
  1. 优先中央统筹的农民工养老保险模式探讨

    Preferred Central Co-ordination of Endowment Insurance Pattern for Rural Migrant Workers

  2. 农民工养老保险的模型分析及政策建议

    Model analysis and policy advices of farm workers ' endowment insurance

  3. 中国城市农民工养老保险的探索及建议

    An Exploration of Endowment Insurance for Migrant Workers in Urban China

  4. 农民工养老保险关系转移接续问题探析

    Analysis of social endowment insurance relations transfer and continuity for peasant-workers

  5. 建立农民工养老保险个人账户问题研究

    Research on Establishing Personal Accounts of Endowment Insurance for Migrant Workers

  6. 我国农民工养老保险问题与对策研究

    The Research of the Pension Policy for Chinese Rural Migrant Workers

  7. 农民工养老保险关系接续转移法律问题研究

    The Study on the Legal Matter of Continuing Peasant-workers Endowment Insurance

  8. 对农民工养老保险个人账户模式的几点看法

    Views on Personal Account Model of Pension System for Rural Migrant Workers

  9. 我国农民工养老保险政策研究

    Compared Analysis on Social Pension Plan Policy for the Peasant-employee

  10. 农民工养老保险覆盖率低的原因分析及对策研究

    On the Low Coverage Rate of Farmer-Workers ' Old-age Insurance

  11. 农民工养老保险基金集中管理体制研究

    The Centralized Managing System of Peasant-workers Social Endowment Insurance Funds

  12. 关于建立全国性农民工养老保险制度的思考

    On establishing the unified old-age insurance for peasant workers

  13. 农民工养老保险困境的根源在于城乡二元体制及其所造成的城乡经济社会鸿沟。

    The plight of migrant workers is rooted in urban-rural dual economic and social gap .

  14. 农民工养老保险接续中的问题与对策探讨&以东莞市为例

    A Discussion of Problems and Countermeasures about the Continuity of Peasant Worker Retirement Insurance Plan

  15. 农民工养老保险体系构建的目标与思路

    Policy goals and ways of the systematic construction of old-age insurance for rural migrant workers

  16. 我国农民工养老保险城乡转移接续方式建构

    On the Construction of Continuation Mode of Peasant Workers ' Endowment Insurance between Cities and Countryside

  17. 本文对农民工养老保险的现状及存在的问题进行了描述,并提出了对策性的建议。

    In this article , the cur-rent situation is described and some countermeasures are put for-ward .

  18. 第二部分主要介绍农民工养老保险的现状及存在的问题。

    The second part mainly introduced the status Quo and problems of migrant workers ' pension insurance .

  19. 新型农村养老保险制度下农民工养老保险制度设计

    Redesign of the System of Peasant-Workers ' Endowment Insurance under an New Old-Age Insurance System in Rural Areas

  20. 农民工养老保险异地转续的主要障碍和对策分析

    The analysis to the main obstacle and countermeasure of continue endowment insurance of peasant laborer in different area

  21. 要解决这些问题就必须加强农民工养老保险制度的法律地位、降低缴费门槛、实现区域转移、实行费税改制,从而构建有利于农民工的社会养老保险制度。

    Solving these problems will be beneficial to the building of the social old-age insurance system for peasant workers .

  22. 论农民工养老保险法律制度的完善&以促进利益和谐为中心

    On Perfection of China 's Endowment Insurance System of Migrant Workers & focusing on the central task of harmonious interests

  23. 农民工养老保险问题是重大的民生问题,是构建和谐社会的重要内容。

    Pension insurance of migrant workers is a major livelihood issues and an important part of building a harmonious society .

  24. 农民工养老保险关系到2.3亿农民工的养老问题,也关系到整个社会的稳定与发展。

    The endowment insurance is related to the pension of 230,000,000 peasant workers , so to be society stability and development .

  25. 论城乡统筹背景下农民工养老保险制度的立法完善

    On the Legislative Improvement in the Context of Comprehensive Arrangement for Urban and Rural Endowment Insurance System for the Peasant Employees

  26. 文章基于养老保险“便携性损失”视角对中国农民工养老保险参保率低的原因进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the causes of low rates of migrant workers'social pension insurance in China in a perspective of portability loss .

  27. 主要内容及观点如下:农民工养老保险要分类解决。

    The main idea is as follows : First of all , We must classified the Social Old-age Insurance of peasant workers .

  28. 农民工养老保险基金管理运营创新&养老保险公司为主体的3+1模式

    Innovation on pension insurance funds of off-farm workers & " 3 + 1 " operation model with pension insurance company playing the leading role

  29. 我国农民工养老保险转移与接续法律问题研究

    On the Continuity in Cities and Countryside of Peasant Workers Endowment Insurance ; Study on Shift-and-Renewal Problems of Rural Workers ' Endowment Insurance in Law

  30. 政府做好这三方面的工作,才能使农民工养老保险体系的建设趋于统一、规范化。

    Only by the government does all the work , can we make the migrant workers ' endowment insurance system tend to unification and standardization .