
  • 网络Economics Report
  1. 中文日报《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)援引多名期货交易员的说法称,他们已接到中国金融期货交易所(ChinaFinancialFuturesExchange)打来的电话,指示他们不要做空市场。

    The 21st Century Business Herald , a Chinese daily , quoted multiple futures traders as saying they had received phone calls from the China Financial Futures Exchange instructing them not to short the market .

  2. .这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。

    How Islamic Finance Works This is the VOA Special English Economics Report .

  3. .“.”.这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。

    This is the VOA Special English Economics Report .

  4. 电子书翻开图书业新篇�这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。

    E-Books Hold Next Chapter for Book Industry This is the VOA Special English Economics Report .

  5. 美国女性占约一半工作岗位这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。

    Nearly Half of US Jobs Now Held by Women This is the VOA Special English Economics Report .

  6. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。

    A Debt Deal in US , but Stocks Still Slide This is the VOA Special English Economics Report .

  7. 七匹狼是一家在深圳上市的晋江公司,《21世纪经济报道》(21stcenturybusinessherald)曾援引该公司董事长周少雄的话称,他的公司先是模仿外国品牌,接着学会了如何自我创新。

    Zhou Shaoxiong , chairman of Septwolves , a Jinjiang company listed on the Shenzhen stockmarket , is quoted by the 21st Century Business Herald as saying that his company first imitated foreign brands , then learned how to innovate itself .

  8. 本文选取《21世纪经济报道》为样本,介绍其发展概况,通过市场营销学中的SWOT分析方法,总体分析了这份报纸的特色,并通过实际案例分析它的报道特色。

    This paper selects the 21st century business herald as sample , introduces the development situation , through the marketing of SWOT analysis method , this paper analyzes the characteristics , and through the analysis of actual case reports of it .

  9. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道,由MarioRitter撰稿,文本和播客视频可在voaspecialenglish.com浏览,我是I'mSteveEmber。

    And that 's the VOA Special English Economics Report , written by Mario Ritter . and podcasts of our reports can be found at voaspecialenglish.com . I 'm Steve Ember .

  10. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。本周,欧洲农业部长在卢森堡召开会议,讨论大肠杆菌的爆发问题。

    E.Coli Outbreak A Top Economic Worry For Europe This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . European agriculture ministers met in Luxembourg this week to discuss the spread of E. coli bacteria .

  11. .这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。今年,青年成就组织庆祝其为年轻人提供商业和经济方面的教育90周年。

    Junior Achievement Marks 90 Years of Business Education This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . This year , Junior Achievement marks its ninetieth anniversary of educating young people about business and economics .

  12. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。北非和中东的动荡导致石油价格回升到新的高度。

    How High Will the Price of Oil Go This Time ? This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . Unrest in North Africa and the Middle East has pushed oil prices back into the news .

  13. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。对于许多大学毕业生来说,六月份意味着又一个重大考验——就业市场的考验。

    Job Market an Extra Hard Test for New College Graduates This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . June means one more big test for many students finishing college -- a test of the job market .

  14. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。日本福岛Dai-Ichi核电站的危机引发了人们对核能行业未来的质疑。

    Japan 's Nuclear Disaster Could Hurt Nuclear Energy Plans This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . The crisis at Japan 's Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear energy center has d questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry .

  15. 这里是VOA特别英语经济报道。过去五年,美国的孩子和青少年每天使用娱乐媒介的时间增加了超过一个小时。

    For Youths in US , a Jump in Media Use This is the VOA Special English Economics Report . American children and teenagers have increased their use of entertainment media by more than one hour a day in the last five years .

  16. 经济报道三性之浅见

    Superficial View about " Three Major characteristics " of economic reports

  17. 西部大开发经济报道热中的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Popular Economical Reports of West Development of China

  18. 西部电视经济报道的经济学透视

    Economic Analysis of Economic Reports Televised by the West Media

  19. 金融危机下的经济报道应增强亲和力

    Improving the Appetency for Economic Reports under the Financial Crisis

  20. 经济报道-美联储将短期利率几乎下调至零,然后呢?

    ECONOMICS REPORT-Fed Cuts Short-Term Rates to Nearly Zero ; Now What ?

  21. 谈谈如何加强和改进地方经济报道工作

    Talking about how to enhance and improve the regional economic report affairs

  22. 改进经济报道是加强新闻改革的关键之一。

    Economic reports are the key to news reform .

  23. 论经济报道人才的素质要求与培养方式

    On Quality Requirements and Training Methods of Economic Reporters

  24. 与之相关联,金融报道在经济报道中也处于越来越重要的地位。

    Accordingly , Financial report is playing an increasingly important part in economic report .

  25. 资本把关时代新媒体经济报道研究&以内容分析的方法

    Content Analysis towards Economic Journalism of New Media in " Capital Gatekeeper " Times

  26. 经济报道-20国集团之惑:缩减开支多快算快?

    ECONOMICS REPORT-G-20 Nations Wonder : How Soon Is Too Soon to Cut Spending ?

  27. 经济报道要贴近读者

    The Report of Economy must Approach to Readers

  28. 转型期综合性日报经济报道取向及实现

    The Value Orientation of the Economic News and Its Realization at the Present Turning Period

  29. 浅析《经济学家》周刊的经济报道

    The Characters of Economical Reports in Economist

  30. 同时,媒体环境的变迁对电视经济报道的发展也有着相当的影响。

    The transformation of the media environment also has a great impact on the ERT .