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chéng rèn
  • recognize;acknowledge;admit;confess;own;concede;own up;avow;give diplomatic recognition
承认 [chéng rèn]
  • [admit;acknowlege;concede;confess] 对既成的事实表示认可

  • 承认错误

  • 当局承认他的重要贡献

  • 承认新国家

承认[chéng rèn]
  1. 我承认,那次干的是件蠢事。

    It was a stupid thing to do , I admit .

  2. 我得承认,这么便宜,真让我惊讶。

    I must admit I was surprised it cost so little .

  3. 她自视甚高,不愿承认自己也会有错。

    She was too proud to admit she could be wrong .

  4. 她坦然承认她毫无经验。

    She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all .

  5. “我很紧张。”她勉强承认说。

    ' I 'm very nervous , ' she admitted reluctantly .

  6. 她恬不知耻地承认了让他回到屋里的事。

    She had brazenly admitted allowing him back into the house .

  7. 她承认与情夫密谋杀害亲夫。

    She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband .

  8. 他们坦率承认,他们要学的东西还很多。

    They freely admit they still have a lot to learn .

  9. 我没有承认他犯了什么错。

    I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong .

  10. 要确保他们的课程获得有声望机构的承认。

    Check that their courses have been validated by a reputable organization .

  11. 这个报告承认了问题的严重性。

    This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem .

  12. 这位部长辞职等于承认她自己撒过谎。

    The minister 's resignation was an admission that she had lied .

  13. 我们得承认,我们赢不了啦。

    Let 's face it , we 're not going to win .

  14. 我不得不承认,一想到结婚我就害怕。

    I have to admit , the idea of marriage scares me .

  15. 我不得不承认这个消息让我们大为震惊。

    I have to admit that the news gave us a shock .

  16. 英国已拒绝承认这个新的政权。

    The UK has refused to recognize the new regime .

  17. 她拒不承认有问题存在。

    She refused to accept that there was a problem .

  18. 你必须学会欣然承认失败。

    You must learn to accept defeat with good grace .

  19. 我得承认我对英国大学有所偏爱。

    I must admit to a prejudice in favour of British universities .

  20. 他不大可能承认自己错了。

    He is hardly likely to admit he was wrong .

  21. 行,你赢了。我承认我错了。

    OK , you win , I 'll admit I was wrong .

  22. 新的法律免除了雇主承认工会的义务。

    The new law released employers from their obligation to recognize unions .

  23. “不错。”她勉强承认道。

    ' Not bad , ' she conceded grudgingly .

  24. 输掉了这场决定性的战役后,那位将军不得不承认失败。

    After losing this decisive battle , the general was forced to concede .

  25. 这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。

    The country acknowledged his claim to the throne .

  26. 她不愿承认自己有错。

    She was reluctant to admit she was wrong .

  27. 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认他的经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies .

  28. 这次调查承认司法制度有缺陷。

    The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system .

  29. 人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。

    He is recognized to be their natural leader .

  30. 如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。

    If pressed , he will admit that he knew about the affair .