
  • 网络kagoshima;Kagoshima City
  1. 东道主鹿儿岛市称,南非橄榄球队的21名队员被隔离,因为据信他们在飞行途中与感染病例有密切接触。

    Twenty-one members of the South African rugby team were isolation as they are believed to have been in close contact with the case on their flight , said Kagoshima city , which is hosting the team .

  2. 在樱岛火山喷发后,鹿儿岛市的人们穿戴口罩和雨衣来保护自身。

    People in Kagoshima city wore masks and raincoats to shield themselves after the Sakurajima volcano erupted .

  3. 中国媒体称,船长和两名船员已被带至九州岛上的鹿儿岛市(kagoshima)接受讯问。

    Chinese media said the captain and two crew had been taken to Kagoshima City on Kyushu Island to be questioned .