
  • 网络Associate Doctor;Licentiate;B.Litt.
  1. 1937年毕业于英国牛津大学,获副博士学位。

    In1937 and graduated from Oxford University , was vice-doctorate .

  2. 在敎区的指示邀请,吴神父在圣额我略大学完成神学副博士及博士学位。

    At the request of the archdiocese , he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University .

  3. 记者就此采访了深圳职业技术学院经管学院副院长胡延华博士。

    The reporter interviewed assistant dean of college of be in charge of of institute of Shenzhen profession technology Dr.

  4. 藤川信夫,男,日本人,大阪大学人间科学研究科,副教授,博士(教育学);

    Fujikawa Nobuo , male , Japanese , Ph.D.in Education , Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Human Sciences , Osaka University , Japan .

  5. 政治及国际关系学系副教授陈峰博士,凭一篇有关中国工会的研究论文,获伦敦大学东方和非。

    The China Quarterly is a leading and authoritative international journal on China studies published by the University of London 's School of Oriental and African Studies .

  6. 市场开放下的油气行业监管&专访国务院发展研究中心技术经济部副部长吕薇博士

    Oil and Gas Industry Supervision in a Deregulated Market - Interview with Dr. Lu Wei , Deputy Director of the Technological and Economic Research Department of the State Council Development Research Center

  7. 费城福克斯詹斯癌症中心科学副主管JonathanChernoff博士说道。

    Jonathan Chernoff , deputy scientific director at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia .

  8. 作为ClimateChangeCenter的副董事,Dale博士领导了针对气候变化在水资源利用、农业、能源和环境等领域所产生的经济影响的评估工作。

    As Associate Director at the Climate Change Center , Larry Dale has led an effort to estimate the economic impact of climate change on water resource use , agriculture , energy and the environment .

  9. 华盛顿大学艺术与科学学院生物学副教授,哲学博士ErikHerzog;

    Erik Herzog , Ph.D. , Washington University associate professor of Biology in Arts & Sciences , Sara Aton , Ph.D.

  10. 中国地震局监测预报司副司长车时博士出席了本次会议。

    Che Shi , deputy director of the Department of Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction of China Earthquake Administration , attended the workshop .