
  • 网络bosch;Robert Bosch;Robert Bosch GmbH;Bose
  1. 博世自适应巡行控制(ACC)系统

    Automatic Cruising Control ( ACC ) System of Bosch AG

  2. 去年,博世超越了举步维艰的美国德尔福公司(Delphi),成为世界上最大的汽车零部件供应商。

    Bosch is the world 's largest car-parts supplier , having overtaken the struggling Delphi of the US last year .

  3. 然后本文介绍了基于精益思想的博世生产系统BPS的实施策略、实施模型、实施步骤和评价体系。

    After that it introduces BPS implementation strategy , phases , steps and assessment .

  4. 但这需要很多昂贵的来自欧美高级供应商的零配件,例如罗伯特.博世(RobertBosch)和德尔福(Delphi)。

    But this requires a lot of costly components from sophisticated European and US suppliers , such as Robert Bosch and Delphi .

  5. 1936年,德国博世公司(BOSCH)申请一项电液控制的ABS装置专利,促进了ABS技术在汽车上的应用。

    In1936 , Germany BOSCH ( BOSCH ) apply for an electro-hydraulic control device of ABS , promote the ABS technology patent application in automobile .

  6. 从宝马(bmw)到博世(bosch),德国工业企业纷纷表示,它们正从日本撤离外籍雇员及其家属。

    A number of German industrial companies from BMW to Bosch said they were flying out foreign employees and their families .

  7. 在2006年公司已经被确定为博世集团的BPS示范工厂之一。

    In2006 , Beijing Plant has been identified as one of the BPS demonstration plants of the Bosch Group .

  8. 技术和服务供应商博世(bosch)对市场波动的回应也是降低盈亏平衡点。

    Bosch , the technology and services supplier , has also responded to volatility by focusing on lowering its break-even point .

  9. 罗伯特博世基金会(robertboschfoundation)几乎持有博世的全部股份,这一不同寻常的持股安排保证了公司的稳定性,并赋予公司更大的财务灵活性,从而鼓励进行长期的战略思考。

    It is almost entirely owned by the Robert Bosch Foundation , an unusual arrangement that ensures stability at the company as well as encouraging long-term thinking by giving it more financial flexibility .

  10. 接着,在对供应链管理、库存管理相关理论详细介绍的基础上,阐述了VMI理论,并引入了博世电动VMI的实践状况。

    Secondly , expounding the theory of VMI based on detailed inventory management and other related theories , and also introducing the VMI practice situation in Bosch for futher .

  11. 她说:尽管在攻读EMBA期间和毕业之后,我都曾有过不少机会,但迄今为止,博世对我来说是最合适的地方。

    While I have had opportunities during the programme and after graduation , so far Bosch has been the right place for me , she says .

  12. 然而,当2009年7月EMBA开课时,德沃-史密斯在工程集团罗伯特•博世(RobertBosch)旗下的美国金融领导力开发项目中获得了一个位置。

    However , when the programme began in July 2009 , DeVault-Smith had secured a place on engineering group Robert Bosch 's finance leadership development programme in the US .

  13. 本公司采用的德国博世(BOSCH)数字红外同传设备是目前世界上最先进,设备使用率最高的同声传译系统。

    Our company adopted the German Bosch ( BOSCH ) digital infrared simultaneous interpretation equipment is the world 's most advanced , highest utilization rate simultaneous interpretation system .

  14. 孟买证交所发言人博世(KaylanBose)周四晚间表示,截止到目前,我们仍然决定明天开市。

    Kaylan Bose , spokesman of the Bombay Stock Exchange , said late Thursday'As of now , we 'll open tomorrow . '

  15. 在电动载具电池方面三星和博世&这个世界最大的汽车零部件供应商以及动力和引擎管理技术的创造者强强联手,组建了三星非常重视的合资公司SBLiMotive。

    In electric-vehicle batteries Samsung has joined forces with Bosch , the world 's biggest supplier of car parts and a fount of expertise on power-and engine-management .

  16. 可以检测博世CP1,CP2,CP3,德尔福,西门子,电装HP2和HP3等系列的高压共轨泵。

    This test bench can used to test Bosch CP1 , CP2 , CP3 , Delphi , Siemens , Denso HP2 and HP3 .

  17. 博世(Bosch)和威斯顿(Visteon)等跨国企业已在中国投入了巨额资金,在技术水平要求更高的高端市场占据了相当大的份额。

    Multinational companies such as Bosch and Visteon have invested heavily in China , taking a large part of the top end of the market , which requires a higher technological level .

  18. 博世(Bosch)、伟世通(Visteon)等跨国供应商近年来在中国大举投资,加大了这种方式的可行性。同时,中国零部件制造商生产的产品质量也有所提高。

    Multinational suppliers such as Bosch and Visteon have invested heavily in China in recent years , making such an approach more feasible , and the quality of products from Chinese components makers has also increased .

  19. 博世的工程师测试表明,驱动器停止启动系统降低燃油消耗,从而也二氧化碳排放量的新欧洲行驶循环(NEDC)中,高达百分之五。

    Test drives by Bosch engineers indicate that stop-start systems reduce fuel consumption , and thus also CO2 emissions , in the New European Driving Cycle ( NEDC ) by up to five per cent .

  20. 博世集团是世界领先的技术及服务供应商。

    Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services .

  21. 博世因以协商一致为推动力而著称,但同时也是一家伟大的创新型企业。

    Bosch is renowned as consensus-driven but also as a great innovator .

  22. 博世力士乐的型材技术:快速组装、稳定、和安全!

    Bosch Rexroth profile technology : fast , stable , and safe !

  23. 这是很容易做到设备测试与博世。

    It 's easy to do equipment testing with Bosch .

  24. 博世力士乐正在为移动上落站提供自动化设备。

    Bosch Rexroth is supplying the automation equipment for the moving boarding stations .

  25. 博世已经签署了认罪协议,承认了生物犯罪行为。

    Bosch has signed a plea agreement admitting to criminal activity at Biogenesis .

  26. 博世力士乐的新一代控制系统&MTC200

    New Generation Controller of Bosch Rexroth & MTC200

  27. 博世公司将对用于调试的一套工具和服务作一个报价。

    Bosch will quote for a list of tooling and devices and for commissioning .

  28. 博世汽车交流发电机的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of BOSCH Alternator

  29. 德国博世公司电控汽油喷射系统分析

    Electronic Gasoline Injection System of Bosch , Germany

  30. 无锡博世:努力打造博世在华柴油系统业务&访博世汽车柴油系统股份有限公司副董事长、总经理马儒韬博士

    Bosch in Wuxi : Making Great Efforts to Develop the Diesel Business in China