
  • 网络maastricht university;Universiteit Maastricht, UM
  1. 他也曾在荷兰马斯特里赫特大学和蒂尔堡大学任教相当长一段时间。

    He also taught for long spells at Maastricht University and the University of Tilburg .

  2. 按我看,这是因为有不少人都来自马斯特里赫特大学,他们都倾向于多读些英文书籍。

    I think it has to do with a lot of people coming from Maastricht University who tend to read a little more in English .

  3. 来自马斯特里赫特大学医疗中心的首席研究员沃特医生说:“因为我们大多数人90%的时间都待在室内,探索周围环境温度对于健康的影响大有裨益。”

    Lead researcher Dr Wouter , from Maastricht University Medical Centre , said : ' Since most of us are exposed to indoor conditions 90 per cent of the time , it is worth exploring health aspects of ambient temperatures .

  4. 在荷兰,有人花33万美元买一个汉堡,他们是马斯特里赫特大学的科学家,想证明可以无须杀害东西一样可以使汉堡很美味。

    Some people in the Netherlands are spending three hundred thirty thousand dollars on a hamburger . The people are scientists at the University of Maastricht . They want to prove that they can make a hamburger that tastes good and does not require an animal to be killed .