
  • 网络Economic Distance
  1. 通过将空间距离修正为通勤距离、再将通勤距离修正为经济距离的方法,界定了赣州市1小时城市经济圈。

    Through revising space distance to commuting distance and commuting distance to economic distance , the paper defines Ganzhou one-hour city economic circle scope .

  2. 模型中的距离应该理解为经济距离,代表运输成本。

    The distance in the model should be explained as the cost of the displacement of goods , which is named as " economic distance " .

  3. 曾经历过一度繁荣的西北内陆,在中国向近代转型的过程中,与东南沿江沿海地区的社会经济距离不断扩大。

    The Northwest inland of China was once very flourishing , however , the economic gap became broader and broader than the Southeast coast of china in the process of transition to modem time .

  4. 在重力模型的基础上,以航空票价为经济距离指标,建立了基于航空廊道的旅游客流空间潜力模型;分析了张家界市旅游者空间行为特征。

    By using the gravity model and economic index of flight price , the paper establishes spatial potent model of tourism flow based on the flight corridor and analyzes spatial behavior characteristics of tourism in Zhangjiajie city .

  5. 生物经济时代距离我们已不再遥远。

    The era of bio - economy is not far from us .

  6. 试论知识经济时代距离因子的作用

    Analysis of the Effect of Distance in the Ear of Knowledge Economy

  7. 之前,中国和印度都呈现出加速发展、与亚洲其它新兴经济体距离越拉越远的态势:11月份中印制造业增长势头强劲,而其它地区的数据较为疲软或平缓。

    China and India had previously shown signs of accelerating away from the rest of emerging Asia , with strong manufacturing growth in November contrasting with weak or flat data elsewhere .

  8. 这一造价高达63亿美元的项目是拟建的三条旨在拉近朝鲜同中国经济轨道距离的高速铁路之一。与此同时,北京支持针对朝鲜领导层的制裁。

    The $ 6.3 billion project is one of three planned high-speed railways designed to bring North Korea closer into China 's economic orbit , even as Beijing supports sanctions aimed at Pyongyang 's leadership .

  9. 离经济核心区距离远;

    Long distance to the economic developed region ;

  10. 麦凯恩再度与布什总统的经济政策保持距离,并且表示美国人希望改变。

    McCain again distanced himself from the economic policies of President Bush , and noted that Americans want change .

  11. 通过对线路电压降和供电距离之间关系的深入研究,提出了经济负荷供电距离的概念,研究表明经济负荷供电距离能够很好的反映线路电压降和供电距离的关系。

    This paper summarizes the relation between the distance and the voltage drop and puts forward the concept of economical load reach .

  12. 该模型揭示了中心城市与成员城市之间的人流量与两者经济总量及距离之间的关系;

    This regression equation reveals the relationship among population flow , GDP and distances of the central city and the member cities .

  13. 基于全部样本的分析表明,企业社会责任对企业竞争优势没有显著影响,反映出我国企业的经营环境和经营行为离成熟的市场经济还有很大距离;

    The whole sample analysis shows that there is no significant influence , because there is a large gap between mature market economy and business behavior and environment of China 's enterprises .

  14. 最后确定客运专线经济合理的开行距离。

    Then the reasonable operation distance is concluded .

  15. 假设一、社会经济地位与社会距离呈负相关。

    The first hypothesis is that there is negative correlate relationship between social economic condition and social distance .

  16. 假设二、居住空间表达了政治经济秩序对社会距离产生影响。

    The second hypothesis is that urban space expresses political and economic order , and then infects social distance .

  17. 以运输道路的畅通性和最经济合理的运输距离来选择沥青搅拌站的位置。

    Export-road unimpeded and the most economical reasonable transportation is away from chooses the position which the asphalt agitation stands .

  18. 其它汽车制造商们则和电池商合作,开发并生产包装小储电多的锂电电池,加大汽车以经济速度行驶的距离。

    Other car makers have teamed up with battery makers to develop and produce lithium-ion batteries to store more energy in smaller packages to extend cruising distances .

  19. 文中阐明了中国在建筑垃圾管理与循环经济内涵方面的距离,并给出了一些需加强或改进的方面。

    This paper shows some shortcoming on construction waste management in china compare with Circular economy meaning , and points out some where that should be improved .

  20. 与此同时,信息平台、经济支持、空间距离、领导因素、相互依赖等因素也在一定程度上对我国产业生态系统的稳定性造成影响。

    It is also proved that the factors such as information platform construction , economic support , space distance , IES principals and member dependence are influential in some degree .

  21. 电力是一种应用很广泛的能源,它既可以集中大量生产,又可以经济方便地长距离输送,也能高效地应用于国民经济各部门和日常生活。

    To be an energy widely used in each section of national economy and daily life , electricity could also be produced in large number and transmitted over long distance conveniently .

  22. 从设备的集成到技术方案的运用,详细介绍在大范围的无线调度现场,经济地实现长距离无线对讲漫游通信。

    From the integration of equipment to the application of technical solution , it is introduced in details how to realize long distance wireless cruise communication economically within wide scope of wireless dispatch field .

  23. 从贸易效应的区域差异来看,由于经济发展水平与距离因素的影响,香港从内地不同的地区所获的收益和内地不同地区所受到的影响都是不同的。

    From the regional difference of trade effect , the benefit Hong Kong obtained from different areas of mainland is different from the effect different areas received which is caused by economy development and distance reason .

  24. 再次,引用中心城市经济势能量级和经济距离的概念对沈阳都市圈的范围进行了划分,划定八个省辖市及其所辖地区为该都市圈的覆盖范围。

    The definitions of city economic power and economic distance are used to divide the range of Shenyang metropolitan area , at the same time eight cities and the suburban districts belongs to them are defined tobe contained by the metropolitan area .

  25. 国际经验表明,穷国一般来说都是距离世界经济中心偏远的地方,与经济中心距离的远近将影响一国的人均收入。

    International experience suggests that poverty-stricken countries are generally isolated from the world economic center , demonstrating the impact of a country 's distance from economic centers on its per capita income .

  26. 在这点上,中国的地位独特:她是一个经济增长的发动机,与发达经济体的距离越来越近;

    China is uniquely positioned in this regard : It is an economic powerhouse , increasingly at par with the economies in the developed world .

  27. 结果表明:对于沈阳经济区来讲知识吸收能力、知识存量对知识效应强度作用较大,全要素生产率差异和经济距离影响相对较小。

    Results show that the stock of knowledge absorptive capacity , knowledge is larger ; the action of the effect intensity differences between total factor productivity and economic distance effect is relatively small .