
  1. 大约70%的女性有经前综合征。

    About 70 % of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome .

  2. 经前期综合征肝气郁证模型大鼠中枢不同脑区ERα和ERβmRNA表达

    The Expression of Estrogen Receptor α and β mRNA in Different Brain Regions of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Model Rats with Liver-qi Depression

  3. 经前期综合征(PMS)肝气逆证代谢组学研究

    Metabonomics Study on Premenstrual Syndrome with Liver-qi Invasion

  4. 结论:经Budd-Chiari综合征根治术与传统根治术相比具有创伤小、术后并发症相对少等优点,是一种安全可靠的外科手术方式。

    Conclusions : Radical surgery on Budd-Chiari syndrome through abdomen approach was less invasive , safty with less complications .

  5. 目的:探索经前期综合征(PMS)肝气郁证猕猴模型评价指标。

    Objective : To probe into indexes of evaluating rhesus monkey model of stagnation of liver-Qi of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) .

  6. 基于DRSP的经前期综合征肝气逆证疗效评价参考标准的建立

    Establishment of Curative Effect Evaluation Criterion of PMS Liver-Qi Invasion Based on DRSP

  7. 在实验研究中,根据导师提出的假说,采用非人灵长类动物猕猴,运用情志刺激,采用择时挤压造模的方法,对经前期综合征(PMS)肝气逆证进行了造模研究。

    During the experimental study , according to the hypothesis suggested by tutor , adopt the method of selecting time to make PMS model by emotion stimulus with macaque .

  8. 目的:中枢内单胺类神经递质病变机制是经前期综合征(PMS)病因学研究的关键问题,也是推动PMS治疗学发展的关键所在。

    Objective : The pathology mechanism of amino neurotransmitter in centrum is the key problem to the etiology of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ), and is the key problem to develop the therapeutics of PMS too .

  9. PMS患者存在体质偏颇。气郁质、血瘀质个体更容易得经前期综合征,阴虚质、平和质、特秉质个体更不容易得经前期综合征。

    The Qi-depression type and the blood stasis type are more likely to get PMS , however , the Yin-deficiency type , gentleness type and special diathesis type are more not easily to get PMS . 6 .

  10. 结论:从微观角度证实猕猴月经周期与人类的相似性,进一步表明雌性猕猴为经前期综合征(PMS)肝气逆证动物模型的极佳造模对象。

    Conclusion : From the microcosmic angle confirming the nature resembling between the macaque menstrual cycle and human being 's , indicating even more that the female macaque is the extremely good object of the animal model of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) .

  11. 回顾分析了近5年来中医药治疗经前期综合征(PMS)的文献,认为PMS的基本病机为脏腑功能失调,治疗多以辨证论治、单方加减为主。

    In retrospective analysis of the literature about premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) treated by Chinese medicine in recent years , it is believed that the basic pathogenesis of PMS is the visceral dysfunction and its treatments were given mainly with one prescription modified on the basis of pattern identification .

  12. 本文通过DLTS深能普和I-V反向特性的测试,研究了经氧本征吸除处理的晶片(I-G晶片)和一般抛光片(原始晶片)在电学性能上的差别。

    The difference between oxygen intrinsic gettering wafer and commonly polished wafer is investigated using the measurements of DLTS and I-V. After the I-G treatment , I-G wafers have excellent properties in negative bias , but a deep level trap centers of Ec-0.49 ( eV ) has been found .

  13. 针刺与药物治疗经前期综合征疗效对比

    Comparison of therapeutic effects of acupuncture and medicine on premenstrual syndrome

  14. 经前期综合征和经前焦虑性障碍的评价研究进展

    Research progress on evaluation of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder

  15. 经前期综合征病人意外伤害事故的预防

    Prevention on accidents of patients with premenstrual period syndrome

  16. 针刺治疗经前期综合征的临床疗效和安全性评价

    Evaluation of clinical therapeutic effects and safety of acupuncture treatment for premenstrual syndrome

  17. 经前期综合征与心理社会因素的研究进展

    Research Progress on Premenstrual Syndrome and Psychological Social Factors

  18. 中医药治疗经前期综合征的研究进展

    Research Advance of Premenstrual Syndrome Treated by Chinese Medicine

  19. 经前期综合征现况调查表在病例筛选中的应用

    A questionnaire for the screen of premenstrual syndrome cases

  20. 青春期少女经前期综合征及相关症状

    Premenstrual syndrome and associated symptoms in adolescent girls

  21. 经前期综合征证候分布规律的流行病学调查研究

    Epidemiological Survey on Syndromes Distribution in PMS

  22. 不同性格类型的女大学生经前期综合征相关知识及态度分析

    Analysis on attitudes and related knowledge of premenstrual syndrome of female university students with different temperament types

  23. 经前综合征患者月经周期中血清Ca~(2+)Mg~(2+)水平变化的研究

    A Studies on the Change of Serum Ca2 + Mg2 + Level of the Patients with premenstrual Syndrome

  24. 她们甚至可能会说自己有很严重的经前综合征,但不要信这个借口!

    She may even say she has " bad PMS , " but do not buy that excuse !

  25. 关于经前期综合征的原因有很多学说,但是都没有明确的生理学的触发器被鉴定过。

    There are many theories about the causes of PMS , but no definite physiological trigger has been identified .

  26. 经前期综合征肝气逆证患者月经周期血清雌二醇、孕酮含量的动态变化

    Dynamic Changes of Serum Estradiol and Progesterone Levels in the Patient of Premenstrual Syndrome with Invasion of the Hyperactive Liver-qi

  27. 从肝失疏泄论治经前期综合征探讨南沙群岛综合考察首届学术讨论会简介

    Study on Premenstrual Syndrome Induced by Stagnation of Liver Qi Brief Introduction of the Academic Symposium on Comprehensive Investigation of the Nansha Islands

  28. 目的:对比观察针刺方法与药物治疗经前期综合征的临床疗效,寻找治疗该病的最佳方法。

    Objective To compare clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture and medicine on premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) and search for the best method for treatment of this disease .

  29. 经前期综合征主要与体质有关,与身高、体重、锻炼身体频率等无关。

    The incidence of PMS is related to constitution type , but no Height , weight , Exercise frequency . 5 . PMS is highly relevant to constitution type .

  30. 该文就近几年应激对女性月经、经前期综合征,女性生育能力及围绝经期综合征、高泌乳素血症等生殖内分泌疾病影响的研究作以综述。

    This article reviewed the latest progress in researches on influences of stress on female 's reproductive endocrine function , such as menstrual function , premenstrual syndrome , female fertility , perimenopausal syndrome , hyperprolactinemia and so on .