
  • 网络Global Competitiveness Index;GcI
  1. 每一年,世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)都会发布一份全球竞争力指数(GlobalCompetitivenessIndex)。

    Each year , the World Economic Forum publishes its Global Competitiveness Index .

  2. 这两个关键的科学指标是根据全球竞争力指数(GCI)为各国排行的一组12个发展指标的一部分。

    These two key science indicators are part of a package of12 development indicators that ranks countries according to a global competitiveness index ( GCI ) .

  3. 你能够预感到世界经济论坛全球竞争力指数报告的未来版本将比之其过去反映更多的剧烈起伏波动。

    And you can anticipate that future versions of the World Economic Forum 's Global Competitiveness Index will be reflecting more rapid ascents and descents than it has in the past .

  4. 全球城市竞争力指数

    The Global City Competitiveness Index

  5. 经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)为商业软件联盟(businesssoftwarealliance)编制的全球“it竞争力指数”,可以针对这些关键领域给各个国家打分,从而帮助企业决定项目或部门的选址。

    A global " it competitiveness index " compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the business software alliance could help businesses decide where to locate projects or departments by scoring countries on these key areas .

  6. 中国制造业各行业质量竞争力逐年提高,2010年全球制造业竞争力指数排名第一。

    The quality of Chinese manufacturing competitiveness increased year by year , in 2010 global manufacturing competitiveness index ranked first .