
  • 网络trade finance;trade financing
  1. 最令IMF伤神的是东欧,但它也担忧,贸易金融遭到破坏,可能会让拉美和亚洲公司更难以获得运营资本。

    Eastern Europe causes the IMF most worry , but it fears the disruption in trade finance could make it harder for companies in Latin America and Asia to get working capital .

  2. 任志刚称,这将推动人民币贸易金融和银行间市场的发展。

    This would allow the development of trade finance in Renminbi and an interbank market , Mr Yam said .

  3. 首先是内蒙古边境贸易金融法制。

    The first is the financial legal system of frontier trade in Inner Mongolia .

  4. 1981年∽1993年为第二阶段,这一阶段官方汇率和市场汇率并存,即复汇率制度,不利于我国经济和对外贸易金融关系的发展。

    The second stage from 1981 to 1993 , official fixed exchange rate and marketing exchange rate coexisted .

  5. 如何向我国外贸企业提供国际贸易金融产品支持成为了现下我国国际贸易融资创新研究的一个重要的课题。

    It already becomes an important issue how to provide financial products of international trade for foreign-trade enterprises .

  6. 我们知道,小企业要在市场上竞争并取胜,就需要能够快速获取贸易金融服务。

    We know that small businesses need fast access to trade finance in order to compete and succeed , Ms Duan said .

  7. 最初,外资银行通常会通过其它服务例如现金管理或贸易金融知道这些城市里的公司。

    For a start , the banks often know the companies in these cities from other services such as cash management or trade finance .

  8. 国际金融公司还采取了创新思维和募集资源的方式。我们还启动银行资本,贸易金融、基础设施和微观信贷等等项目。

    IFC combines strong innovation with resource mobilization ; we have launched initiatives on bank capitalization , trade finance , infrastructure , and microfinance .

  9. 随着商品市场的扩大,商业贸易金融的发展,势必引起生产方式、生活方式以及经济结构的演变。

    The market expanding , commercial trade and finance developing must lead to the evolution of the mode of productive and life and the structure of economy .

  10. “这在本质上是利用受管制的中国内地与自由市场之间的利差进行套利,”一位在香港从事贸易金融的银行家说道。

    " This is in essence an arbitrage of the rate disparity between a restricted China and the free market , " said one Hong Kong-based trade finance banker .

  11. 尽管日内瓦在贸易金融方面也很强大(特别是在原材料方面),但在更广泛的银行领域和相关业务方面,它长期落后于苏黎世。

    Although very strong in trade finance as well , especially for raw materials , Geneva has over the years lost ground to Zurich and foreign centres for broader banking and related activities .

  12. 但不可否认的是,相比西方发达的股份制商业银行,我国商业银行的贸易金融业务创新无论在业务品种、产品结构还是在创新理念等方面都有不小的差距。

    But it is undeniable that , compared with Western developed joint-stock commercial banks , commercial banks in China trade finance operations both in the business of innovation , product innovation in the structure or concept , and other aspects not a small gap .

  13. 近年来,商业银行和保险公司在银保产品方面的合作发展非常迅速,商业银行正在寻求更多的贸易金融业务创新,保险公司也力图在信用交易中获得更多的保费收入。

    The bank-insurance as the mixed operation production between banks and insurance company developed very quickly this years . Now the commercial bank is seeking more innovations of trade financial operation , the insurance company also wants to earn more premium income from the credit trade .

  14. 正如花旗集团(Citigroup)所指出的,虽然新兴市场的结构与周期性形势大有改观,但与G3国家贸易与金融往来的增加,意味着这些冲击的转化实际上可能会变得更强。

    As Citigroup points out , while emerging markets ' structural and cyclical positions have improved markedly , the rise in trade and financial linkages with the G3 means the translation of these shocks could actually be stronger .

  15. 第四,威尼斯是贸易兼金融中心。

    Fourth , Venice was both a trading and financial center .

  16. 它在国际贸易和金融交易中得到广泛使用。

    It is widely used in international trade and finance transactions .

  17. 但是许多其他国家的贸易和金融还相对闭塞。

    But many other countries are relatively closed to trade and finance .

  18. 英国的经济依靠贸易和金融服务。

    Britain 's economy relies on trade and financial services .

  19. 威尼斯是贸易兼金融中心。

    Venice was Both a trading and financial centre .

  20. 第2章综述了国内外国际贸易与金融发展的相关文献。

    Chapter 2 summarizes the related literature of international trade and financial development .

  21. 对外贸易发展金融支持分析&以北京地区为例

    Financial Support and the Development of Foreign Trade

  22. 欧洲企业主导着世界贸易和金融。

    European business dominated world trade and finance .

  23. 经济,商务,贸易,金融,市场营销,管理,媒体娱乐,科学。

    Economics , Business , Trade , Finance , Marketing , Management , Media , Science .

  24. 新加坡保持国际贸易与金融中心的卓越地位是绝对必要的。

    The imperative for Singapore to maintain its pre-eminence as an international trading and financial centre .

  25. 国际贸易和金融创新为这座城市带来了经济财富。

    The city 's economicfortunes were born of its embrace of international trade and of financialinnovation .

  26. 在近期,最大的影响将会是在贸易和金融方面。

    In the immediate future the biggest impact will be in terms of trade and finance .

  27. 享有北方香港美誉的大连是中国重要的贸易和金融中心。

    Nicknamed the Hong Kong of northern China , Dalian is an important trading and financial centre .

  28. 各国在贸易、金融、服务等领域合作越来越密切。

    International cooperation in trade , finance , service and other fields are getting more and more closely .

  29. 本公司致力于与各国和各地区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。

    We are active in commercial intercourse with the trade and financial circle of various countries and district .

  30. 这与该时期贸易相对于金融的地位和发达程度是息息相关的。

    This was related to the status and development level of trade relative to the financial in this period .