
  • 网络performance indicators;Key Performance Indication;KPI;quota;business indicator
  1. 利用关键业绩指标法将影响售后服务的关键因素分解提炼,并且为这些指标设计了定量的考核办法,使得对外包商的绩效考核具有实际的可操作性。

    We use KPI to pipe and abstract the key factors which effect after service , and plan some quantitative examining methods for these indexes .

  2. 有些工具还支持对业务关键业绩指标(KeyPerformanceIndicator,KPI)进行定义和规范。

    Some tools also support the definition and specification of business key performance indicators ( KPI ) .

  3. 关键业绩指标(KPI)及其在电信企业中的运用

    Key Performance Indication ( KPI ) and Its Application in Telecom Company

  4. 另外,只有使用会计回报作为企业业绩指标,才能支持市场RPE。

    Only when using accounting performance measures does the data support market RPE .

  5. 在过去的几年中,通过KPI(KeyPerformanceIndication,关键业绩指标)来实现企业经营过程中对员工组织的引导及考核越来越被企业所接受。

    In the past few years , leading and assessing the staff in an enterprise by using KPI ( Key Performance Indication ) has been accepted gradually .

  6. 作为一个结果性的业绩指标,EVA对于解决长期资本分配以及资源配置领域中的管理问题作用较大,并且用于激励系统时效果较佳。

    As a performance evaluation index , EVA have great effect on allotting the long-term capital and the inspirit system .

  7. 通过对KPI指标的分析,我们能够了解到关键业绩指标在日常经营中不可替代的关键作用。

    We could know the irreplaceable key function of achievement index in the daily operation .

  8. 首次尝试采用稳健的R估计法建立电力行业股票收益率与经营业绩指标的数学模型。

    Initially applying robust R estimator method , a more significant multivariate regression model among stock profit ratio and business ( achievement ) index such as earnings per share is established .

  9. 更多地关注员工的关键业绩指标KPI;培养较高层次跨国管理人才。

    Paying more attention to KPI ; Paying much more attention on training overseas management personnel .

  10. 企业高层对于下级管理者持续达不到业绩指标的愤怒,在一定程度上解释了“执行”(execution)这个21世纪初最热门管理术语为何如此风靡。

    Irritation at the persistent failure of managers lower down the corporate ladder to perform partly explains the huge popularity of the hottest management buzzword of the early 21st century execution .

  11. 对于长期激励业绩指标体系的选择,文中提出选择经济增加值(EVA)作为高管人员业绩评价指标最为适合。

    Whereas , for long-term assets incentive performance index system , it points out that it is the best to choose economy value adding ( EVA ) as executive performance evaluation index .

  12. EVA业绩指标的理论基础是剩余收益,它通过对GAAP进行调整,试图克服剩余收益的缺陷,使调整后的剩余收益尽可能趋近于经济收益。

    EVA founded on the theory of surplus income ; it passes to adjust the GAAP , trying to overcome the shortcoming of the surplus income .

  13. 要获得联邦TitleIV-E固定拨款,这些机构需要生成每日业绩指标来证明拨款正在实现预期效果。

    And to qualify for a federal Title IV-E block grant , agencies must generate performance metrics on a daily basis to prove that the allocations are creating the desired effect .

  14. 该软件系统为网络结构优化、服务质量改善提供了好的解决方案。通过运行结果可以表明,该系统使长沙移动公司关键业绩指标KPI改善近12%,为长沙移动取得很好的社会和经济效益。

    The software can provide good projects for network construction optimization and improvement of service quality , and the results shows that it increase the KPI of Changsha mobile to 12 % and obtain society and economic benefit .

  15. 文章借鉴了各种理论工具思想,通过访谈、统计等研究方法,以KPI理论工具为主导,建立了一套包括业绩指标和能力指标的适合HY公司特点的绩效考核指标体系。

    The article used various theories , Through interviews , statistics , research methods , To KPI theory-driven instrument , Set up a set of performance indicators , including indicators and capacity HY corporation fit the characteristics of performance appraisal index system .

  16. 这个部门规定了一些很高的业绩指标。

    The Department has been set some very high attainment targets .

  17. 基于信息熵赋权的经营业绩指标评价模型

    Index Assessment Modelling for Managerial Achievement Based on Information of Power-entrustment

  18. 定期向董事会报告主要业绩指标。

    Communicate key performance indicators to board on a regular basis .

  19. 具有供应商资格认证程序和供应商业绩指标方面的深厚知识。

    In depth knowledge of supplier qualification processes and supplier performance metrics .

  20. 基金业绩指标评价体系研究

    A Research on the Evaluation System of Fund Profit Index

  21. 关键业绩指标理论在临床营养科绩效评估的应用探讨

    Application of key performance indictor theory in hospital nutrition department

  22. 提出一个6个月的试验方案,采用各方都接受的业绩指标。

    Propose a six-month experiment with indicators of performance agreed by all parties .

  23. 黄金矿山企业生产经营业绩指标评价考核体系探索

    On the elevation and feed back system of management performance of gold mines

  24. 基于业绩指标的中国省区旅游业竞争力测评研究

    Evaluation research of China ′ s provincial tourism competitiveness based on performance indexes

  25. 生态效率指标:环境业绩指标和财务业绩指标结合方法探讨

    Ecological Efficiency Quota : A Combination of Environment Achievement Quota and Financial Achievement Quota

  26. 领导财务规划师和经理人队伍以达到公司的业绩指标。

    Lead a team of potential financial planners and managers to achieve pre-determined KPIs .

  27. 分析了包装物流系统的关键成功因素和关键业绩指标。

    Critical successful factors and key performance index of packaging logistics system are proposed .

  28. 指出效率是对业绩指标的一种度量方法。

    This paper points out that the efficiency is a method to measure performance .

  29. 促进了学习型学科的建设。结论:关键业绩指标理论在临床营养科绩效评估中的实践应用具有必要性和可行性,可使营养科管理更加科学化和规范化;

    Conclusions : Application of key performance indictor theory in hospital nutrition department was necessity and feasible .

  30. 全文不仅分析收益、股票回报等业绩指标,也考虑直接监控的影响。

    I consider financial measures such as earnings and stock return , as well as direct monitoring .