
  • 网络state-controlled listed companies
  1. 同时将国有控股上市公司再细分为中央国有控股公司和地方国有控股公司。

    Meanwhile the state-controlled listed companies are further divided into the central holding state-owned companies and local state-owned companies .

  2. 基于中国混合所有制企业公司治理的特殊性和治理机制的分析,论文构建了反映国有控股上市公司治理机制的十个变量。

    Based on the specialty and governance mechanism of Chinese mixed ownership enterprises ' corporate governance , the paper set up ten variables to reflect the corporate governance mechanism for Chinese state-controlled listed companies .

  3. 我国A-H股国有控股上市公司现金股利政策影响因素研究

    A Study on Determinants of Cash Dividends Policy of A-H Share State Listed Companies in China

  4. 国内目前的政策和体制环境已经催生一批企业进行MBO改革,其中尤以国有控股上市公司对MBO最为热衷。

    Domestic present policy and institutional environment has urged a batch of enterprise to carry out MBO reform , among them is keen on MBO most the state holding listed company particularly .

  5. 然后考虑到两个不同的股票市场对A-H股国有控股上市公司的影响,文章还检验了这些公司在2004年发放的现金股利在两个市场的效应。

    Second , we tested the two market 's domino affection of cash dividends distributed in 2004 considering infection of those two different stock markets to those listed companies .

  6. 实证结果表明,影响我国A-H股国有控股上市公司现金股利政策的因素主要有上市公司的盈利能力、以前年底的现金股利、H股市场的市价、持股前5名占总股本比例等因素。

    The demonstration results show that there are some determinants effect A-H share listed companies cash dividend policies . Such as : payoff ability , dividends distributed in last year , stock value in H share market , the control cash dividends share holders .

  7. 国有控股上市公司高管人员薪酬激励研究

    Research on Senior Executive 's Salary Incentive of State-owned Listed Company

  8. 因此,本文将在国有控股上市公司这一特定的微观背景下,研究股权激励性的有效性。

    Therefore , this paper will research the effectiveness of equity incentive .

  9. 国有控股上市公司股权激励机制研究

    A Study of Share Incentive Mechanism of State-Controlled Listed Companies

  10. 国有控股上市公司内部人控制研究

    Research on Insider Control in Listed Companies of State-owned

  11. 我国国有控股上市公司股权激励机制完善刍议

    China 's State-controlled Shareholding Companies Listed Incentive Mechanism Perfection

  12. 基于股权分置改革国有控股上市公司现金股利政策研究

    Study on the Cash Dividends Policy of State-Owned Listed Companies around the Ownership Reform

  13. 对我国国有控股上市公司盈余管理的特殊动机和手段进行分析;

    Study the special motives and methods of earnings management of the state-holding listed companies .

  14. 辽宁国有控股上市公司资产重组绩效分析与评价

    Analysis and Appraisal on the Performance of Assets Rearrangement of State-holding Listed Company in Liaoning

  15. 国有控股上市公司金字塔所有权结构影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Determinants of Pyramidal Ownership Structure of Listed Companies Controlled by Chinese Government

  16. 基于绩效评价的国有控股上市公司经营者激励问题研究

    The Research on Manager Incentive in State-owned Holding List Corporations on the Base of Performance Measurement

  17. 因此,国有控股上市公司内部人控制严重的原因恰恰是因为没有大股东。

    Hence , no big shareholder is the exact reason of insider control in the company .

  18. 净利润增长率对国有控股上市公司投资规模有较显著的正影响。

    Net profit growth rate of state-owned investment holding company listed on a more significant positive impact .

  19. 所以国有控股上市公司可能会选择较低的审计质量。

    Therefore the state . owned holding to be listed will possibly choose the low audit quality .

  20. 以我国国有控股上市公司的产权安排特点和缺陷为基础,论述其盈余管理行为。

    Discuss the earnings management behavior of state-holding listed company based on its property right characteristic and defect .

  21. 国有控股上市公司高管年薪与高管在职消费存在正相关关系。

    There is a positive relation between the CEO salary and in-service consumption in State-owned enterprises . 3 .

  22. 研究表明:目前辽宁国有控股上市公司行业中传统行业居多,尤其是重化工业和装备制造业,而高科技行业少;

    The studies has shown that traditional trade is in the majority , while Hi-Tech trade is very few ;

  23. 然而,相对于民营企业,国有控股上市公司的投资效率却不尽如人意。

    However , compared with the investment efficiency of private enterprises , that of state-controlled listed companies is not satisfactory .

  24. 我国对国有控股上市公司有比较完善的法律监管体制,所以,无论是通过间接持股还是直接持股的方式,国有性质的控股股东都不具备侵占中小股东利益的动机。

    So , state-owned controlling shareholders do not have the motivation of occupation of of the interests of minority shareholders .

  25. 最后,提出完善国有控股上市公司高级管理人员薪酬制度的政策建议。

    Finally , some policy suggestions to improve the compensation system of the state holding listed company are given out .

  26. 国有控股上市公司权益代理成本显著低于民营控股上市公司。

    The agency cost of the management in state controlled listed companies is lower than that in privately controlled listed companies .

  27. 最后本文对改善国有控股上市公司的治理结构提出了一些建议以及研究的展望。

    Finally this paper raise a number of recommendations and research prospects to improve the state-controlled governance structure of listed companies .

  28. 主要从实证的角度来研究国有控股上市公司高管薪酬与公司财务绩效的关系。

    We use the perspective of empirical research to analyze the relationship between the CEO salary and the performance of State-owned enterprises .

  29. 国有控股上市公司的股权结构对投资行为具一定的影响效应,但影响不大。国有股比例和投资规模是弱相关关系。

    State-owned holding company listed on the shareholding structure of the investment behavior of a certain impact effect , but little impact .

  30. 建立外部董事制度,是进一步完善国有控股上市公司治理结构的一项重要举措。

    Establishing a system of external directors is an important measure to further improve the corporate governance structure of listed state-owned company .