
  • deer;buck
鹿 [lù]
  • 哺乳动物,四肢细长,尾短。雄鹿头上有树枝状的角。毛多为棕褐色,有的有花斑或条纹。听觉和嗅觉都很灵敏。种类很多,常见的有梅花鹿、水鹿、白唇鹿、马鹿等。

  • 方形的粮仓:“市无赤米,而囷~空虚。”

  • 粗,粗劣:~裘。~布。~床。

  • 姓。


(哺乳动物反刍类的一科) deer:

  • 公鹿

    stag; buck;

  • 母鹿


  • 幼鹿



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 鹿旗

    Lu Qi

鹿[lù tí]
  1. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。

    Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls .

  2. 他像猎手跟踪鹿一样悄悄跟踪受害人。

    He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer .

  3. 任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。

    Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer

  4. 那些鹿一直没有被驯服:你一靠近,它们就跑开。

    The deer never became tame ; they would run away if you approached them .

  5. 市郊的扩展使美国鹿的数量激增。

    The spread of the suburbs has triggered a population explosion among America 's deer .

  6. 墙上挂着一个驼鹿头。某个爱搞笑的人在它的嘴里放了一支香烟。

    There was a moose head on the wall . Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth .

  7. 狮子拱起后背向鹿扑去。

    The lion arched its back to jump on the deer .

  8. 树后面露出的角暴露了鹿的藏身之地。

    A visible antler behind the tree betrayed the presence of the deer .

  9. 鹿被狮子捕食了。

    The deer fell a prey to the lion .

  10. 猎人们悄悄地追捕那头鹿。

    Huntsmen chased the deer silently .

  11. 这男孩好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。

    The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck .

  12. 狮子逼近了那群鹿。

    The lion closed in on the family of deer .

  13. 猎人蹑手蹑脚地走近那头鹿。

    The hunter crept up to the deer .

  14. 那些鹿集结在水边。

    The deer clustered together near the water .

  15. 鹿一看见我们就飞快地逃走了。

    The deer saw us and darted away .

  16. 从他身上仍可以见到有一种鹿一般矫健的体态和风姿。

    His body , even now , had the poise and grace of a deer .

  17. 彼得见到那只被他打死的鹿时,忍不住掉下了眼泪。

    Peter broke down and wept when he saw the deer that he had shot .

  18. 猎人打倒了一只鹿。

    The hunter brought down a deer .

  19. 鹿每年都蜕角。

    Deer shed their antlers each year .

  20. 兀鹰在天空盘旋等待着啄食鹿的尸体。

    Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer .

  21. 鹿和麋鹿是狼的主要食物来源,它们繁殖的速度非常快。

    Deer and elk populations — major food sourcesfor the wolf – grew rapidly .

  22. 麋鹿、鹿和郊狼的数量正在下降,而海狸和红狐的数量有所上升。

    Elk , deer , and coyote populations are down , while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback .

  23. 她好像死了。乌鸦飞到鹿的头上。

    She seemed dead.Crow flew and landed on Deer 's head .

  24. 乌龟不停地和鹿说话,想让她感觉好些。

    Turtle kept talking to Deer to help her feel better .

  25. 请看看你能不能找到我们的朋友鹿。

    Please see if you can find our friend Deer .

  26. 有一天,鹿没有来湖边喝水。

    One day Deer did not come to the lake to drink water .

  27. 猎人看见了鹿,就放下乌龟去捉鹿。

    The hunter saw Deer so he put Turtle down to get Deer .

  28. 鹿立刻带着老鼠跑了。

    Deer at once ran away with Mouse .

  29. 我怕鹿会受伤。

    I 'm afraid Deer might be hurt .

  30. 鹿跳起来跑了。

    Deer jumped up and ran off .