
  • 网络external debts scale
  1. 随着我国经济的发展,经济全球化步伐的逐步加快,我国外汇储备量在快速增长,外资企业外债规模也在逐年增大。

    Along with the economic development in our country and the successive steps of economic globalization , our foreign exchange reserves vigorously increase , the external debts scale of foreign-funded enterprises have been extending year after year .

  2. 但上世纪80年初,希腊的劳动力成本和外债规模开始大幅上升&1979年至1985年,希腊总债务相对国内生产总值(GDP)的比率从8%升至42%。

    But in the early 1980s labour costs and foreign indebtedness started to rise sharply – between 1979-85 , total indebtedness rose from 8 to 42 per cent of gross national product .

  3. 中国有效外债规模管理问题研究

    The Studies of Problem of Valid Foreign Loan Scale Management in China

  4. 我国外债规模与结构的最优控制模型研究

    Optimal Controlling Model in the Scale and Structure of Foreign Debts in China

  5. 中国经济的对外开放度与适度外债规模

    Degree of openess to foreign of Chinese economy and moderate amount of foreign debts

  6. 区域性外债规模的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Regional Foreign Debts

  7. 我国外债规模最优控制的目标规划模型、算法及应用

    The Goal Programming for the Optimization of the Scale of China 's Foreign Debts and Its Application

  8. 随着外债规模的不断扩大,我国在外债结构优化和风险防范等外债管理方面暴露出了许多问题。

    With the enlarging scale of foreign debt , many problems have emerged in the structural optimization and the risk management of foreign debt .

  9. 随着廊坊市外商投资企业的快速发展,企业借用的直接外债规模逐年扩大。

    With the rapid development of the foreign enterprises in Langfang , the amount of the foreign debts borrowed directly by the enterprises is growing .

  10. 但与泰国或韩国在1997年金融危机爆发前的情况不同,中国的外债规模并不很大。

    But unlike Thailand or South Korea before the Asian financial crisis erupted in 1997 , China hasn 't borrowed heavily abroad in foreign currencies .

  11. 随着我国入世后资本帐户的进一步开放,今后我国的外债规模趋势又将如何呢?

    The capital account is further opened after China 's entrance to WTO , what about the scale of China 's external debt in the future ?

  12. 自实行积极的财政政策以来,我国已发行了大量国债,同时外债规模也逐年增加。

    Since the implementation of expansionary fiscal policies , we have issued Lots of government bonds , while the scale of external debt has been increasing year after year .

  13. 讨论了我国外债规模与结构最优控制的目标及一些约束条件的确定,进而建立了我国外债规模与结构最优控制的非线性目标规划模型。

    This paper discusses the goal of optimal control of foreign debts ' scale and structure , and the determination of the constraints . Then the non linear goal programming model of the optimal control is set up .

  14. 外债规模过小,又不足以填补经济发展的资本缺口,只有适度的外债规模,才可以增加就业,促进一国经济发展。

    Foreign loan scale over small , is not enough to fill up the capital gap for economy development . Only have the temperate foreign loan scale , can just increase the employment , promote the national economy development .

  15. 改革开放以来,我国借用外债的规模迅速扩大,外债的使用对我国扩大资本积累,加快经济建设和发展起到了巨大的作用。

    Since reform and opening up , the foreign debts expansion rapidly in our country , the use of foreign debts to our country expand capital accumulation , speeding up economic construction and development had played a great role .

  16. 传统观点认为,外汇储备不得少于3&4个月的进口付汇额,亚洲金融危机后,又提出外汇储备不得少于短期外债的规模。

    Traditional view , the foreign exchange reserves should not be less than 3-4 months of imports and payment of the Asian financial crisis , has proposed a foreign currency reserve should not be less than the size of short-term foreign debt .

  17. 因此需要控制外债的适度规模,防范债务危机的发生。

    So we must control the appropriate foreign debt scale to prevent our country from the emergence of debt crisis .

  18. 同时通过相关性分析,也发现影响外债增长的经济变量与外债规模有很高的相关性。

    At the same time , it is found that the economic variable influencing the increase of external debt connects with the scale of external debt tightly through the analysis of relativity .

  19. 从国际债务的实践来看,外债对经济的发展的影响是一把双刃剑,外债规模过大,会影响一国偿债能力和国际收支平衡;

    From the fulfillment of the international obligation , we know the foreign loan has two effects to the influence of the economic development . Foreign loan scale over great , will damage the ability of national debt repayment and the international balance .

  20. 为了加强对区域性外债的监管,本文运用现代统计方法,以重庆地区为研究对象,从银行结售汇和外汇账户两个方面对外债规模进行分析;

    In order to strengthen the control and surveillance over regional foreign debts , the paper uses modern statistic methods to study the scale of foreign debts from the dealing of foreign exchange and the accounts of foreign debts in Chongqing .