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  • 网络lucheng;Lucheng District
  1. 结论大力开展控烟健康教育,加强公共场所禁烟管理力度,积极推广科学有效的戒烟方法是鹿城区控制吸烟危害的最好措施。

    Conclusion The best measure to control smoking is to develop the smoking control and health education , to strengthen the management of forbidding smoking in public and spread some effective methods of stopping smoking in Lucheng District .

  2. 在今后的发展中,鹿城区将充分利用加入WTO的有利条件,实施多元化战略,千方百计扩大出口。

    In future development , Lucheng District will make full use of favorable conditions for accession to WTO , the implementation of diversification strategy , do everything possible to expand exports .

  3. 目的为提高温州市鹿城区餐饮业加工销售的现榨果蔬汁卫生安全性和操作过程中的卫生质量控制水平,对加工现榨果蔬汁的餐饮企业应用HACCP系统进行初步研究。

    Objectives To improve the sanitary conditions and its quality control , such as HACCP application , of freshly squeezed juices during processing in the catering services in Lucheng District , Wenzhou city .

  4. 鹿城区首例输入性登革热病例

    Report on the first imported dengue fever case in Lucheng District

  5. 再析温州市鹿城区私人诊所现状与前景

    An Investigation and Analysis on Private Clinics in Lucheng District of Wenzhou

  6. 鹿城区制革业的发展后劲不足。

    Leather industry in Lucheng is lack of potential of continuous development .

  7. 温州市鹿城区新生儿疾病筛查的回顾性分析

    Retrospective analysis of results in screening illnesses in the newborns in Lucheng District

  8. 鹿城区自愿婚检政策负面影响调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Voluntary Premarital Medical Examination in Lucheng District

  9. 鹿城区酒店餐厅自制现榨果汁卫生状况调查

    Investigations on sanitation conditions of fresh home-made juice of hotels and restaurants in Lucheng

  10. 民间一般公认温州鹿城区通行方言为温州话。

    The dialect used in Lucheng District of Wenzhou is generally called Wenzhou dialect .

  11. 温州市鹿城区不同人群艾滋病相关知识现况调查

    Survey on AIDS Related Knowledge Among Different Population of Lucheng District , Wenzhou City

  12. 鹿城区制革业发展对策

    Development Strategy about Leather Industry in Lucheng

  13. 2008年浙江省温州市鹿城区二次供水水质分析供水水文地质勘察规范

    Water quality analysis of secondary water supply in Lucheng district of Wenzhou city , 2008

  14. 1984年,温州地市合并,建立现在的鹿城区。

    In1984 , merged cities of Wenzhou , the establishment of the present Lucheng District .

  15. 温州市鹿城区2005年肿瘤发病分析

    An Analysis of Cancer Incidence in 2005 in Lucheng District , Wenzhou City , Zhejiang Province

  16. 温州市鹿城区预防接种室消毒与污染状况调查

    Investigation on Disinfectant Conditions and Environmental Contamination of Preventive Inoculation Rooms in Lucheng District of Wenzhou City

  17. 浙江省温州市鹿城区女性性服务者艾滋病认知及高危行为特征调查分析

    Analysis of AIDS-related knowledge and high-risk behavior patterns among female sex workers in Lucheng district , Wenzhou , Zhejiang

  18. 农村土地流转现状与对策思考&温州市鹿城区农地流转调查

    Consideration of Rural Land Circulation Status and Its Countermeasure & Investigation of rural land circulation in Lucheng area of Wenzhou City

  19. 城市边缘区土地利用总体规划初探&以温州市鹿城区为例

    The preliminary study of land use overall planning on urban fringe ─ a case study of the Lucheng district , Wenzhou

  20. 同年,温州市被列为全国14个沿海对外开放城市之一,鹿城区成为温州市对外开放的前沿阵地。

    In the same year , Wenzhou City , was listed as the country's14 coastal open cities , Lucheng District , Wenzhou City , opening up a frontier .

  21. 本文联系鹿城区实际对边缘区土地利用总体规划的指导思想、编制内容要点进行了探讨,以寻求城市边缘区土地合理利用,实现土地资源优化配置与可持续发展。

    It analysed the specific properties and contracts that lies in urban fringes , then provided the guiding thoughts and important contents of drawing up land use overall planning , in order to quest for the sustainable development about land use .

  22. 瓯海区北靠瓯江,处于温州市区的东、南、西部,环绕鹿城、龙湾两区。

    Oujiang Ouhai north , in the urban area of Wenzhou , east , south , west , around the Lucheng , Longwan two districts .