
  • 网络investor attention
  1. 此外,人们对美国三大汽车巨头前景的担忧,仍是紧张不安投资者关注的话题。

    Also , worries about the big-three U.S. automotive giants continue to focus nervous investor attention .

  2. 通过评估分析,本文的结论是华能国际的价值被市场低估,公司总体发展势态、经营和财务状况良好,值得投资者关注。

    By evaluating analysis , this paper concludes that the undervalued Huaneng Power International , the company momentum for the overall development , operation and financial condition , worthy of investor attention .

  3. 明日,英国石油(BP)将公布其最新的战略计划。该公司下游业务的前景将成为投资者关注的一个重点。

    Tomorrow BP will set out its latest thinking on strategy , with the outlook for downstream businesses expected to be a focus of investors ' attention .

  4. 首次公开发行新股时的相关信息披露是利益相关者重点关注的问题,其中的盈利预测又是众多投资者关注的焦点,而在我国IPO公司中,很多公司都不愿意披露其盈利预测信息。

    The information disclosure of initial public offerings is an important aspect , in which , profit forecast is the focal point that a lot of invertors show solicitude for . But in our country , among IPO listed companies , majority unwilling disclose the information of their profit forecast .

  5. 如果投资者关注积极方面,那就好多了。

    It would be better if investors focused on the positive .

  6. 但是,还有另一场关于比特币的大戏值得投资者关注。

    But there is another bitcoin saga that investors should watch .

  7. 现金股利作为上市公司回报股东的重要方式之一,一直以来备受投资者关注。

    Corporate dividend is an important way to reward shareholders .

  8. 中国证券市场越来越引起海外投资者关注,他们迫切需要了解中国证券市场及相关政策。

    Overseas investors are becoming increasingly interested in China 's securities market .

  9. 该调查得出的结果值得经济学家、政治评论家和投资者关注。

    The results were noteworthy for economists , political pundits and investors alike .

  10. 金融企业将成为投资者关注的重点。

    Financials will dominate the attention of investors .

  11. 委托书对于很多投资者关注的问题也采取了不以为然的态度。

    The proxy also takes a dismissive tone toward issues that many investors care about .

  12. 但这不仅仅是因为颓势在意料之内,还因为投资者关注的是前瞻性数据。

    But not only was the fall expected , investors were focused on forward-looking data .

  13. 汕头高新技术开发区引起海内外投资者关注

    Shantou 's new high level technology development zone draws domestic and overseas investors ' attention

  14. 证券市场上的新能源行业上市公司也成为了众多投资者关注的对象。

    Stock market listed company of new energy industry has become the focus of many investors .

  15. 这一新衍生产品以及股票市场的走势成为投资者关注的焦点。

    The movements of this new derivative product and stock market became the attention of investors .

  16. 在股票市场上电力板块成为众多投资者关注的目标。

    On the stock market the electric power stocks become the target of numerous investor concern .

  17. 建议投资者关注美元市场,同时天气可能对石油价格有所影响。

    Eyes will be focusing on the USD and also the weather could have an impact on prices .

  18. 股票价格的研究和预测成为众多学者和投资者关注的焦点。

    Research and prediction of the stock price has become a focus of attention of many academics and investors .

  19. 这种非对称现象可以由投资者关注和市场分割假说解释。

    The asymmetric price effects of additions and deletions can be explained by investor awareness and market segmentation hypothesis .

  20. 如何选择好的砂石料厂家和砂石料生产设备成为很多投资者关注的头等大事。

    How to select good impact production equipment manufacturers and impact for many investors focused on a top priority .

  21. 但在一些金融机构和情报部门内部正在进行的一场不断升温的辩论,值得投资者关注。

    But , deep inside some financial institutions and intelligence services , a debate is bubbling that investors should watch .

  22. 很多投资者关注的风险并非是政策失灵,而是政策运转的过好。

    The danger many investors are focused on is not that the policy fails , but that it works too well .

  23. 虽然许多政策制定者和投资者关注的重心似乎是人民币汇率的偏差,但更大的偏差其实在于薪资。

    Although many policymakers and investors seem focused on the misalignment of the renminbi , the bigger misalignment is with wages .

  24. 套利交易在股指期货交易中占有举足轻重的地位,是投资者关注热点。

    Arbitrage trading , which occupies a pivotal position in the stock index futures , is a major concern by investors .

  25. 许多投资者关注的是这种增长是否可以自我维系,是否可以由消费者需求、而非出口推动。

    Many investors remain preoccupied over whether this growth will become self-sustaining and driven by consumer demand , instead of exports .

  26. 而我国合并财务报表的价值相关性是证劵市场众多投资者关注的焦点,如何提高合并财务报表价值相关性成为亟待解决的问题。

    The value-relevance of consolidated statements is the focus of the investor , so how to improve value-relevance becomes a burning question .

  27. 在今年市场先遭遇抛售、随后出现反弹期间,是希腊(而非中国)成了投资者关注的焦点。

    Greece , and not China , has been the focus of investors ' concerns during this year 's sell-off and subsequent recovery .

  28. 但是,还有一个因素值得投资者关注:公司和资产管理机构是如何处置多余“现金”的?

    But there is another factor investors should watch : what companies and asset managers are doing with their spare " cash " .

  29. 成本是衡量企业竞争力的关键指标之一,也是投资者关注的焦点问题。

    The cost prediction in oilfield development is not only the key issue for measuring competitiveness but also the focus of the investors .

  30. 股利政策作为上市企业核心理财政策之一,一直是资本市场和投资者关注的焦点。

    Dividend policy has been the focus of the investors and the capital market as a one of the core financial management policy .