
  • 网络The Global Financial Centres Index;Global Financial Centre Index;GFCI;Global Financial Centres Index GFCI
  1. 每年发布两次的全球金融中心指数(globalfinancialcentresindex)显示,在出现金融危机及金融服务公司大量裁员之后,伦敦和其最大的竞争对手纽约自2月份以来不断丧失竞争优势。

    The global financial centres index a twice-yearly ranking found that both London and New York , its nearest rival , had lost ground since February in the wake of financial crises and massive job losses in financial services .

  2. 但这两个城市都不能高枕无忧,在z/yen集团为伦敦金融城公司(cityoflondoncorporation)编制的全球金融中心指数中,香港和新加坡正在向它们逼近。

    But neither city can rest easy , as Hong Kong and Singapore are gaining ground on them in the global financial centres index compiled by Z / yen for the city of London Corporation .

  3. 上月公布的最新全球金融中心指数(GFCI)报告,就反映出了上述担忧。报告提及了伦敦的高税收和监管不确定性。

    The most recent Global Financial Centres Index , published last month , reflected these worries , citing high taxes and regulatory uncertainty .

  4. 伦敦、纽约和香港的银行业活动可能存在此消彼长的关系,但正如全球金融中心指数的编制者指出的那样,这三个分处不同时区的城市是作为一个整体在运转。

    Banking activity may fluctuate between London , New York and Hong Kong , but , as the compilers of the global financial index note , the three cities operate together , each in a different time zone .