
lù ròu
  • venison
鹿肉[lù ròu]
  1. 有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。

    Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour

  2. 最佳匹配菜肴:鹿肉、烤鹅、牛里脊。

    Best Matching foods : Venison , Roast Goose , Fillet .

  3. 这里不长庄稼,所以村民们以驯鹿肉和马肉为食。

    Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer meat and horsemeat .

  4. 鹿肉、野火鸡和鱼都是他们的食物。

    Their food was venison , wilder turkey , and fish .

  5. 高蛋白营养型鹿肉精粉的研制

    Study on technological process for nutritional high-protein powder of sika meat

  6. 猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。

    The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious .

  7. 我们接连数周饱餐了父亲猎得的鹿肉。

    We feasted for weeks on the deer that daddy shot .

  8. 他们吃鹿肉、鸭子、鹅、火鸡和南瓜。

    They ate deer , ducks , geese , turkeys and pumpkins .

  9. 冷却鹿肉绿色保鲜试验研究

    The Study on the Green Preservation of Cooling Deer Meat

  10. 但筵席上肯定有鹿肉。

    However , it is certain that they had venison .

  11. 发酵鹿肉制品的发酵特性与工艺配方优化

    Fermentation Properties and Technological Formula Optimization of Fermented Venison Product

  12. 我想知道他们能卖掉多少野兔肉和鹿肉。

    I wonder how much hare and venison they sell .

  13. 把鹿肉晾挂一星期左右再烧。

    Leaving venison for a week or so to hang .

  14. 鹿肉的营养价值及初加工概况

    Survey about Nutritional Value and Initial Processing of Venison

  15. 他对鹿肉的嗜好似乎是永远无法满足。

    His appetite for venison seems to be inappeasable .

  16. 更可能是鹿肉、禽肉和鳗鱼。

    More like venison , fowl , and eel .

  17. 梅花鹿肉与绵羊肉在僵直化过程中主要理化性能的比较

    Comparation of Main Chemical and Physical Properties of Sika and Lamb During Rigor Setting

  18. 腌制对鹿肉理化性质影响的研究

    On the Relation between Chaos and Jerk Study on Physicochemistry Quality of Cured Venison

  19. 先生太太们享用了鹿肉。

    The lords and ladies feasted on venison .

  20. 阿拉斯加早餐:标志特征是在煎饼上加块驯鹿肉再卧个蛋。

    An Alaskan breakfast – featuring reindeer meat and an egg nestled on a pancake .

  21. 羊肉和小羔羊,山羊,鹿肉还有兔肉都属于常见的食用肉。

    Mutton and lamb , goat , venison , and rabbit are other common meats .

  22. 但筵席上肯定有鹿肉。〔谚语〕天下无不散的筵席。

    However , it is certain that they had venison . The best of friends must part .

  23. 然后他把剩下的鹿肉扛在肩上,带回给家人吃。

    Then he threw the carcass over his shoulder and carried it back home to feed his family .

  24. 鹿肉用作食物的鹿肉你要腿肉还是胸脯肉?

    The flesh of a deer used as food . Would you like some leg or some breast ?

  25. 鹿肉用作食物的鹿肉在火上烤肉用的串肉扦。

    The flesh of a deer used as food . a skewer for holding meat over a fire .

  26. 毋须我们的帮助,您就能亨受打猎和品尝鹿肉这两种快乐。

    With no need of our aid , you can enjoy both the hunting and the eating of deer .

  27. 前者(野猪肉)味道太大,我们无法消受,后者(鹿肉)却味道绝佳。

    The former was much too high to suit our taste , but the latter proved to be excellent .

  28. 鹿肉烧得恰到好处,大家都说,从来没有见过这么肥的腰肉。

    The venison was roasted to a turn & and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch .

  29. 每天都来的御厨,简单地杀了等待着的牺牲者,再为国王准备鹿肉。

    The cook came each day , simply killed the waiting victim , and prepared the king 's venison .

  30. 回到小屋后,叫些芬兰美食大啖一番,例如上面铺满驯鹿肉、鲑鱼和虾肉的比萨。

    Back at the lodge , enjoy Finnish fare such as pizza topped with reindeer , salmon and shrimp .