
fù ɡē
  • chorus;refrain
副歌 [fù gē]
  • (1) [refrain]∶分节歌曲作品中每节后面的歌词重复演唱的部分。常为二段式歌曲中的第二乐段

  • (2) [burden]∶歌曲中重复唱的部分或每节歌曲收尾时唱的叠句

  1. 甚至美丽的夏奇拉在演唱《疯狂的》的副歌部分时教会了大家“Loca”(疯狂的)这个形容词。

    Even the beautiful Shakira teaches us the adjective " Loca " when she sings the refrain of her song with the same name 。

  2. 伊迪斯·琵雅芙的这首《不,我一点都不后悔》的标题和副歌部分教会了人们法语中的否定形式“ne…rien”也就是在英语中“nothing/not…anything”的意思。

    The title and refrain of Edith Piaf 's " Non , je ne regrette rien " teaches the French negative pronouns " ne ... rien " , meaning " nothing / not ... anything " in English 。

  3. 卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段主歌和一段副歌。

    Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song

  4. 唱到副歌时,大家都跟着一起唱起来。

    Everyone joined in the chorus .

  5. 把最后的副歌再唱一遍。

    Sing the last chorus again .

  6. 副歌部分很容易上口。

    The chorus is very catchy to say the least .

  7. 他还会计算好《苦涩手指》(BitterFingers)这首歌的播放时间,以便使第二段副歌刚好在飞机起飞时开始播放。

    The song ' Bitter Fingers ' is timed so the second chorus plays as the jet is taking off .

  8. 上月,赫特福德郡chauncy高中的一群男孩因向他们的犹太老师唱带有“犹太军队”(yidarmy,yid是对犹太人的蔑称)副歌的足球队歌而被捕。

    Last month a group of boys was arrested for singing a football chant with the refrain " YID army " at their Jewish teacher at Chauncy school in Hertfordshire .

  9. 这首歌的主歌有四行歌词,副歌有两行。

    The verse has four lines and the chorus has two .

  10. 请大家一道来唱副歌好吗?

    Will you all join in singing the refrain , please ?

  11. 制作人,他们希望在副歌部分抒情点。

    The album people , they want the lyrics for the sleeve .

  12. 女士们挥舞起你们的连袜裤,高唱着段副歌,这就开始了!

    Women wave your pantihose , sing the chorus and it goes !

  13. 这就是除了副歌外他知晓的所有语句。

    Those were all the words he knew , aside from the refrain .

  14. 必须要和副歌不一样才行。

    It has to sound different than the verse .

  15. 他唱著赞美诗,而我们加入副歌里。

    He sang the verse of the hymn and we joined in the chorus .

  16. 路达克里斯来唱副歌。

    Ludacris going in on the verse . '

  17. 把注意力放在你认为最有趣的词组上,或者仅仅是副歌部分也可以。

    Focus on the phrases that you find most interesting , or perhaps just the refrain .

  18. 他们向我要一段副歌,我逐个询问,要理性还是感性的。

    They ask me for a hook , I tell'em left to right , head or gut .

  19. 副歌部分有一段让人无法忘怀的旋律:“妈妈不要走,爸爸快回家……”

    The refrain includes the haunting chant " Mama don 't go , Daddy come home . "

  20. 从扬声器中传出了他们总是在音乐会结束时演奏的那首忧郁得无法形容的副歌。

    Through the loudspeakers came the inexpressibly melancholy refrain which is always played at the end of their concerts .

  21. 耶鲁公开课-聆听音乐课程节选我们会谈到主歌和副歌,等我们遇到那种曲式的类型再说

    to speak together We 'll talk about verse and chorus when we get to the issue of form .

  22. 对我来说,您的谈话就像是动听的副歌,最终构成一首完美的歌曲。

    To me , they are like the same sweet refrain that had begun and then ended in a song .

  23. /穿着连衣裙的女孩哭了一整路回家/我早该知道的,这是这首歌的副歌部分。

    / The girl in the dress cried the whole way home / I should 've known , is the tunes chorus .

  24. 在副歌部分,她显得轻浮,但回到主歌,她又变得多疑,还有一丝凌乱。

    By the chorus , she 's flirty , but back in the verses , she 's skeptical and a little bedraggled .

  25. 这是一首悲情、有时带有绝望色彩的歌曲,动摇着西方人的自信心。它在副歌部分反复唱道,西方世界值得自信的东西少得可怜。

    A plaintive , sometimes despairing tune that knocks western self-confidence , its refrain is that the western world has precious little to be confident about .

  26. 即使你只知道你最爱的那些歌曲的副歌部分,那也足够让你学到上百个外语单词和词组了。

    Even if you only know the refrains of your favourite songs , that 's enough for you to learn hundreds of foreign-language words and phrases .

  27. 雨声就像一首副歌从未停止,一直到凯瑟琳死在医院的病房里。

    The sound of rain continues in background accompaniment until Catherine dies in the hospital ward . The use of rain in this novel is very clear .

  28. 在这个桥段后,我们来到了最后一组副歌,此时忽然出现变调,整首歌提升了一个降三小度音阶。

    After the bridge , we are led into the last set of choruses , where we modulate suddenly and the whole song jumps up a major third in key .

  29. 它是认真对待恋爱关系的标志,它是兄弟姐妹、父母或孩子之间亲密程度的象征,它也是流行歌曲副歌部分的常见内容。

    It 's the signal that a romantic relationship is serious , an indication of closeness for a sibling , parent , or child , and a constant refrain for pop songs .

  30. 为方便那些不熟悉歌词的人,歌词印在毕业仪式手册中,其中包括这段副歌:再为你戴上皇冠,凭着朋友情谊,跨越闪耀的海洋!

    The lyrics , for those who needed them , were printed in the commencement program , including the chorus : And crown thy good , with brotherhood , from sea to shining sea !