
tóu zī jiā
  • investor
  1. 本文作者为投资家、企业家,著有《从无到有》(ZerotoOne)一书

    The writer is an investor , entrepreneur and author of ' Zero to One "

  2. 投资家沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)出名的事情则是他一直居住在自己50年前购买的奥马哈平房里。

    Investor Warren Buffett famously lives in the Omaha bungalow he purchased 50 years ago .

  3. 如果英镑升值,英国的投资家们就会向国外投资,因为这样英镑能买到更多的东西。

    If the pound 's value is high , British investors will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more .

  4. 由安德森领衔的战略新闻服务公司(StrategicNewsService),是一家专为行业领袖和风险投资家服务的通讯出版商。

    Anderson is head of Strategic News Service , a newsletter publisher for industry leaders and venture capitalists .

  5. 对于风险投资家而言可获得高额的投资回报,因此,IPO被认为是最佳的退出方式。

    For venture investment , IOP can obtain higher investment return , so it is considered the best withdrawing mode .

  6. Facebook引发当地房地产市场的狂热之前,这位投资家曾计划竞购几套房产,结果出价低于别的买家。

    The VC had been outbid on several properties during the pre-facebook frenzy , when asking prices could be a mere suggestion & on the low end .

  7. 世界上最著名的投资家之一,WARRENBUFFETT(沃伦·巴菲特)曾经把衍生品叫“金融大规模杀伤性武器”。

    WARREN BUFFETT , one of the world 's most famous investors , once called derivatives " financial weapons of mass destruction " .

  8. 本文通过Stackelberg博弈模型的建立,分析风险企业家和风险投资家在产出中的份额分享。

    This paper , with a Stackelberg game model , analyzes the distribution between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists .

  9. 随着外资VC的本土化,风险投资家由于能够更方便地监控创业企业,倾向于增加投资本土企业的频率和力度。

    With more and more foreign VCs localized , VC would increase the frequency and the size when investing into local firms , because the monitoring became more and more convenient .

  10. 来自AtlasVenture的FredDestin,作为一位在欧洲和美国都工作过的风险投资家,他发现了其中的双重标准。

    Fred Destin , a venture capitalist at Atlas Venture who has worked in both Europe and America , sees a double standard .

  11. 美国科罗拉多州的一位风险投资家布拉德•费尔德(BradFeld)也曾为企业举办过非正式的守灵活动。

    Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .

  12. 身为一名风险投资家,威尔森一直建议开发人员先为Android开发应用程序,而且他预言iPhone与Android之间的竞争终将成为Windows与Macintosh之争的翻版。

    Wilson , a venture capitalist , has been advising developers to write first for Android , predicting that the iPhone vs. Android battle will turn out to be a replay of windows vs. Macintosh .

  13. YC的库房里塞进了三排胶合板质地、白色三聚氰胺面板的简易桌子,四周坐满了天使投资人和风险投资家。

    YC 's warehouse space , corrugated with three rows of tables made from plywood and white melamine , overflows with angels and venture capitalists .

  14. 英国风险投资家兼创业者萨尔克莱因(saulklein)认为,通过做好一些额外的基础工作,以弥补国家壁垒和厌恶风险的文化,欧洲人就能做到这点。

    Saul Klein , a UK-based British venture capitalist and entrepreneur , believes Europeans can , by putting in some extra groundwork to compensate for national barriers and risk-averse cultures .

  15. Facebook股票跌破其每股38美元的首发价引发一片哗然,但风险投资家比尔•古尔利提醒我们,跌破发行价并不一定意味着该股票从此将一蹶不振。

    In all the hubbub over Facebook ( FB ) shares falling below their $ 38 IPO price , venture capitalist bill Gurley reminds us that such a " break " does not necessarily mean that the stock is a long-term dud .

  16. 分析结果表明,无论风险企业是否达到IPO退出条件,风险投资家和风险企业之间是否签订回购协议以及回购协议中约定的违约费用的大小是影响博弈均衡结果的主要因素。

    According to the analysis , the main factors influencing the game equilibrium are whether the buyback agreement is signed between venture enterprises and venture capitalists , the sum of punishment , and whether venture enterprises satisfy the requirement of IPO .

  17. 这个以亿万富翁投资家沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)命名的税项(巴菲特缴纳的所得税比他的秘书还低,现在已经众人皆知),将会对年收入超过100万美元的人征收不低于30%的税率。

    Named after Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor who famously pays a lower income tax than his secretary , it would impose a minimum 30 per cent tax on those earning more than $ 1m a year .

  18. 2010年和2011年间,在上市前阶段的互联网公司中,最被风险投资家看好的是通常所谓的互联网“四骑士”:Facebook、社交游戏公司Zynga、团购网站Groupon和Twitter。

    In 2010 and 2011 , the four hottest pre-IPO Internet companies amongst venture capitalists were Facebook , Zynga , Groupon and twitter – the " four horsemen " of the Internet , as they were commonly called .

  19. 上周,硅谷风险投资家戴夫麦克卢尔(DaveMcClure)在中国的一个互联网创业者俱乐部上发言时,对东道主大加赞誉。

    When Dave McClure , a venture capital investor from Silicon Valley , spoke at an internet entrepreneurs ' club in China last week , he had a lot of praise for his hosts .

  20. 不过,许多投资家都渴望投资Dropbox,其中包括罗恩•康威,他表示自己曾目睹硅谷大约70%新创公司的交易。

    Meanwhile , investors like angel Ron Conway , who says he sees roughly 70 % of all startup deals in the valley , are dying to get in on a piece of the company .

  21. 众所周知,新数据分析产品Quid业已上市,它可以检测特定行业哪些细分领域的创新时机已经成熟,并向风险投资家推荐最佳的投资机遇。

    Apparently there is a new data analysis product called quid that is able to detect what sectors in a given industry are ripe for innovation , and direct venture capitalists toward the best opportunities .

  22. 作为一名风险投资家,博比奇采用了一种特立独行的做法,宣称她不会给“令人讨厌的人”投资,她还为颇具争议的约会应用Lulu(这款应用允许女性对男性评分)提供巨额资金支持。

    As a VC , Burbidge has taken a somewhat maverick approach , declaring she won 't invest in " jerks " and backing Lulu , a controversial dating app that allows women to rate men .

  23. 上个月,加州伯克利的无人机制造商3DR从一群风险投资家和企业投资方募集到640万美元,3DR的创始人之一是克里斯·安德森(ChrisAnderson),他曾是《连线》(Wired)杂志的主编。

    Last month , 3DR , a drone maker in Berkeley , Calif. , one of whose founders is Chris Anderson , a former editor of Wired magazine , raised $ 64 million from a group of venture capitalists and corporate investors .

  24. 安全行业前高管、现为Greylock风险投资家的阿西姆?钱德纳(AsheemChandna)表示,在邮件投递之前,分离可疑的邮件附件,放在隔离的“沙盒”中测试,有望过滤掉大量此类恶意软件的威胁,而且几乎是实时的。

    Pulling suspicious-looking email attachments and testing them in ringfenced " sandboxes " before allowing them to be delivered offers the promise of filtering out many of these malware threats , almost in real time , according to Asheem Chandna , a former security industry executive and now venture capital investor at Greylock .

  25. 风险投资家的代理风险表现与控制机制

    On the Principal-agent relationship and Control Mechanism in Venture Capital Fund

  26. 风险投资家的投资决策过程模型研究

    Study on the Model of Investment Decision Process of Venture Capitalist

  27. 风险投资家和创业者的双边匹配模型研究

    Study on the Two-Sided Matching Model between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs

  28. 大会上到处都能见到早期投资者和风险投资家。

    The conference was also filled with early-stage investors and VCs .

  29. 作为委托人的创业投资家:契约构造、筛选与监控

    Venture Capitalists as Principals : Contracting , Screening , and Monitoring

  30. 亿万富翁,著名投资家沃伦·巴菲特曾经对在公开场合演讲很恐慌。

    Billionaire investor Warren Buffett was terrified of public speaking .