
  • 网络Economic Transaction;transaction
  1. 20世纪60年代以来,以跨国公司为主导的外商直接投资(FDI)蓬勃发展,日益成为了国际经济交易中的主导力量。

    Since 1960s , the foreign direct investment ( FDI ) dominated by transnational corporations has been growing rapidly and it has gradually become the leading force in international economic transactions .

  2. 霍夫曼认为,企业领导者应将关注焦点从单纯的经济交易还有人想多来点债务抵押债券(CDO)么?拓展开来,更多地去考虑自己和雇员之间的社会交换,建立更深层的责任感。

    Prof Hofmann argues that leaders should broaden their focus away from purely economic transactions – more CDOs , anyone ? – and think more about the social exchange between them and their people , to create a deeper sense of obligation .

  3. 系统使用目前流行的浏览器&服务器应用模式(BS),用简单、快捷的方法将传统的经济交易融入到现代的信息革命中去。

    This system uses the browser-server application model ( BS ) which is very popular , and it puts the traditional economic into the information revolution to the modern with a simple , fast method .

  4. 从而危害社会的经济交易秩序和安全。

    Thereby endangering the social order and security of economic transactions .

  5. 顾客信任是任何经济交易的核心。

    Customer 's trust is the core of any economic trade .

  6. 定价问题是经济交易中的核心问题熏关系到交易各方的利益得失。

    Share pricing is the core problem of business transaction ;

  7. 国际收支平衡表摘要记录所有的经济交易。

    The balance of payments is a summary of all economic transactions .

  8. 经济交易中不完全契约的博弈分析

    The Self-enforcing Mechanism of Incomplete Contract in Micro-economic Transaction

  9. 信用缺失与经济交易的效率

    The Loss of Credit and Efficient Trade in Economy

  10. 一项经济交易就是一次价值交换。

    An economic transaction is an exchange of value .

  11. 本文旨在研究经济交易中的信任问题。

    This paper wants to examine the trust question in the economic transaction .

  12. 日记帐是对经济交易的序时记录。

    Is a chronological record of business transactions .

  13. 在现代经济交易过程中,担保物权制度发挥着重大的作用。

    In the course of modern economic trade the guarantee property systems play an important role .

  14. 世界上共有12个国家在开展此类经济交易时需要获得政府批准,冈比亚就是其中之一。

    The Gambia is one of the12 countries in the world where government approval is required for such economic transactions .

  15. 在国际经济交易中,贸易国创立了一个记帐概念,称之为国际收支。

    In the internationa economic transactions , trading nations have developed an accounting concept which is called balance of payments .

  16. 据统计,在当今国民经济交易中,大约有95%是金融交易,而实物交易仅占5%。

    According to statistics , in current economic transactions , financial transactions accounts for 95 % and barter trade only 5 % .

  17. 中国人在经济交易中通过这样的锻炼和生活水准的提高将变得越来越守法。

    The Chinese may gradually become more law-abiding in economic transactions through such practices and through the improvement in their standard of living .

  18. 应收账款质押能迅速解决中小企业融资担保的问题,相关法律制度体系却零散而不详细,必定给经济交易带来许多不便。

    The accounts receivable pledge financing quickly overcome the guarantee of corporate finance , detail of the relevant legal system provides not enough .

  19. 在西方会计体系中,有关每笔经济交易的资料最初是记在一本叫做“日记账”的会计账上。

    In a western accounting system , the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a journal .

  20. 对于经济交易,当交易成本高于某一临界值时,经济市场无法存在;当交易成本为零时,经济市场则为一种逻辑意义上的市场;真实的经济市场只能产生于两者之间。

    When transaction costs are zero , economic markets render to be logical markets . Real markets can only exist between these two cases .

  21. 标准的定义似乎把经济交易对市场的依赖作为将经济制度视为资本主义的必要条件。

    The standard definition seems to take reliance on markets for economic transactions as a necessary qualification for an economy to be seen as capitalist .

  22. 围绕房屋产权的纠纷与诉讼,在产权界定、维护经济交易安全和社会秩序方面具有重要的意义。

    The house property dispute and litigation were critical in the definition of property right , maintaining of the economic trade security and social order .

  23. 主要原因是理论落后于实践的发展,现实中国际经济交易已经出现了金融主导的趋势。

    It is mainly because that the theory is lag behind the actuality development that the tendency of international economic relations leading by financial transactions appears .

  24. 伴随着互联网技术和计算机技术的迅速发展,经济交易也由传统商务模式向电子商务模式转变。

    With the fast development of internet and computer science technology , the model of economic transactions has changed from traditional business type to electronic commerce type .

  25. 随着实体经济交易需求与产权转换等方面的需要,出现了虚拟经济的范畴。

    With the need of the respect that the trade demand of real economy and property right are changed etc , the category of fictitious economy has appeared .

  26. 换言之,国际收支是一国居民与世界其他国居民经济交易的记录。

    In other words , the balance of payments is a record of the economic transactions between the residents of one country and the rest of the world .

  27. 同时,随着金融市场的发展,不确定性的经济交易和会计事项也越来越多,对这些不确定经济交易和会计事项的正确判断也变得越来越困难。

    At the same time , because of the more complication in the modern business and finance , it is more and more difficult to estimate the accounting proceeding .

  28. 传统的物权担保方式和信用担保方式自身无法克服的缺点日益显露,滞后于国际经济交易需要。

    Hence , the traditional real right guarantee and credit guarantee , whose shortcomings are unable to be overcome , lag behind the international economic transaction need day by day .

  29. 国际收支的含义:是一个流量概念,反映的内容是经济交易,必须是该国居民与非居民之间发生的。

    The meaning of balance of payment : it is a concept of flow quantity , it reflects economic transactions , the transactions must be occured between resident and nonresident .

  30. 制度构成了人类政治交易行为或经济交易行为的激励机制,一个国家或地区的经济增长和社会发展首先必须用制度因素来解释。

    The system constructs an incentive mechanism of political or economic trading activity , the economic growth and social development of a country or an area must be explained with system factor .