
qīng qí bīng
  • light cavalry;hussar
轻骑兵[qīng qí bīng]
  1. 阿金基意为骑兵,是服役于穆斯林军中的轻骑兵部队。

    Akinjis , meaning'raiders ' , are light cavalry serving in Muslim forces .

  2. 欧洲轻骑兵编队中的一员;以端装的衣服著称。

    A member of a European light cavalry unit ; renowned for elegant dress .

  3. 敌军有500名轻骑兵。

    The enemy had five hundred light horse .

  4. 提利昂让他的重骑兵前去支持轻骑兵。

    Tyrion moved up his heavy horse to support the light .

  5. 他将轻骑兵移向哈尔顿的山。

    He moved his light horse toward Haldon 's mountains .

  6. 轻骑兵穿在肩上的夹克。

    A hussar 's jacket worn over the shoulders .

  7. 皇上派了多芒的轻骑兵师去探察那黑点。

    The Emperor detached Domon 's division of light cavalry to reconnoitre in that quarter .

  8. 这场战斗启发亚佛洛德丁尼生创作诗歌“轻骑兵的冲锋”。

    The battle inspired Alfred Lord Tennyson 's poem " Charge of the Light Brigade . "

  9. 制药行业的轻骑兵

    Hussar of PharmaceutiCal Industry

  10. 阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生的诗《轻骑兵的冲锋》所关注的是哪场战争?

    Alfred , Lord Tennyson 's poem " The Charge of the Light Brigade " concerns what war ?

  11. 他们与拜占庭曾恶战连年,具有讽刺意味的是,现在阿兰轻骑兵却成了从前敌国最乐于雇佣的战士。

    Having fought against the Byzantine Empire previously , now ironically they are highly valued as mercenaries by their former enemy .

  12. 胡萨尔轻骑兵装备链甲、盾牌、骑枪和长剑,以高度机动游击战术闻名于世。

    Renown for their fast hit and run tactics , Hussars are equipped with light mail , shield , lance and sword .

  13. 土耳其轻骑兵在耶路撒冷的基督教军队中执行轻骑兵任务,装备战弓和长剑。

    Turkopoles are mercenaries hired by Christian forces in the Holy Lands for light cavalry duties , armed with bow and sword .

  14. 这是悲观的,因为我们内心深处知道,这是一个体育版的轻骑兵冲锋队。

    It was pessimistic because we knew deep down that it was a sports version of the Charge of the Light Brigade .

  15. 萨默塞特右有德恩贝格的德国轻骑兵,左有特利伯的比利时火枪队;

    On the right , Somerset had Dornberg with the German light-horse , and on his left , Trip with the Belgian carabineers ;

  16. 有一天,他们看见一个年长的轻骑兵少校,身上满是七年战争期间所受伤疤。

    They observed one day an old major of hussars , who was covered with the scars of wounds received in the Seven Years'War .

  17. 由于其威名赫赫,故而需求日盛,那些留在故土的轻骑兵们则踏上佣兵生涯。

    Well renowned as elite light cavalry , those that remained in their native land prefer to take lucrative work as mercenaries , since they are much in demand .

  18. 选题进一步落实三贴近原则,新闻性增强,趋向多元化,经济新闻评论由失语走向活跃;重点评论优势凸显,短评轻骑兵角色强化,时评由沉寂走向兴盛。

    Topics further implement the " three close " principle , news of the increased diversification and economic comments from aphasia to active key advantage comment highlights , short commentary , " Light Cavalry " strengthen the role , Commentary from quiet to thrive .

  19. 新中国建立后,文学艺术得到极大发展,报告文学,尤其是十七年报告文学作为文学战线的轻骑兵,最敏锐、最及时地抓住并反映了时代的巨变。

    After New China establishing , the literature art got to develop biggest , reportage , is the " hussar " of 17 years reportage conduct and actions literature front particularly , the most sharp , hold tight most in time and reflected the ages huge to change .

  20. 那个年代技术不允许动作镜头,但这些照片是在战斗之中捕捉。所以,战争的讽刺可能最好是通过纸笔才能被表现的淋漓尽致。听听下面这段录音,1890年阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生在读他自己著名的诗《轻骑兵的冲锋》。

    The technology didn 't allow for action shots , but the images captured the moments between battles.So , the folly of war was probably best articulated with the pen and paper.Listen to this , an 1890 recording of Alfred Lord Tennyson himself reading his famous poem " The Charge of the Light Brigade . "

  21. 这些轻枪骑兵身穿皮甲,装备骑枪和单手短兵刃。

    Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance .