
  • 网络Business system;ERP;ABIS;OCBS
  1. Web业务系统可用性评估系统的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of usability evaluation system for web business system

  2. Web服务技术为业务系统引入了面向服务的体系结构这个概念。

    Web services technology introduces the notion of a service-oriented architecture to a business system .

  3. 随着Internet和Web技术的广泛应用,基于B/S的多层Web体系结构逐渐发展并成熟起来,越来越多的企业都迫切要求高效地构建自己的Web业务系统。

    With the extensive application of Internet and Web technology , multi-layer Web structure based on B / S grows up gradually and become ripe .

  4. 基于CORBA的银行代理业务系统的研究

    Research on the CORBA-based Agent Transaction System of Bank

  5. 基于Struts架构的制证通业务系统

    Application of General Making ID Card Operation System Based on Struts Architecture

  6. 要求业务系统不仅要具有更高的可用性,而且还要具有更低的管理成本,以降低系统总拥有成本TCO(TotalCostofOwnership)。

    The system should have not only High Availability but also low management cost for the lowest Total Cost of Ownership .

  7. 理解ORACLE数据的体系框架有助于我们开展基于数据库的业务系统。作为对象关系型数据库的杰出代表,Oracle无疑是最具实力的。

    Comprehending the systematic frame of Oracle database will help us develop business operation systems which are based on database .

  8. 本研究将异构空间数据、地图服务、业务系统等以Web服务的形式发布,解决了特种设备安全监察系统中存在的共享和互操作问题,对空间信息服务相关的研究工作具有借鉴意义。

    The research publishes heterogeneous spatial data , maps and functions as Web Services and solves the sharing and interoperability problems of current systems . It also has certain significance for research on SIS .

  9. MMS业务系统经济容量分析

    Multimedia Messaging Service System Economic Content Analysis

  10. 文中就整个业务系统架构、系统各组成部分功能及视频点播VOD业务管理做了详细描述。

    The paper presents the whole system structure , functions of every part of systems and VOD in detail .

  11. 如何协调好各业务系统和管理系统,使之成为一个统一的、协同工作的系统,成为运营商亟待解决的问题,电信运营支撑系统(OSS)正是解决这些问题的有效方法。

    OSS can resolve the problems , which make all the system cooperate with each other .

  12. FY-2C气象卫星半小时间隔云图导风业务系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of FY-2C Cloud Motion Wind Inferring System

  13. 本文利用该种方式从统一软件开发过程的角度对整个OTA业务系统进行了构造:需求、分析和设计。

    In the thesis , according to RUP , the whole OTA service system is constructed by CHI means .

  14. 用ECMWF数值预报产品作热带气旋路径预报的业务系统

    An operational forecast system of tropical cyclone track by means of ECMWF products

  15. 在集成平台的基础上,构建了基于Web和组件技术的成套电器企业产品数据管理和企业资源计划业务系统域,并着重研究了这两个业务系统域的应用组件实现的关键技术。

    Based on the integration platform , web component-based Product Data Management ( PDM ) Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) Business System Domain ( BSD ) for electric enterprise were developed , and key technologies of implementation of application component module for BSD were studied .

  16. 深层次讨论了业务系统数据到数据仓库环境的ETL技术,并完成了一个利用DTS工具进行源数据导入的实例。

    Moreover , as an emphasis , the interface of operational system and data warehouse environment , the ETL technology , was deeply discussed . An example of data transfer by DTS was presented .

  17. 广播电台各个业务系统之间信息流通不畅、缺乏互联标准,为了解决这些问题,提出了All-In-One。

    Among the operational channels in the broadcasting station , the information flows are impeded due to the interconnection standards . In order to solve these problems , All-In-One is proposed .

  18. 该文介绍了陕西地方暴雨增强数值预报业务系统,并对1995年6&8月进行的降水准业务预报试验结果作了分析及Ts评分检验。

    In this paper the enhanced local heavy rain storm numerical prediction system is introduced in Shaanxi Meteorological Observatory . Using the system , we made quasi-operational precipitation forecast test from June to August , 1995 . Its performances are analysed .

  19. 在系统设计阶段,则实现了业务系统整体框架图、业务功能架构图、数据库E-R图、系统部署图的设计,同步细化设计了相关功能模块的功能。

    In the system design stage , is the realization of the overall framework of business system , business function structure diagram , E-R diagram , database system deployment diagram design , detailed design of the synchronization related functional module .

  20. 并以T213欧洲中心数值预报产品为基础,结合人工智能专家预报、MOS预报等方法,研制了一套客观定量自动化的石河子地区中量以上降水预报业务系统。

    Based on ECMWF numerical forecasting products , associate with the artificial intelligence expert forecasts , and MOS forecast method etc. , has developed a set of objective automatic operational forecast system of precipitation over medium-quantity in Shihezi area .

  21. 介绍了NOAA气象卫星云检测、云替补的光谱原理、技术模型以及基于VB5.0版本的业务系统的基本功能。

    In this paper , the techniques and models of cloud detection and cloud rehabilitation applied to AVHRR imagery of NOAA meteorological satellite and the basic functions of the operation system on base of Visual Basic language has been introduced .

  22. ABIS(农业银行综合应用系统)简称新一代,是农业银行的一项跨世纪科技工程,是全新的银行电子化业务系统。

    ABIS ( the integrated application of agricultural bank system ) is abbreviated as " a new generation ", it is a cross-centennial scientific and technological project of an agricultural bank , It is a brand-new electronic business system of bank .

  23. 列出了基础数据的说明,介绍了IUFO,报表应用流程、与其它业务系统的接口和性能调整,预算的编制、调整流程以及控制和分析的实现进了详细的说明。

    Lists the basic data description of the IUFO , reporting application process , and other business systems interface and performance tuning , budget preparation , adjustment processes , and implementation of control and analysis into the detail .

  24. 短信增值业务系统的设计及实现

    Design and Realization for the System of Short Message Value-Added Service

  25. 北京地区沙尘天气监测预报预警业务系统

    Sand-Dust Weather Monitoring , Forecasting and Pre-Warning System in Beijing

  26. 基于多协议网关的短信增值业务系统的研究与设计

    Research and design of message value-added service system based on multi-agreement gateway

  27. 自相似性综合业务系统的呼损性能

    On Queueing Performance of Integrated Service System with Self-similar Property

  28. 最终将该防火墙应用于邮政中间业务系统的网络安全改造方案中。

    The firewall applied to network security scheme of postal business system .

  29. 企业业务系统模型及系统整合研究

    Research on Enterprise Business System Models and System Integration

  30. 广西城市空气污染预报业务系统的建立

    Establishment of City Air Pollution Prediction System in Guangxi