
yè xiào
  • night school;evening school
夜校 [yè xiào]
  • [evening school;night school] 夜间上课的学校

夜校[yè xiào]
  1. 夜校课程一应俱全,没理由不去接受一些培训。

    With all the night school courses available , there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training

  2. 人们可以白天外出工作,晚上去夜校学习。

    People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening .

  3. 她按时上夜校学习。

    She 's a regular attender at evening classes .

  4. 我在夜校班学过西班牙语会话。

    I learnt conversational Spanish at evening classes .

  5. 他通过读夜校获得了法律学位。

    He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night

  6. 另一种交友的办法就是去上夜校。

    Another way of making new friends is to go to an evening class

  7. 他应邀为这所夜校的活动捧场。

    He had been invited to grace a function at the evening college .

  8. 为了成为会计师,他上夜校学习。

    He was going to college at night , in order to become an accountant

  9. 杰基已经在夜校学习了3年的弗拉门戈舞。

    Jackie has been learning flamenco dancing at an evening class for three years .

  10. 一个多星期以前,确切地说是周四晚上,苏珊在夜校上课。

    More than a week ago , Thursday evening to be precise , Susanne was at her evening class

  11. 我已经开始去夜校听课了,学习如何做事,而不是瞎混日子。

    I 've started going to evening classes to learn how to do things properly , rather than just muddling along .

  12. 她与她的兄弟就伴一同去上夜校。

    She was accompanied by her brother for the night school .

  13. 目前,读夜校在中国极为风行。

    To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China .

  14. 所有上夜校的人都坚持下来了。

    All those in the evening classes persisted to the end .

  15. 洛白天当工程师,晚上在夜校学习烹饪。

    Engineer by day , Loe learned cooking at night school .

  16. 为此,他们办了短训班和夜校。

    For this they are running short-term courses and evening classes .

  17. chantelle去上夜校了,所以我接手了。

    Chantelle 's away to Ninht class , so I 'm landed with him .

  18. 一天,Tom跟他的一个朋友说:我将去北京度假,但我不会讲中文,所以我去之前要去夜校上一个月的中文课。

    One day Tom said to one of his friends : I 'm going to have a holiday in Peking , but I don 't speak Chinese , so I 'll go to evening classes and have Chinese lessons for a month before I go .

  19. 阿富汗移民Hafeez,Mohammed和Sahil在雅典一家夜校学习英语。

    Greece Targets Migrants Amid Economic Crisis Afghan migrants Hafeez , Mohammed and Sahil are studying English at an evening class in Athens .

  20. 尽管皮凯蒂的父母都没有业士文凭(法国高中文凭),但他的母亲后来上了夜校,经培训成为一名小学老师,而他的父亲成了法国农业科学研究院(InstitutNationaldelaRechercheAgronomique)的一名研究技术员。

    Though neither parent has the baccalaureate , the national high school degree , Piketty 's mother later took night classes to train as a primary school teacher , and his father became a research technician at Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique .

  21. NickByrne:“我们发现,在英国甚至整个欧洲大学的语言中心,语言学习的气氛开始上涨。我们说的并不是为了获得语言学位的人,而是读夜校的人,尤其是参加英语学习班的人。”

    NICK BYRNE : " We found that , in our university language centers across the UK and indeed across Europe , that language learning is up . We 're not talking about people doing a whole degree in languages , but people going on evening courses -- English courses

  22. 我需要找到关于这些夜校课程的信息。

    I need to find out more about these night courses .

  23. 为此他们办了短训班和夜校。

    For this they ate running short-term courses and evening classes .

  24. 他去上夜校,学习阅读英语。

    He went to night school and learned to read English .

  25. 他决定上夜校以提高自己的水平。

    He decided to improve himself by attendance at evening classes .

  26. 是的,我在一个夜校上英语课。

    Yes , I 'm taking classes at a night school .

  27. 他每星期有四个晚上上夜校,从来没缺席过。

    He never missed attending night school four nights a week .

  28. 我在夜校获得了速记和打字证书。

    I gained a shorthand and typing diploma at evening classes .

  29. 为提高自己的文化水平,埃德温上了夜校。

    Edwin tried to better himself by going to night school .

  30. 我必须得进一步打听关于这个夜校的情况。

    I need to find more out about the night school .