
  • 网络rural industrialization;the industrialization in rural areas
  1. 农村工业化推动农业现代化的调查研究&以山西S县B村为例

    Investigation and Study on the Promotion of Rural Industrialization to Agricultural Modernization

  2. 农村工业化过程中的社区政府:权力与利益的分化

    Community Governments under Rural Industrialization : Differentiation of Power and Interests

  3. 本文对1978年以来中国农业发展、农村工业化和农村城镇化三者之间的相互关系进行了Granger因果检验和VAR分析。

    The mutual relations from 1978 to 2002 among China Agricultural development , rural urbanization and rural industrialization are analyzed by Granger Causality Test and VAR in the paper .

  4. 农村工业化以来新兴工人阶级的发展状况

    Development of the New Working Class Appeared after the Rural Industrialization

  5. 尤其是在三次农村工业化高潮中显示出了勃勃生机。

    Especially in the three rural industrialization drive show great vitality .

  6. 农村工业化、城镇化是城镇实现现代化的必然选择,但是农村工业化、城镇化进程中生态环境问题日益严重,已经成为城镇社会全面进步的限制因素。

    Rural industrialization and urbanization is the essential choice in town modernization .

  7. 印度政府促进农村工业化的政策措施

    Policies and measures taken by the Indian government to promote rural industrialization

  8. 农业合作经营、新型农村工业化和制度创新

    Agricultural Cooperative Operation , New Industrialization of Rural Area and System Innovation

  9. 最后在研究当前发展环境的基础上,分析了农村工业化进一步发展的趋势。

    Finally , it analyses the circumstances and trend of rural industrialization .

  10. 河南农村工业化进程中的人地关系研究

    A Study on The Man-land Relationship in Rural Industrialization of Henan Province

  11. 论劳动力转移的农村工业化途径

    Discussion on the Way of Transferring Redundant Labor Force through Rural Industrialization

  12. 河西走廊农村工业化条件下的城镇化道路

    Urbanization and Industrialization in Rural Areas of Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province

  13. 印度剩余劳动力的转移与农村工业化

    Shift of surplus labour force and rural industrialization in India

  14. 农村工业化的信息需求及对策探讨

    Information Demand for the Development of Industrialization in Rural and its Countermeasure

  15. 印度南部地区的农村工业化及其经济发展特点评述

    Analysis of Rural Industrialization and Economic Development of Southern Area in India

  16. 发展农产品加工业推进农村工业化进程

    Develop Processing Industry of Agricultural Products for Advance Countryside Industrialization

  17. 因此,需要变革农村工业化方式,培育农业变迁的微观主体。

    Basic measures are rural industrialization and construction of micro-system in agriculture .

  18. 农业机械化与农村工业化量化关系分析

    Analysis of Quantitative Relationship of Agricultural Mechanization and Rural Industrialization

  19. 首先要推进农村工业化建设。

    First is to advance the construction of rural industrialization .

  20. 发展旅游业;推进农业产业化、农村工业化;

    Pushing forward the agriculture and tourism ; pushing forward agricultural industrialization ;

  21. 影响农村工业化进程的制度因素分析

    Analysis of System Factors Influencing the Process of Industrialization in Rural Areas

  22. 鄂中农村工业化中的非正式制度研究

    The Informal Institutions of Rural Industrialization of Central Region in Hubei Province

  23. 中国农村工业化进程中的家族企业问题研究

    Study on Family Corporation on the Way of Industrialization of Chinese Countryside

  24. 新型农村工业化战略中云南农村劳动力转移路径思考

    Thinking on the Rural Labor Transfer Path under Modern Rural Industrialization Strategy

  25. 浙江的农村工业化之路

    The Experiences of Rural Industrialization Development in Zhejiang Province

  26. 我国农村工业化历史经验探析

    Exploring the Historical Experiences of China 's Rural Industrialization

  27. 人口城镇化不是农村工业化、乡村城镇化

    The urbanization of population is not that of countryside

  28. 西部农村工业化的创新选择

    The Choice of Innovation in Agricultural industrialization in West

  29. 农村工业化和手工业发展国际常设委员会

    International Standing Committee on Rural Industrialization and Craft Development

  30. 中国农村工业化的发展阶段及特征

    Industrialized Stage and Characteristics of the Countryside of China