
lù tè dān
  • Rotterdam;Rotterdam, NL;the second largest city in the Netherlands;RTM
  1. 挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。

    Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam

  2. 我们不能接受你方CIF鹿特丹每公吨180美元的还盘。

    We can 't entertain your counter-offer of $ 180 per unit CIF Rotterdam .

  3. 本文作者马克·格雷芬(MarkGreeven)、杨盛赟、岳韬、埃里克·范埃克(EricvanHeck)和芭芭拉·克鲁格(BarbaraKrug)是伊拉斯谟大学(ErasmusUniversity)鹿特丹管理学院(RotterdamSchoolofManagement)的教师译者:倪卫国

    Mark Greeven , Shengyun Yang , Tao Yue , Eric van Heck and Barbara Krug The writers are faculty members at the Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University

  4. 在伊拉斯谟大学(ErasmusUniversity)鹿特丹管理学院(RotterdamSchoolofManagement),硕士课程已不再使用纸质课本,而是改用电子案例研究和该院图书馆中已付版权费的文章来教学。

    At Erasmus University 's Rotterdam School of Management , use of books on the masters courses has been replaced with digital case studies and articles are available through the school 's university library , which pays for the copyrights .

  5. 原来这是鹿特丹市附近的Piet和JacquelineLateur夫妇寄来的回信。

    It turned out to be a reply to her letter from Piet and Jacqueline Lateur from near Rotterdam .

  6. 2003年在荷兰鹿特丹(Rotterdam)定义了PCOS新的诊断标准,把卵巢的形态学改变多囊性卵巢作为其诊断标准之一。

    In 2003 in Rotterdam , the Netherlands defined the new diagnostic criteria for PCOS . The morphological changes of the ovary - " polycystic ovary " is as one of its diagnostic criteria .

  7. 鹿特丹管理学院可持续发展、管理和气候变化教授盖尔怀特曼(GailWhiteman)表示,女性对可持续发展这个课题非常感兴趣。

    Gail Whiteman , professor of sustainability , management and climate change at RSM , says that women are very interested in sustainability as a topic .

  8. 这两种叙事的电影和纪录片的代表,每年一部电影是选择了参加日比沃尔玛,欧洲版本的IFFCON鹿特丹举行(荷兰)在1月下旬。

    Both narrative films and documentaries are represented , and each year one film is chosen to attend Cine Mart , a European version of IFFCON held in Rotterdam ( the Netherlands ) in late January .

  9. 除了众筹得来的钱,鹿特丹市政府、鹿特丹港口、荷兰的Doen基金会(StichtingDoen)与罗斯格德工作室也提供了资金支持。

    In addition to the crowdfunding , the City of Rotterdam ; the Port of Rotterdam ; Stichting Doen , a Dutch foundation ; and Studio Roosegaarde provided financial support .

  10. 研究目的:2003年5月在荷兰鹿特丹召开的会议上,欧洲人类生殖协会(ESHRE)和美国生殖医学协会(ASRM)达成共识,提出PCOS新的诊断标准即ESHRE/ASRM诊断标准。

    Objective : In2003May Holland conference in Rotterdam , European Association of human reproduction . ESHRE ) and the American Society for reproductive medicine ( ASRM ) reach a consensus , put forward PCOS new diagnostic criteria of ESHRE / ASRM diagnosis standard .

  11. 由外到内&中国当代,荷兰鹿特丹

    Inside and Outside Outside - In & CHINA contemporary , Rotterdam

  12. 船舶与运输学院,鹿特丹,荷兰

    Shipping and transport college , rotterdam , the netherlands , 2005

  13. 《鹿特丹规则》研究:制度创新与借鉴

    Study on the Rotterdam Rules : Institutional Innovation and Its Lessons

  14. 鹿特丹和新加坡是转口贸易中心。

    Rotterdam and Singapore are centers for entrop ? T trade .

  15. 我们可以同意在鹿特丹转运。

    We might agree to have the goods transshipped via Rotterdam .

  16. 鹿特丹在第二次世界大战期间几乎完全被炸毁。

    Rotterdam was almost completely bombed out during World War II .

  17. 你要知道,鹿特丹是世界最大的海港。

    Rotterdam is the world 's largest seaport , you know .

  18. 试论《鹿特丹规则》下托运人义务之强化

    Analysis of the strengthening of shipper 's obligations under the Rotterdam Rules

  19. 《鹿特丹规则》下贸易商权利与义务的变化

    Changes on the Right and Obligation of the Merchants under Rotterdam Rules

  20. 鹿特丹邮政局的服务中心,荷兰

    Service Center in Post Office Rotterdam , Netherlands , 1985

  21. 论《鹿特丹规则》下货物控制权的行使

    Probe on the Performance of the Right of Control under Rotterdam Rules

  22. 第三部分分析了《鹿特丹规则》下国际多式联运经营人的责任。

    Chapter three analyzes the multimodal transport operators ' responsibility .

  23. 帕拉是活跃在荷兰鹿特丹的艺术家、设计师。

    Parra is a designer , artist based in Amsterdam , Netherlands .

  24. 自然历史博物馆,鹿特丹,荷兰

    Natural history museum , rotterdam , the netherlands , 1996

  25. 他的妻子,3个女儿,都在鹿特丹的大屠杀中杀丧生。

    his wife and three daughters had perished in Rotterdam 's holocaust .

  26. 本船将于星期三在鹿特丹港停泊。

    The ship will berth at Rotterdam on Wednesday .

  27. 从鹿特丹港的发展看世界港口发展的新趋势

    New Development Trends of World Ports from the View of Rotterdam Port Development

  28. 鹿特丹是世界进入欧洲的大门。

    It is the world 's door to europe .

  29. 鹿特丹绿地规划宅间&画家住宅

    Green Space Planning in Rotterdam Residence of A Painter

  30. 荷兰第二大城市鹿特丹最棒的建筑。

    First-class architecture in the Netherlands ' second city .