
  • 网络international comparison
  1. ~(59)Fe的活度测量及国际比对

    Absolute Measurement of ~ ( 59 ) Fe and International Comparison

  2. ~(204)T1核素溶液放射性活度国际比对测量

    International Comparison of the Activity Measurement of Solution of 204 T1

  3. ~(60)Co放疗水平国家二级剂量标准的IAEA/WHO国际比对

    International intercomparison result of secondary dosimetry standard for ~ ( 60 ) Co radiotherapy level

  4. 用此剂量计参加了由IAEA/RCA组织的个人剂量监测国际比对,在两个比对阶段中均获得了满意的结果。

    Good results were achieved in both phases of the 2nd IAEA / RCA personal dosimeter intercomparison with the dosimeters .

  5. 本文介绍了我单位热释光剂量学实验室参加IAEA/RCA光子个人剂量监测国际比对(第一阶段)的结果。

    The results of our Thermoluminescence Dosimetry Laboratory in IAEA / RCA personal dosimetry intercomparison for photon , phase ⅰ are introduced .

  6. 本文对UVA探测器照度响应度国际比对中的技术细节和比对方法进行了详细的讨论。

    In addition , the methods used for measuring the irradiance responsivity of UVA detectors are described and compared in this paper .

  7. 介绍了球棒校准的国际比对,测量采用激光和CCD成像系统的新方法,这种方法可以用于球棒和球板的高精度测量。

    Introduce the international comparison of ball bar s. Use the new method of laser and CCD imaging . Regard this method is very useful in the field of high precise measurement of ball bar and bar plate .

  8. 20~100MPa压力量值国际比对

    An International Comparison of Pressure in the Range of 20-100 MPa

  9. 结果用本方法识别出了2个国际比对样品中包含的全部特征核素,给出的测量值与IAEA的参考值非常接近。

    Results All of the radionuclides contained in two intercomparison samples had be identified , and our measurement results are closed to the reference values announced by IAEA .

  10. IAEA-RCA个人剂量计国际比对结果和讨论

    The results and discussion of intercomparison of personal dosimeters in iaea-rca

  11. 30MHz同轴小电压(1mV)的国际比对Y2O3掺杂的WO3陶瓷是一种新型的压敏电容材料。

    An International Comparison of Coaxial Low Voltage ( 1mV ) at 30 MHz Y_2O_3-doped WO_3 ceramic is new kind of low voltage capacitor-varistor material .

  12. 利用改进的Sharp-Little法研制光谱漫反射因数测量装置与国际比对

    The Development of Spectral Diffuse Reflectance Apparatus Based on Modified Sharp-Little Method and the International Comparison

  13. 参加国际比对实验CCQM-P78,结果与国际实验室的结果等效一致。

    This method was used to perform international comparison for CCQM-P78 , and the result was consistent with that of international laboratories .

  14. 通过2001至2004年度CTBT放射性核素实验室滤材样品的国际比对对方法进行了检验,零时的计算值与参考值在不确定度范围内一致。

    The method was applied to determine the zero time of filter sample in the CTBT radionuclide laboratories intercomparison from 2001 to 2004 . The calculated results are very good agreement with referent values in the range of uncertainty .

  15. 将该系统应用于微电子掩模板台阶高度标准的测量,实验表明DICM的测量值与国际比对结果相符合,系统具有良好的复现性,极限偏差小于5nm。

    DICM has been successfully utilized to measure the mask standard step height and the experimental results agree well with that of the international calibration . The results also show the system has good repeatability with a maximum deviation of 5 nm .

  16. 发光强度单位国际比对方法和结果

    The Method and Results for International Comparison of Luminous Intensity Unit

  17. 密封型氧三相点的复现和国际比对

    Realizing Triple Point of Oxygen in Sealed Cells and International Comparison

  18. 验光机用客观式模拟眼的研制及国际比对

    A Development on the Objective Model Eye Set for Refractometer Use

  19. 参加环境样品中放射性核素活度国际比对的结果

    IAEA intercomparison results on measurement of radioactivity in environmental samples

  20. 冲击电压测量系统的国际比对

    Experience of the International Comparison of Impulse Voltage Measuring Systems

  21. 放射性碳测年国际比对活动的初步结果

    Preliminary results for the Fourth International Radiocarbon Inter Comparison study

  22. 一次白酒样品放射性国际比对的启示

    The inspirations with a radioactive intercomparison on a wine sample

  23. 高值电阻国际比对的方法研究

    Research of the Method in International High Resistances 's Contrast

  24. 压入法纳米硬度测量与亚太国际比对

    Nano Hardness Measurement by Static Indentation and Asia-Pacific Interlaboratory Comparison

  25. 同位素稀释质谱法在痕量有机物测量国际比对中的应用

    Applications of Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry in International Comparisons

  26. 通用热扩散率测试技术的国际比对

    The international comparative study on pulse thermal diffusivity measurements

  27. ~(125)I放射性溶液活度测量国际比对

    ~ ( 125 ) I International Comparison of Radioactivity Measurement of the NIM

  28. 紫外辐射计量的新进展与国际比对

    New Development for UV Radiation Measurement and Intercomparison

  29. 密封式氩和氖三相点容器的国际比对

    An Intercomparison of Triple Points of Argon and Neon by Means of Sealed Cells

  30. 可移式激光绝对重力仪国际比对

    An International Comparison for Portable Laser Absolute Gravimeter