
  • 网络investment;Investment management;MSc Investment Management;MSc in Investment Management
  1. 本文作者为拉塞尔投资管理公司(lasalleinvestmentmanagement)全球策略师

    The writer is global strategist at LaSalle investment management

  2. 作者为安石投资管理公司(ashmoreinvestmentmanagement)研究主管

    The writer is head of research at Ashmore investment management

  3. 他效力于管理着3550亿美元资产的投资管理公司FederatedInvestors,担任首席固定收益策略师,他指出:“各类资产之间存在不平衡或差别待遇,市政债券是最突出的例子。”

    There are inconsistencies or discrepancies from one asset class to another , " he says . "

  4. 把核心能力理论运用于企业RD投资管理,提出了基于核心能力培植的企业RD投资管理策略,即从核心能力构筑和培育的战略高度来引导RD投资活动。

    This paper originally applies the theory of core capability to R D investment management and suggests that R D investment management should be based on core capability cultivating .

  5. 本文作者是美国银行(boa)全球财富与投资管理部门首席市场策略师。

    The writer is chief market strategist , global wealth & investment management , Bank of America .

  6. 在英国投资管理协会(InvestmentManagementAssociation)监控的1844个单位信托和开放投资公司中,2006年表现最佳两只基金是Neptune俄罗斯及大俄罗斯基金和Neptune中国基金,而格芬是管理这两只基金的经理。

    Of the 1,844 unit trusts and open-ended investment companies monitored by the UK 's Investment Management Association , the best two performing funds in 2006 were Neptune Russia and Greater Russia and Neptune China , both managed by Mr Geffen .

  7. 自从1962年1月,美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR),通过授予CFA称号来确认从业人员具有高级专业资格。

    From January 1962 , American Investment Management Research ( AIMR ) charters the senior qualification of the financial investment practitioners with CFA .

  8. 私募股权基金一般采取非公开发行的方式,向有风险辨别和承受能力的机构或个人募集(有限合伙人LP),交由专家组成的投资管理机构(一般合伙人GP)运作。

    PE raises from the individuals or institutions ( limited partners , LP ) which have the capacity of risk identification and bearing , then take the funds to the investment management sector ( General partner , GP ) which consists of experts for operation .

  9. 私人客户投资管理公司brewindolphin的财务规划主管艾伦菲利浦斯(alanphillips)表示:“许多客户对于养老金持保守态度,尽管养老金是可以乐观看待的良好投资载体。”

    Alan Phillips , director of financial planning at brewin dolphin , the private client investment manager , said : " a lot of clients are conservative with pensions despite them being a good vehicle to be bullish with . "

  10. 企业信息科技投资管理初探

    Probe into Investment Management of Enterprises ' Information Science and Technology

  11. 重视医院营建工程投资管理

    Stressing the management of investment in housing construction projects of hospitals

  12. 边际概念在企业投资管理决策中的应用

    Application of Marginal Concept in decision of Investment Management in Enterprise

  13. 第三章分析了因《全国社保基金投资管理暂行办法》规定的不足而产生的委托投资资产配置风险,及其风险控制制度。

    Chapter three analyses the disposition risk of social insurance property .

  14. 风险投资管理中代理风险的防范研究

    The Guarding Research of the risk from agent for the Venture Capital

  15. 投资管理公司在陕西的发展研究

    Study on Development of the Investment Management Company in Shaanxi

  16. 第二、进一步改进境外投资管理体制;

    The second , further improve abroad investment management system ;

  17. 阐述了建设工程投资管理工作的重要性,论述了以人为本的管理是企业管理的核心。

    The importance of investment management work in construction project is elaborated .

  18. 如何建立铁路建设投资管理系统

    How to establish capital construction investment management system of railways

  19. 造价工程师与建设项目决策阶段投资管理

    Cost Engineer and Investment Management in Decision making Stage of Engineering Project

  20. 轨道交通设施的投资管理体制探讨

    Discussion on the Investment Management System of Track Traffic Facilities

  21. 证券投资管理专业人才需求分析与人才规格设计

    Demand Analysis and Personel Specification Design on Security Investment Managerial Special Staff

  22. 投资管理处组织、政策和程序手册

    Investment Management Service Organizations , Policies and Procedures Manual

  23. 风险投资管理的基本理论。

    2nd , the basic theory of VC management .

  24. 社保基金境外投资管理研究

    Management Research of Investment Abroad about Social Security Funds

  25. 论文总结了太湖流域治理投资管理取得的经验和存在的问题。

    The experience and problems from Taihu Basin improvement investment management were summarized .

  26. 朱兆荃先生负责外汇基金的投资管理。

    Francis Chu is responsible for the investment management of the exchange fund .

  27. 国外农业科研投资管理制度及对我国的启示

    The Management System of Foreign Agricultural Research Expenditure and the Enlightenment to China

  28. 开放式基金投资管理系统的开发研究

    Research and Developing of Open Fund Invest Management System

  29. 创新风险与我国风险投资管理

    Innovation , Risk and China 's Venture Capital Industry

  30. 投资管理监管组织〔英国〕

    Investment Management Regulatory Organisation [ United Kingdom ]