
  • 网络Trade Diversion;trade-diversion
  1. 本文通过出口相似指数和显示性比较优势指数分别从中国总体出口结构和具体产业或部门两个角度分析了韩美FTA对中国可能造成的贸易转移效应。这是本文的又一个创新点。

    The essay use the export similarity index and revealed comparative advantage index to analysis the trade diversion effect from the whole export structure and concrete industries .

  2. 其影响的分布将会与多边协议相当不同:apec成员将会获益,而许多非apec国家却要受贸易转移之苦。

    The distributional impact would be quite different from a multilateral deal : the gains would accrue to APEC members while many outsiders would suffer from trade diversion .

  3. 再者,WTO框架内区域一体化经济组织也使国际化发展成为企业克服贸易转移效益的重要手段。

    Moreover , area integrate frame organization of economic relations make and internationalize and develop WTO .

  4. 当CAFTA对东盟具有较大的贸易转移时,东盟便有更大的动力去建立新的FTA,以减少CAFTA对其贸易转移效应,从而形成以东盟为轴心的FTA轴辐模式。

    If ASEAN countries undertaking more trade diversion , they will have incentives to set up new FTAs , so as to decreasing the trade diversion from CAFTA .

  5. 对于大陆来说,没有贸易转移效应,且净贸易创造效应为正,表明CEPA的实施创造出大陆对香港产品的更多需求,这些需求是来自以香港进口替代大陆自行生产的。

    As for the mainland , there is no trade diversion effect , and net trade creation effect is positive . The implementation of CEPA creates more demand for products in Hong Kong by the mainland , which is the substitution of its own production .

  6. 加工贸易转移谁说了算?

    Who will decide on the transferring of processing trade ?

  7. 印度对华反倾销的贸易转移效应&基于产品角度的经验分析

    Trade Diversion Effects of India-to-China Antidumping : An Empirical Analysis Based on Product Classification

  8. 贸易转移效应和直接投资效应在一定程度上降低了反倾销税的保护效果。

    However , the protection effects may be lowered to some extent by trade diversion and tariff-jumping FDI .

  9. 第六章则是通过分析欧盟东扩贸易转移效应,提出中国如何应对这些影响的措施和建议。

    Chapter 6 is recommendations and advice for China to put forward on how to deal with the disadvantage impact .

  10. 外向型贸易转移:中国外贸发展模式的理论验证与预期应用

    Shift to Foreign-Oriented Trade : the Theoretical Verification of and the Expected Application of the Model of China 's Foreign Trade Development

  11. 再然后又从加工贸易转移的必要性和西三角承接加工贸易的可能性角度分析承接的现实基础。

    And then introduce the necessity and possibility of undertaking processing trade analysis the realistic basis in " the West Triangle " .

  12. 贸易转移效应犹如区域合作的双面刃;中国&东盟贸易合作能否趋利避害?

    Trade diversion effect is a double-edged sword in regional economic cooperation , then how can China-ASEAN trade cooperation win more at the minimum loss ?

  13. 当外部世界产品价格低于伙伴国产品价格时,贸易转移效应损害东道国福利。

    However , when the price of other countries is lower than that of the partner country , FTA will hurt the welfare of host country .

  14. 具有讽刺意味的是,欧盟之所以启动这些谈判,是因为它想以此来保护自己,免受如今停滞不前的美韩协定可能带来的贸易转移影响。

    Ironically , the EU broached the talks as a way of protecting itself against the trade - diverting effects of the now moribund US-Korea deal .

  15. 针对特定出口国的反倾销保护会带来两种贸易转移效应:进口国的进口转移效应和出口国的市场转移效应。

    Antidumping protection against specific export countries results in two trade diversion effects : import diversion effects on import countries and market diversion effects on export countries .

  16. 研究结果表明,当外部世界产品价格高于伙伴国产品价格时,贸易转移效应改善东道国福利;

    The results indicated that when the price of other country is higher than that of the partner country , FTA will improve the welfare of host country .

  17. 外向型贸易转移是中国外贸发展实践赋予转型经济国际贸易发展的新动因;

    The transfer to foreign-oriented trade ( TTFOT ) is a new motive force lent by the growth of China 's foreign trade to the development of international trade in an economy in transition ;

  18. 同时,利用贸易转移和贸易创造理论,来科学分析中国与东盟和智利分别签署区域自由贸易协定对双边贸易利益产生的影响,全面分析了中国与东盟、智利农产品贸易的竞争性与互补性。

    Meanwhile , impact of endorsement of China-Asean and China-Chile regional free trade agreement on bilateral benefit has been scientifically discussed and competitiveness and cooperation of agricultural product between China-Asean and China-Chile has been fully analyzed with trade transfer and trade benefit theory .

  19. 第三章主要是回顾欧盟扩张的历程及前四次的贸易转移影响,再通过成员国经济一体化检验和产出总方程式分析欧盟东扩给成员国带来的投资效应和贸易效应。

    Chapter 3 is to recall the history of EU enlargement and trade diversion impact of prior four times . Then it is to analyze investment effect and trade effect on members due to test of economic integration of members and economic output formula .

  20. 但对华特殊保障措施从理论到实践都存在诸多问题,核心是对华特殊保障措施的适用要件尤其是在如何认定市场扰乱和重大贸易转移的问题上存在不确定性和模糊性。

    The core of the application of special safeguard measures to china is especially on how to make sure the elements of that " market disruption " and " significant trade diversion ," which lie in the question of the existence of uncertainty and ambiguity .

  21. 中部地区承接加工贸易梯度转移探讨

    Research on Central Region Attaining Gradient Shift of Processing Trade

  22. 跨国公司内部贸易的转移价格的确定

    Determination of Transfer Price in the Multinational Intratrade

  23. 实现加工贸易地区转移等,以此促进我国加工贸易的可持续发展。建筑中的气象问题

    To adjust industry construction and to transfer processing trade to the west of China . The Meteorological Problems in Construction Industry

  24. 随着全球技术一体化以及企业产品同质化趋势的加深,汽车产业的中心开始逐渐向汽车服务贸易领域转移。

    With the deepening of global integration of technology and the convergence of product quality , the center of this industry has gradually turned to the automobile service trade .

  25. 第四章则先定量分析欧盟东扩对中欧贸易的转移影响,再采用引力模型对中欧贸易转移进行实证分析,分别从国家贸易总量和具体某行业贸易流量两方面进行验证。

    Chapter 4 is empirical analysis about trade diversion impact on Sino-European trade with gravity model . It would test from two aspects total national trade and industry trade flow .

  26. 二是中国引进的外资不仅在技术和管理创新的扩散效应上没能达到预期效果,而且日益增加的加工贸易通过转移定价方式使中国经济不能充分享有出口增长带来的利润贡献。

    Moreover , some overseas-funded enterprises can 't bring in the spreading effect of management and technology innovations as expected , and increasing price-transferring policies implemented by foreign manufacturing traders have prevented China from sharing the profits of export growth fully .

  27. 2008年,国家批准实施《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》,批准设立钦州保税港区,确定钦州为全国加工贸易梯度转移重点承接地,钦州成为国家战略的重要组成部分。

    China have approved the implementation of " Development Planning of north Gulf Economic Zone ", approved the establishment of Qinzhou Bonded Port Area , Chow shift the national focus on undertaking processing trade , the Qinzhou become an important part of national strategy .

  28. 为促进区域协调发展,支持中西部承接产业转移,国务院因此提出了引导和推动加工贸易梯度转移,带动中西部开放型经济发展的政策思路。强调在支持中西部加工贸易发展的同时,要抓好统筹协调。

    In order to coordinate development between Eastern and Western Region and support central and Western Region to undertake the industry transfer , the State Council approved policies that improve gradient transfer of processing trade and drive central and western region to develop an opening economy .

  29. 国际贸易对通货膨胀转移的影响

    On the Effect of International Trade upon the Transfer of Inflation

  30. 因此,碳排放的研究应该考虑到国际投资和贸易引发的转移性排放。

    Therefore , the research on carbon emissions should consider the international investment .