
  • 网络Economic Weekly;WirtschaftsWoche;business weekly
  1. 撰写的《欧美“空战”不止,WTO反补贴体制错了吗?》在《中国经济周刊》上发表。

    Is WTO SCM Agreement Wrong ?– Analysis of EU-US Aircraft Subsidies Disputes , Published in China Economy Weekly .

  2. 撰写的《“奥氏”新医改,一石几鸟?》在《中国经济周刊》上发表。

    How many aims in Obama 's Medical reform ? Published in China Economy Weekly .

  3. 根据中国经济周刊报道,传统购物天堂香港遭遇了访客人数和零售销售额双跌的窘境。

    Hong Kong , a traditional shopping paradise , saw a drop in both the number of visitors and retail sales , China Economic Weekly has reported .

  4. 根据中国经济周刊估计,莫言这次获奖仅今年就可能产生2亿元(3230万美元)的收入。

    It 's estimated that Mo prize could generate 200 million yuan ( US $ 32.3 million ) just this year , according to China Economic Weekly magazine .

  5. 《中国经济周刊》近日报道,数据显示,我国年度最低工资标准增幅似乎有所下降,且全国各地的最低工资标准增幅参差不齐。

    Statistics indicate China 's yearly minimum wage increase appears to be slowing , and the increases are unevenly distributed across the country , the China Economic Weekly reports .

  6. 中国冶金工业规划研究院院长李新创2月对《中国经济周刊》表示,削减钢铁产能将意味着40万至50万下岗工人。

    Li Xinchuang , head of the China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute , told China Economic Weekly last month that steel capacity cuts would mean 400000-500000 displaced workers .

  7. 《阿拉伯经济周刊》也将阿尔格拉指认为三名男子中的一员,该报刊指出,在极端保守的逊尼派穆斯林社会中,女子被禁止与无关的男子接触。

    Arabian Business , which has also fingered Al Gala as being one of the trio , points out the strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males .

  8. 开始时,泽林是德国《经济周刊》驻北京记者,主要关注经济方面的话题,成名后他辞去记者工作,成为自由撰稿人,涉足电视、电影和报纸等多个领域。

    At first , Wirtschaftswoche stationed him in Beijing reporting back economic highlights . After making himself felt as a journalist , he turned to a free-lance writter , setting foot in television , movie and newspaper .