
lù zhài
  • abatis
鹿砦 [lù zhài]
  • [abatis] 用树木设置的形似鹿角的障碍物。分为树枝类与树干类两种。前者主要用于防步兵。后者主要用于防坦克。设置时可用有刺铁丝、手榴弹和地雷予以加强

鹿砦[lù zhài]
  1. 更多的人冲到鹿砦跟前已耗尽最后一丝气力。

    Many more exhausted their last breath just as they reached the abatis .

  2. 这些城市,都有大量的碉堡群或兼有高大的城墙,并设有多层外壕、铁丝网、鹿砦等副防御设备。

    All these cities were fortified with many groups of blockhouses , and some had high , thick city walls ; also , they all had auxiliary defence works , including multiple lines of trenches , barbed-wire entanglements and abatis .