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shāng xīn
  • sad;grieve;broken-hearted;heart-broken
伤心 [shāng xīn]
  • [grieve] 心里非常痛苦

  • 别为这事伤心

伤心[shāng xīn]
  1. 他的所有辛勤劳动竟全部付诸东流,太让人伤心了。

    How sad that all his hard work should come to nothing .

  2. 她看上去又伤心又疲惫。

    She looked sad and tired .

  3. 她说自己非常伤心,因为他没有得到支持。

    She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support .

  4. 真正让我伤心的是他从不给我回信。

    What really hurt was that he never answered my letter .

  5. 输掉这场比赛对这个队来说是一件伤心失望的事。

    Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team .

  6. 他因无法帮助她而伤心。

    It grieved him that he could do nothing to help her .

  7. 一想到他竟然对我说谎,我就很伤心。

    It hurt me to think that he would lie to me .

  8. 他说话的冷漠语气让她很伤心。

    She was hurt by the coldness in his voice .

  9. 这段恋情使她非常伤心。

    The relationship caused her a great deal of heartache .

  10. 他们还在为死去的孩子伤心。

    They are still grieving for their dead child .

  11. 你干吗非得让你母亲那样伤心呢?

    Why did you have to go and upset your mother like that ?

  12. 他的妻子去世,他伤心极了。

    He was broken-hearted when his wife died .

  13. 我看他哭得很伤心。

    I found him crying his eyes out .

  14. 她双眸噙满了伤心的泪水。

    Tears of anguish filled her eyes .

  15. 失望?我是伤心透了!

    Disappointed ? I was gutted !

  16. 她哭得很伤心。

    She wept bitterly .

  17. 看到他们这个样子可真让我伤心。

    It really breaks my heart to see them this way .

  18. 听到詹姆斯自杀的消息,我非常伤心。

    I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James

  19. 他们离婚时你爸爸是不是很伤心?

    Was your daddy heartbroken when they got a divorce ?

  20. 我想狄多已经把这件伤心事全部告诉你了吧?

    Dido 's told you the whole sad story , I presume ?

  21. 最近发生的一系列事件显然让他伤心不已。

    Recent events had obviously been a heartbreak for him .

  22. 岳父的猝死使他十分伤心。

    He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law

  23. 那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。

    All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy .

  24. 令人伤心的是,5月23号,那个小男孩死了。

    On May 23rd , unhappily , the little boy died

  25. 她的话只会使格林夫人的家人感到伤心。

    Her comments can only be hurtful to Mrs Green 's family .

  26. 他那番严厉无情的话让她伤心得大哭起来。

    She burst into tears , stung by the harshness of his words .

  27. 她伤心而沮丧地上床睡觉。

    She went to bed , miserable and depressed .

  28. 想到她正在流泪,他伤心不已。

    The thought that she was crying dismayed him .

  29. “瞧,又来了不是?又惹孩子伤心!”雪莉说。

    ' There you go again , upsetting the child ! ' said Shirley

  30. 我们清楚明白地表达了我们的失望、伤心和愤怒。

    We expressed in the clearest possible way our disappointment , hurt and anger