
shí ɡuó jí tuán
  • Group of Ten
  1. 十国集团(巴黎俱乐部)

    Group of Ten ( Paris Club )

  2. 2006年底在十国集团开始执行的新巴塞尔资本协议,其核心是围绕信用风险管理开展的内部评级法。

    The core of the New Basel Capital Accord which just implemented in Group of ten in 2006 is the Internal Rating-Based Approach ( IRB Approach ), which is around about the credit risk management .

  3. 市场认为瑞典很可能维持目前高于绝大多数十国集团(g10)成员国的利率水平。

    Sweden is seen as likely to maintain rates at higher levels than in most other G10 countries .

  4. 投资者觉得,十国集团(G10)成员国央行不准备调整利率,以降低套利交易的吸引力。

    Investors feel G10 central banks are not prepared to change interest rates to make carry trades less attractive .

  5. 这个经验是很常见的10国集团和非十国集团国家。

    This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries .

  6. 十国集团中央银行支付安排专家组

    Group of Experts on Payments Schemes of the Central Banks of the Group of Ten Countries

  7. 委员会还将继续加强与非十国集团国家的合作。

    The Committee is also committed to further enhancing its interaction with supervisors from non-G10 countries .

  8. 新巴塞尔协议已于2004年6月正式公布,并将于2006年底开始在十国集团内进行实施。

    The New Capital Accord has been announced in June 2004 , and it will be used firstly in the Ten-group countries .

  9. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会是1975年由十国集团国家中央银行行长建立的。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is a committee of banking supervisory authorities which was established by the central bank Governors of the G10 countries in1975 .

  10. 1988年颁布的巴塞尔协议是针对十国集团银行实行资本充足率监管的公约,随着时间的推移这项举措被全球银行业所普遍接受,成为全球银行业共同遵守的准则。

    Basel Capital Accord has been published since 1988 , and used for supervising the banks of GlO . The process gradually was accepted by banks all over the world as a guile line .

  11. 新巴塞尔协议在监管方面确实有独到的创新之处,但它是根据十国集团的多方意见而制定的,代表着发达国家的意见。

    The New Basel Capital Accord is indeed a unique innovation of its supervision . It is based on the view of more than ten groups of developed countries , and represents the views of developed .

  12. 总的来说,人们日益认识到外汇市场已经趋于稳定,杠杆化过程暂时得以停止,股市在一天内得到反弹,此时十国集团应考虑(出售美元与日元)。

    Overall , there iss growing sense that FX markets have formed a base , as deleveraging take a temporary pause and an intraday rally in the G10 ( selling of Usd & Jpy ) should be considered .

  13. 代表着先进的风险管理理念和监管实践标准的《巴塞尔新资本协议》,于2006年末在西方十国集团正式实施,将成为全球统一的银行业监管标准和管理规则。

    In 2006 at the Western end of the formal implementation of the Group of Ten , " New Basel Capital Accord " Representing an advanced concept of risk management and regulatory practice standard will become the global harmonization of banking supervision standards and rules of the game .