
ɡuó jì zhài wù
  • international obligation
  1. 从国际债务的实践来看,外债对经济的发展的影响是一把双刃剑,外债规模过大,会影响一国偿债能力和国际收支平衡;

    From the fulfillment of the international obligation , we know the foreign loan has two effects to the influence of the economic development . Foreign loan scale over great , will damage the ability of national debt repayment and the international balance .

  2. OPEC(石油输出国组织)成员国所组织的石油锐减,国际债务危机的发展以及国际储蓄与投资流向的转移,冲击了银行资产的安全性和流动性。

    The oil from the OPEC ( Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ) decreased sharply . The crisis of international debt appeared and the international savings and investment shifted to different places .

  3. 结果可能是国际债务危机的加剧。

    The result could be a worsening of the international debt crisis .

  4. 现在则是盈余,且国际债务也大大减少。

    Now they all have current-account surpluses and much less foreign debt .

  5. 当时该国正处于对其国际债务违约的边缘。

    It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt .

  6. 国际债务减免的博弈论解释

    International Debt Relief : An Interpretation in Game Theory

  7. 国际债务问题近况及其前景

    Current state and future prospect of international debt problem

  8. 解决这一问题的一种办法是取消他们的国际债务。

    One way to solve this problem is to cancel their international debts .

  9. 全球经济发展中的国际债务与我国应对方略

    The International Debt of the Global Economic Growth and the Realistic Coping of China

  10. 除了作为一种投资对象之外,美国国债还是国际债务市场的基石。

    Beyond being an investment , US Treasuries are the bedrock of international debt markets .

  11. 国际债务与世界经济

    International Debt & world economy

  12. 关于资金流向发展中国家的制度,包括国际债务战略演变情况的会议

    Conference on the System of Financial Flows to Developing Countries , including the Evolution of the International Debt Strategy

  13. 十年前拒付国际债务的阿根廷希望在本月与债权国达成一个协议。

    Ten years after repudiating its international debts , Argentina hopes to strike a deal with unpaid creditors this month .

  14. 1997年中长期债券和银行贷款形式的国际债务达到1.2万亿,而1988年为0.5万亿。

    International lending in medium-and long-term bonds and bank loans reached US $ 1.2 trillion in1997 , up from US $ 0.5 trillion in1988 .

  15. 除个别情况外,每个欧元国家的基准信贷成本与其国际债务的平衡有关。

    With a few exceptions , the benchmark cost of credit in each euro-zone country is related to the balance of its international debts .

  16. 由于外汇储备下降,以及卢比对美元的汇率降到历史最低点,巴基斯坦面临无法偿付国际债务的风险。

    With foreign currency reserves dwindling and the rupee trading at all time lows against the dollar , Pakistan is in danger of defaulting on its debt .

  17. 许多发展中国家曾因沉重的国际债务负担而陷入困境,几十年来国际上采取了很多措施解决国际债务问题。

    Lots of developing countries once fell in debt dilemmas because of heavy international load , to solve the problem of international debt , many methods have been used internationally .

  18. 那些以美国痛苦为乐的人指出,这个世界经济巨人正背负着世界最大规模的国际债务,并被日渐疲软的美元所拖垮。

    Those who take pleasure in America 's discomfort point out that this global economic colossus has become shackled to the world 's largest pile of international debt and pulled down by a sinking currency .

  19. 第三次是20世纪80年代国际债务危机爆发后从国家领导的进口替代工业化战略到新自由主义的出口导向发展战略的转变。

    The third time is the change from import substitutive industrialization strategy led by the state to the developing strategy of the new liberalism export guide in 1980s after international debt crisis was broken out .

  20. 如果奥巴马政府和国会无法达成一致,提高上限,美国将不得不关闭政府,宣布对国际债务违约&由此可能触发目前看来仍很遥远的债务危机。

    If the administration and Capitol Hill cannot agree on a deal to raise that threshold , the US would have to shut down the government and default on its international debt obligations – potentially triggering the debt crisis that for the moment seems so distant .

  21. 布莱信将开发成本定在30亿美元,计划通过维珍股票和国际银行债务融资至少为该项目提供部分资金。

    Sir Richard puts the cost of development at $ 3bn and plans to fund it at least partially with a mix of Virgin equity and debt financing from international banks .

  22. 社会发展问题国际市长座谈会债务重新谈判专题会议

    International Colloquium of Mayors on Social Development ad hoc meeting on debt renegotiation

  23. 我们看到,国际债权国和债务国之间正展开一场利益之战。

    We are witnessing a battle between the interests of international creditors and debtors .

  24. 地方政府国际金融组织贷款债务风险与管理研究

    Research on Debt Risk and Management of International Financial Organization Loan by Local Government

  25. 他们还同意免除世界上最贫穷国家对国际借贷方的债务。

    They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world 's poorest nations .

  26. 国际社会应在债务减免、市场准入、技术转让等方面向非洲国家倾斜,帮助非洲国家克服发展障碍。

    The international community should offer African countries favorable conditions in debt relief , market access and technology transfer to help them overcome development obstacles .

  27. 上个月,八国集团的财政部长提议取消世界上最贫困的18个国家欠国际贷款机构的债务。

    Last month , finance ministers of the G-8 countries proposed to cancel the debts that the world ' s18 poorest countries owed to international lenders .

  28. 人和商业今年早些时候通过重组一笔国际债券避免了债务违约,但到今年下半年仍有价值5亿美元的贷款和债券需要偿付。

    The company avoided a debt default earlier this year after restructuring an international bond but it has more than $ 500m in loan and bond repayments due in the second half of next year .

  29. 在国际国内对政府债务逐步重视的大环境下以及湖南省现在面临的债务困难,必须很好地解决交通建设尽力而为和量力而行的矛盾。

    In international and domestic government debt gradual attention on the larger environment and Hunan are now facing debt difficulties , we have a good solution to traffic building " best effort " and " do what " contradiction .

  30. 利用国际上通行的债务规模指标,分析我国当前财政债务规模的现状,深入探究其不断扩大的原因,提出控制和缩减当前财政债务规模的政策建议。

    Through analyzing the present situation of public financial debt scale in China by means of international debt scale indices , this paper explores the causes of its enlargement and advances a policy suggestion of controlling and reducing the current scale of financial debt effectively .