
mào yì shōu zhī
  • Trade balance;foreign trade position;accounts of trade
  1. 双边汇率贬值对双边贸易收支的影响可能呈现J曲线或W曲线形态。

    The influence of depreciation of bilateral exchange rate on bilateral trade balance appears J curve or W curve .

  2. 结合劳动生产率总的系数和三个中介变量FDI、相对劳动力成本、实际汇率的系数考察劳动生产率如何对贸易收支的传导。

    Then it examines the transmission mechanism of labor productivity to trade balance , combining with the coefficient of labor productivity and the mediating variables FDI , and the coefficients of relative labor costs and real exchange rate .

  3. 第2节分析了实际汇率和贸易收支余额这两类数据的平稳性,通过ADF检验,我们发现这两类数据都是一阶单整I(1)的。

    Section II analyzes data stationarity of the real exchange rate and trade balance , with the ADF test , we found that these two types of data are integrated of order one I ( 1 ) .

  4. 本文通过对基于PTM模型的人民币汇率传递研究来分析汇率,尤其是升值政策对调节贸易收支的有效性问题。

    The paper discusses the effectiveness of exchange rate policy , especially exchange rate appreciation , to adjust the international trade balance from the perspective of RMB pass-through based on the PTM ( pricing-to-market ) model .

  5. 人民币汇率错位贸易收支效应研究

    Research on the current account effect of RMB'real exchange rate misalignment

  6. 汇率的贸易收支效应的理论演进

    The Theoretical Development of the Effect of Exchange Rate on Trade Balance

  7. 近年来中美贸易收支的变动及其影响

    The Changes of Sino-U.S. Trade Account and Its Influence in Recent Years

  8. 看看他们的贸易收支情况吧,他们的债务,还有预算。

    Look at their trade balance , their debt , and budget .

  9. 新加坡贸易收支之谜的协整分析

    Cointegration on the Puzzle of Singapore ′ s Trade Balance

  10. 浮动汇率制下货币贬值对贸易收支的长期影响

    The Long-term Effect of Devaluation on Trade Payment under Floating Exchange Rate

  11. 贸易收支目标与汇率政策选择

    The trade balance target and exchange rate policy selection

  12. 新加坡汇率与贸易收支关系的协整分析

    Cointegration on the Puzzle of Singapore 's Trade Balance

  13. 中国贸易收支的结构分析

    A Structural Analysis on Balance of Trade of China

  14. 论人民币汇率下调对我国贸易收支的影响

    The Impact of Depreciation of RMB on Foreign Trade

  15. 单位劳动成本与中美贸易收支关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Unit Labor Costs and China-US Trade

  16. 它的贸易收支将会变成负数,失业率将会高企。

    Its trade balance would turn negative , and there would be widespread unemployment .

  17. 中国贸易收支的汇率弹性与收入弹性

    Price and Income Elasticities of China Foreign Trade

  18. 人民币实际汇率与中国国际贸易收支关系实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of RMB Real Exchange Rate and China 's International Trade Balance

  19. 人民币自由兑换与对外贸易收支改善

    Free Exchange of Renminbi and the Improvement of Balance of Payment on Foreign Trade

  20. 财政赤字与贸易收支不平衡:来自中国经济的经验证据(1978~2003)

    Fiscal Deficit and Trade Imbalance : Empirical Evidence of China from 1978 to 2003 ;

  21. 在今天月度贸易收支数据公布之际,这一关系将成为人们关注的焦点。

    The relationship will be in focus today when monthly trade balance data are released .

  22. 消费者行为差异与中美贸易收支失衡研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Differences of Consumer Behavior and the Imbalance of China-US Trade

  23. 开放经济条件下,贸易收支差额对一国货币供给产生影响。

    Under the condition of an open economy , trade surplus has impact on money supply .

  24. 第二章主要从价格的角度研究汇率波动对贸易收支的影响。

    The second chapter studies the impact of exchange rate volatility on the balance of trade account .

  25. 对此,分别针对人民币升值、贸易收支失衡提出了政策建议。

    Finally , we put forward the policy proposals respectively on RMB appreciation and the trade imbalances .

  26. 最后,根据定性和定量的分析结果,对人民币汇率变动对中国贸易收支的影响进行评论并提出了相应的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper makes comments and gives some suggestion on the basis of above analysis .

  27. 因此,许多国家通过调整汇率来达到调节贸易收支的作用,汇率的影响越发显著。

    Therefore many countries take exchange rate as an adjustment instrument in order to regulate trade balance .

  28. 贸易收支应力求中长期的平衡,目前没有必要单纯为改善贸易收支状况而使人民币贬值。

    It is no necessary that we make RMB depreciate in order to improve trade balance only .

  29. 中国贸易收支、贸易结构与人民币实际有效汇率

    China 's Trade Balance , Trade Structure and Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB

  30. 贸易收支会慢慢趋于平衡,到90年代中期甚至会出现盈余。

    Trade income and expenses will be balanced gradually , till mid of90 's there will even be surplus .