
  • 网络service provider;ISP;SP Service Provider
  1. HX公司是国内领先的无线网络优化解决方案综合业务提供商。

    HX Company is a leading wireless network optimization solutions , integrated service provider .

  2. 业务提供商在中间件平台上开发增值应用,将成为推动增值业务发展的动力源。

    Service provider develops value-added applications on middleware platform and will become the power source to promote value-added service development .

  3. 因为其开放性,OSGi规范为业务提供商、软件开发商、设备供应商、网关运营商提供了开发、实施和管理业务的一个开放平台;

    As an open standard it provides an open platform for service providers , software developers , equipment suppliers , operators ;

  4. 服务等级协议SLA是业务提供商和客户之间签订的具有法律效力的,在服务质量、优先权和责任义务等方面达成的协议。

    SLA is an agreement signed between the service providers and customers that have the force of law in service quality , priorities and responsibilities .

  5. 网络电视(IPTV)内容管理系统主要实现对IPTV第三方增值业务提供商所提供的视频和文字信息等内容进行管理的功能。

    The IPTV content management system mainly implements the management of the contents provided by IPTV third-party value-added services providers , such as video and text information .

  6. LBS业务提供商的核心能力是整合消费者和线上线下的商家,作为整个LBS价值链条的核心,他通过整合大量商家的服务来完善自己的平台,借此来吸引消费者,增加消费者的黏性。

    As the centre of the whole LBS value chain , they optimize their own platform by integrating a mass of merchants to provide service , thereby attracting consumers and strengthening their stickiness .

  7. ITU-T对NGN的定义包含以下内容:能够使用户自由接入不同的业务提供商;能够支持通用移动性,从而向用户提供一致的和无处不在的业务。

    The ITU-T definition of NGN includes : it offers unrestricted access by users to different service providers , and it supports generalized mobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision of services to users .

  8. 其中,Parlay组织提出的Parlay规范,提供了向第三方接入和控制核心网络资源的标准API,从而使得第三方业务提供商能够高效地进行电信业务开发。

    Among such APIs , Parlay API which was proposed by Parlay group provides new opportunities for rapid and efficient service creation by offering a standard way for the third party service provider to access and control core network resources .

  9. JDSU是为电信业务提供商、有线运营商与网络设备生产厂商通信测试与测量解决方案与光产品的领先提供者。

    The Company offers test and measurement systems and services for telecommunications service providers , cable operators , and network equipment manufacturers .

  10. 业务提供商业务开发遇到的问题及解决的方案

    The Service Provider Meeting Problem and Solving Plan in Service Developing

  11. 天极无线已经成为中国具有影响的无线增值业务提供商之一。

    Chinabyte ( wireless ) is one of the influential wireless value-added business providers in China .

  12. 现在大量的运营商和业务提供商在许多地方提供宽带业务。

    Now a large number of operators and service providers to provide broadband services in many places .

  13. 但是,从一家芬兰手机制造商转变为一家手机软件及业务提供商,并非易事。

    But turning a Finnish hardware-maker into a provider of software and services is no easy undertaking .

  14. 美国的次级抵押业务提供商受到了国会委员会的追查,贷款业务面临取缔。

    America 's " subprime " mortgage providers have been hounded by congressional committees and face regulatory clampdowns .

  15. 并提供了业务提供商的流媒体应用所面临的主要问题及其应对策略。

    Streaming media market is forecasted , problems before service provides on technology ap-plication and their counter measures are presented .

  16. 中国联通则可以充分综合业务提供商的优势,在个人市场上开发有特色的服务,同时继续做好行业应用;

    China Unicom can fully integrate the advantages of service providers , develop services with characteristics in individual market , and keep on industrial application .

  17. 为网通从网络运营商向综合业务提供商转型探索出一条可行的道路。

    Shandong Unicom , one of the Chinese telecommunications operators , is trying to convert itself from the network operator into the comprehensive information service provider .

  18. 第四章是论文的重点,将博弈论运用到电信产业组织分析中,建立电信运营商和增值业务提供商之间的博弈模型,提出合作运营模式是电信增值业务商业模式的发展方向。

    In the fourth part , the business model is designed by using the tool of game theory . As a result , cooperative model is promising in telecom value-added service .

  19. 该意见稿还写道,业务提供商有责任保持所有收集到的个人信息和行程数据机密资料,信息的任何泄漏行为都可能会受到警方的调查。

    Service providers have the responsibility to keep any collected personal information and itinerary data confidential and any leak of this information could be subject to police investigation , it was stated .

  20. 本文论述了神经网络、决策树、聚类分析等挖掘技术在某电信增值业务提供商的市场营销中的实际应用情况及所取得的效果。

    This paper discusses the actual application circumstances and effect of data mining , including neural network , decision tree , clustering etc for enterprise marketing of telecommunication value added server provider .

  21. 2008年5月23日,中国电信业重新改组,电信市场的格局发生了巨大的变动,中国电信、中国移动、中国联通三足鼎立,均成为综合业务提供商。

    China telecom industry has been restructured at May 23 , 2008 . The pattern of the telecommunications market has undergone tremendous changes . China Telecom , China Mobile , China Unicom have all became integrated service providers .

  22. 利用数据挖掘技术,结合试验设计的思想,采用多种分析方法从两个角度,通过对一家电信增值业务提供商在客户流失危险度模型指导下的针对性营销效果进行实证分析。

    A real-evidence analysis about pertinence marketing results to a telecom increment service is performed from two views under the guidance of the customer loss dangerous degree models by use of data mining technology , in coordination with test design idea , adopting multi analysis method .

  23. 一个定制化业务应用提供商,最近推出了一款新的服务,为打算缩减维护管理成本的企业提供数据库托管。

    LongJump , a provider of customizable business application , has introduced a new service to provide database hosting to companies that are looking to reduce maintenance and administration costs .

  24. 高德纳研究咨询公司(Gartner)最近的一份报告将业内新生势力巴洛艾托公司列为企业网络防火墙业务的顶尖提供商。

    A recent report from research firm Gartner listed relative newcomer Palo Alto networks as a leading vendor in enterprise network firewalls .

  25. 为在迅速发展的IP网络上提供各种基于IP的差异性业务,业务提供商必须为客户提供业务等级协议(SLA)以对客户做出服务质量(QoS)的保证。

    In order to offer different kinds of IP-based Services on the evolving IP networks , the Service Providers must offer the Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) to the customers to guarantee the Quality of Service ( QoS ) .

  26. 业务外包解决方案提供商ADP公司内部销售助理面试题。

    ADP ( Inside Sales Associate )

  27. 智能化多业务网络使服务提供商不断获利

    Intelligent Multi-service Network Enables Telecom Service Providers to Make Profit

  28. 它仍旧是英国固定固定线路业务的主要服务提供商。有与其业务相适应的固定的经营场所。

    It is still the dominant fixed line telecommunications provider in the United Kingdom . Having a fixed business place suitable for its / his business .

  29. 在本质上,一个业务平台是业务平台提供商与通过相互支持向消费市场提供服务的补充者生态系统的组合。

    In essence , a business platform is a combination of a business platform provider and an ecosystem of complementers that support one another in providing services to a marketplace of consumers .

  30. 976业务的发起人与电话业务提供商分享收入。

    The sponsor of the 976 service splits revenue with the phone service provider .