- 网络seven;Fifty-seven

Fifty-seven irregular verbs have I introduced to my brain in the past four days .
Fifty-seven years has passed since Tsinghua University took the lead in setting up the student supervisor system in 1953 .
These statistics show that there are57 deaths per1000 children born .
Romans was written approximately AD57 and was Paul 's sixth letter .
Fifty-seven percent of Americans have made at least one online purchase .
The skin on one chicken leg accounts for 57 .. calories .
At 4:57pm , 80 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon .
Article 57 An award shall be legally effective on the date it is given .
Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted .
Article 57 Right of Inspection and Information
This practice has been established Based on Article 57 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law .
57 % of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 years of age .
The jet has 57 antennas for its huge array of electronic gear . Normal is 17 .
A dreary rain was falling as Celia 's taxi stopped at a dingy six-storey building on Thirty-seventh street .
Romans was written by Paul from Corinth December-February AD56-AD57 as his sixth letter and the seventh New Testament book written .
After winding up of the joint venture company , its accounting books shall be left in the care of Party A.
Article 57 Measures for control of coal marketing shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law .
Of course , price is not the only metric . The skin on one chicken leg accounts for 57 .. calories .
They found that a person 's chances of becoming severely overweight increased by57 percent , if a friend had become obese .
Article 57 A people 's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case .
The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its fifty-seventh session an interim report on the activities undertaken in preparation for the Year .
Article 57 Any person with no legal capacity to engage in litigation shall have his guardian or guardians as statutory agents to act for him in a lawsuit .
Whichever entity or individual violates provisions to distribute imported publications shall be punished in accordance with Article 57 of the " Regulation on the Administration of Publication " .
The third party who provides guaranty of mortgage for the debtor shall have the right of recourse against the debtor after enforcement of the right of mortgage by the mortgagee .
Pingdingshan Coal Group : electro-mechanical system management and its application in No.2 coal mine ; The jet has 57 antennas for its huge array of electronic gear . Normal is 17 .
Article 55 A term of deprivation of political rights shall be not less than one year but not more than five years , except as stipulated in Article 57 of this Law .
Article 57 . The securities regulatory body under the State Council can authorize the stock exchanges to suspend or terminate the listing of a company 's stocks or bonds in accordance with the law .
Article 57 The liability of the carrier for the economic losses resulting from delay in delivery of the goods shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the freight payable for the goods so delayed .
67 percent of the students and 57 percent of the students consciously or unconsciously learn vocabulary by Metacognitive Strategy and Cognitive Strategy respectively . 60 percent of the students hardly study English vocabulary by Communicative Strategy .
Article 57 Taxation authorities shall collect in full the extra charges of education funds , all of which shall be controlled by the administrative departments of education and used mainly for the enforcement of compulsory education .