
  • 网络seven;Fifty-seven
  1. 过去四天里我背了五十七个不规则动词。

    Fifty-seven irregular verbs have I introduced to my brain in the past four days .

  2. 自1953年清华大学率先设立政治辅导员,辅导员制度已经走过了五十七的历程。

    Fifty-seven years has passed since Tsinghua University took the lead in setting up the student supervisor system in 1953 .

  3. 那些统计显示每一千个出生的婴儿有五十七个死亡。

    These statistics show that there are57 deaths per1000 children born .

  4. 罗马书写在大约公元后五十七年,是保罗写的第六封信。

    Romans was written approximately AD57 and was Paul 's sixth letter .

  5. 百分之五十七的美国人中至少有一人在线购物。

    Fifty-seven percent of Americans have made at least one online purchase .

  6. 一支鸡腿的皮相当于五十七卡的热量。

    The skin on one chicken leg accounts for 57 .. calories .

  7. 下午四点五十七分,太阳80%的部分会被月亮遮住。

    At 4:57pm , 80 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon .

  8. 第五十七条裁决书自作出之日起发生法律效力。

    Article 57 An award shall be legally effective on the date it is given .

  9. 第五十七条民事法律行为从成立时起具有法律约束力。

    Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted .

  10. 第五十七条检查权及获得信息权

    Article 57 Right of Inspection and Information

  11. 本规范依药事法第五十七条之规定建立。

    This practice has been established Based on Article 57 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law .

  12. 一九七九年被捕罪犯中百分之五十七为二十五岁以下的青年。

    57 % of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 years of age .

  13. 机上装有五十七部天线,为一排排的电子设备服务,而普通飞机上只有十七部天线。

    The jet has 57 antennas for its huge array of electronic gear . Normal is 17 .

  14. 令人沉闷的细雨中,西莉亚坐的出租车在第五十七号街的一座破旧和肮脏的六层楼前停住了。

    A dreary rain was falling as Celia 's taxi stopped at a dingy six-storey building on Thirty-seventh street .

  15. 罗马书是新约中写好的第七卷,保罗的第六封信,写在公元后五十六年十二月到五十七年二月的哥林多。

    Romans was written by Paul from Corinth December-February AD56-AD57 as his sixth letter and the seventh New Testament book written .

  16. 第五十七条合营公司结业后,其各种帐册,由甲方保存。

    After winding up of the joint venture company , its accounting books shall be left in the care of Party A.

  17. 第五十七条煤炭经营管理办法,由国务院依照本法规定。

    Article 57 Measures for control of coal marketing shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law .

  18. 当然,价格不是唯一的价值衡量标准。一支鸡腿的皮相当于五十七卡的热量。

    Of course , price is not the only metric . The skin on one chicken leg accounts for 57 .. calories .

  19. 他们发现如果一个朋友曾经变得肥胖,那么这个人变得严重超重的几率就会上升百分之五十七。

    They found that a person 's chances of becoming severely overweight increased by57 percent , if a friend had become obese .

  20. 第五十七条人民法院应当在立案之日起三个月内作出第一审判决。

    Article 57 A people 's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case .

  21. 大会还请秘书长就2003年国际淡水年的筹备活动向大会第五十七届会议提出临时报告。

    The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its fifty-seventh session an interim report on the activities undertaken in preparation for the Year .

  22. 第五十七条无诉讼行为能力人由他的监护人作为法定代理人代为诉讼。

    Article 57 Any person with no legal capacity to engage in litigation shall have his guardian or guardians as statutory agents to act for him in a lawsuit .

  23. 违反规定发行进口出版物的,依照《出版管理条例》第五十七条的规定处罚。

    Whichever entity or individual violates provisions to distribute imported publications shall be punished in accordance with Article 57 of the " Regulation on the Administration of Publication " .

  24. 第五十七条为债务人抵押担保的第三人,在抵押权人实现抵押权后,有权向债务人追偿。

    The third party who provides guaranty of mortgage for the debtor shall have the right of recourse against the debtor after enforcement of the right of mortgage by the mortgagee .

  25. 平煤机电一五七三管理及其在二矿的实施机上装有五十七部天线,为一排排的电子设备服务,而普通飞机上只有十七部天线。

    Pingdingshan Coal Group : electro-mechanical system management and its application in No.2 coal mine ; The jet has 57 antennas for its huge array of electronic gear . Normal is 17 .

  26. 第五十五条剥夺政治权利的期限,除本法第五十七条规定外,为一年以上五年以下。

    Article 55 A term of deprivation of political rights shall be not less than one year but not more than five years , except as stipulated in Article 57 of this Law .

  27. 第五十七条国务院证券监督管理机构可以授权证券交易所依法暂停或者终止股票或者公司债券上市。

    Article 57 . The securities regulatory body under the State Council can authorize the stock exchanges to suspend or terminate the listing of a company 's stocks or bonds in accordance with the law .

  28. 第五十七条承运人对货物因迟延交付造成经济损失的赔偿限额,为所迟延交付的货物的运费数额。

    Article 57 The liability of the carrier for the economic losses resulting from delay in delivery of the goods shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the freight payable for the goods so delayed .

  29. 百分之六十七的同学在记忆单词的过程中有意识地或无意识地应用元认知策略和百分之五十七的学生应用认知策略,而55%的同学几乎都不用交际策略学习英语词汇。

    67 percent of the students and 57 percent of the students consciously or unconsciously learn vocabulary by Metacognitive Strategy and Cognitive Strategy respectively . 60 percent of the students hardly study English vocabulary by Communicative Strategy .

  30. 第五十七条税务机关依法足额征收教育费附加,由教育行政部门统筹管理,主要用于实施义务教育。

    Article 57 Taxation authorities shall collect in full the extra charges of education funds , all of which shall be controlled by the administrative departments of education and used mainly for the enforcement of compulsory education .