
  • 网络international award
  1. 联想创新设计再获国际大奖

    Lenovo 's innovative design won international award again

  2. 越来越多的亚洲新电影不断地斩获国际大奖,获得世界观众的接受和盛赞,成功地步上了跨文化传播的旅程。

    More and more Asian films have the international award , have acceptance and appreciation of World audience .

  3. 在近四十年的电影制作生涯中,张叔平曾摘得数十项国际大奖,其中包括凭藉《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)在戛纳电影节获得的技术大奖。

    The honor comes after almost four decades of filmmaking punctuated by dozens of international accolades -- including a technical prize at Cannes for ' In the Mood for Love , ' set in the 1960s Hong Kong of his childhood .

  4. 他们中的一个人获得了国际大奖。

    One of their own people had received an international prize .

  5. 在他的努力下曾培养出许多获国际大奖的学生。

    Among his students are lots of international competition winners .

  6. 上个赛季伊恩获得最高级别的国际大奖。

    Last season Ian gained full international honours .

  7. 其作品屡次斩获国际大奖,这在美国华裔文学史上并不多见。

    His novels which repeatedly gain international awards are unprecedented in the Chinese-American literary history .

  8. 《赵氏孤儿》又名《程婴救孤》,是中国第一个获得国际大奖的戏曲剧目。

    " Chinese Orphan " is the first Chinese opera to ever win an international prize .

  9. 邀请世界各地最伟大的冠军选手在首轮国际大奖赛中一争高下。

    inviting the greatest champions from around the globe to battle in the first ever World Grand Prix .

  10. 继在前三年全国比赛中连续获得“满堂红”之后,这家公司今年又夺得了国际大奖。

    After winning every national contest in previous years , the company took home an international prize this year .

  11. 嗯,我知道,它是中国最有名的酒,得过许多国际大奖。

    Well , I know it is the most famous liquor in China and a winner of many international awards .

  12. 凡是看过聚合油在国际大奖赛上的表现的人绝不会再回去用汽油了。

    After seeing allinol in action at the World Grand Prix , nobody will ever go back to gasoline again .

  13. 然而,他被人们铭记却是由于他构思了一项奖励杰出数学成就的国际大奖,并为之提供了资金。

    However he is best remembered for conceiving the idea of , and for providing funds for , an international medal for mathematical distinction .

  14. 香格里拉集团获得了许多国际大奖以及来自声望很高的专业杂志和同行的承认。

    The Shangri-La Group has won many international awards , as well as recognitions from prestigious professional journals and people of the same trade .

  15. 由他创作的石、钢和铜制作品曾在不同的国家获奖,而他在德国创作的钢制建筑曾荣获国际大奖。

    His works in bronze stone and steel were awarded in different countries and also a steel architecture he created in germany was international high awarded .

  16. 该团曾多次参加亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲的民间艺术节,并荣获多项国际大奖。

    The group has taken part in many folklore festivals in Asia , Africa , Europe and America , and has gained many international prizes and medals .

  17. 十二岁的李海铭和十一岁的刘芳孜是屡获国际大奖的钢琴家,同时,一支乐团也演奏了影片的经典原声带。

    Twelve-year-old Li Haiming and 11-year-old Liu Fangzi , who both have many international awards , meantime and an orchestra also played original classical music from the film .

  18. 当他们带回外星人的照片和录影带时,他确信他将走过许多条过道领取各种国际大奖和拨款,这样一来他就能证明他提出的所有其他理论了。

    When they returned with photos and video of the alien he was sure he would walk down manyaislesto claim international awards and financialallocationsto test all of his other theories .

  19. 他赞同这些设计,频繁的告诉员工他不但可以设计汽车参加国际大奖赛还可以设计他儿子提出的保时捷原型。

    He approved of them , commenting frequently to the workers that he would have designed both the Cisitalia Grand Prix car and the Porsche prototype the same way Ferry did .

  20. 更有的武侠电影斩获国际大奖,在票房收入上屡创佳绩,赢得了世界观众的认可与称赞,成功地踏上了跨文化传播的轨道。

    Even some swordsmen films gained international film festival awards , and made a great success of the box office , winning the audiences ' recognition and praise over the world .

  21. 期间经历过多次获得国际大奖的荣誉,也有沉寂于国际动画界的悲哀。

    During the past eight decades , Chinese animation has witnessed both the honor of wining several international prizes and the sorrow of being completely ignored in the international animation arena .

  22. 这部影片一举囊括了40个国际大奖并在电影圈引起一股武侠片热。

    This movie , shot the traditional architecture and natural scenery in China , won40 International awards and gave rise to an upsurge of Kung Fu movies in the movie circle .

  23. 民国初年,获得几项国际大奖的祁门红茶正式登上国际历史舞台,其发展历程的序幕就此拉开。

    During the early years of the era of the Republic of China , Keemun Black , which had won several international prizes stepped onto the international historical stage , thus began its prelude of development .

  24. 一些中国设计师获得国际大奖,许多人开始到米兰、东京、纽约等地工作,设计成为中国最热门的专业之一。

    Some Chinese designers have won international honours and lots of them start their fortune in places like Milan , Tokyo , New York etc. designing has since become one of the most popular majors in China .

  25. 他从未赢过英国国际汽车大奖赛。

    He never won the British Grand Prix .

  26. 作为国际汽车大奖赛的车手,随时都有可能发生事故。

    As a Grand Prix driver , you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment .

  27. 该桥由总部位于阿姆斯特丹的Next建筑事务所设计师设计,一举在中国长沙梅溪湖人行天桥设计大赛中获得国际设计大奖。

    Designed by Amsterdam-based NEXT architects , it won an international competition to design a pedestrian bridge across Meixi Lake in Changsha , China .

  28. 2011年,飞利浦设计荣获了99项国际设计大奖,创下了公司的历史最高纪录,其中包括多个iF和红点(RedDot)等在业内极受推崇的产品设计奖项。

    In 2011 , Philips Design received 99 major international design awards , including multiple prestigious if and red dot prizes for product design & the most ever for the brand .

  29. F1的掌门人伯尼•埃克莱斯顿很少会在国际汽车大奖赛结束后逗留。

    BERNIE ECCLESTONE , the boss of the Formula One Group , rarely sticks around for the finish of a Grand Prix .

  30. 一辆1991年款售价低于20000美元的庞蒂克国际汽车大奖赛车型看起来(至少是外形上)就像上一年的售价26000美元的运动版Turbo型车。

    A1991 Pontiac Grand Prix model sells for under $ 20000 but looks ( on the outside , anyway ) like last year 's sporty $ 26000 Turbo model .