
  • 网络Trade Competitive Index;Trade Special Coefficient
  1. 然而一般竞争力系数和贸易竞争优势指数却显示了建立在自然条件和简单劳动基础上的湖南省农产品竞争力的脆弱性。

    But the general competitiveness coefficient indicates the vulnerability of the competitive power of its produce based on the fine natural resources and adequate cheap labor .

  2. 本文先寻找合适的理论来支撑,然后采用大量的数据计算了金砖国家的贸易竞争优势指数,描述了金砖国家整体和每个成员国的贸易合作。

    With theory supported , this article uses a large number of data , not only calculating the trade competitiveness but also describing trade cooperation between each country and the " BRICS " .