关系的变革,必须创立新的经济范畴。

    With the development of society and the transformation of the relation of production , a new economic category should be established .

  30. 如此,隐含着的工具主义因素在技术不是经济范畴命题中清晰地显现了出来。

    Therefore , the instrumental factor implied in proposition is clearly emerged by the statement that technology is not an economic category .