
  • 网络Cubic feet;Cubic foot;CFM;cuft
  1. 水的密度是每立方英尺62。4磅。

    Water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot .

  2. 男士二:在贮油层里的每立方英尺原油中。

    Man2 : in every cubic foot of crude in the reservoir .

  3. 这个箱子的容积为180立方英尺。

    The volume of this box is 180 cubic feet .

  4. 据美国能源情报署(UnitedStatesEnergyInformationAdministration)估计,南海的石油储量为110亿桶,天然气为190万亿立方英尺(约合5.4万亿立方米)。这些数字包括已探明的和可能的储量。

    The United States Energy Information Administration has estimated that 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas lie below the seabed , including both proven and probable reserves .

  5. 根据项目要求,从2019年开始,英国石油公司每年要向中国海洋石油总公司(ChinaNationalOffshoreOilCompany,简称中海油)供应150万吨液化天然气,相当于720亿立方英尺的天然气,为期20年。

    It will see BP will deliver up to 1.5 million tons a year of LNG-equivalent to 72 billion cubic feet of gas-to China National Offshore Oil Company , or CNOOC , for 20 years from 2019 onwards .

  6. 结果用cfm(每分钟多少立方英尺)表示。

    The results are given in cfm-cubic feet per minute .

  7. 根据去年敲定的计划,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)将从2018年开始向中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorporation.)每天供应37.5亿立方英尺天然气,为期30年。

    An outline of a deal hashed out last year would have Russia 's state champion Gazprom supply counterpart China National Petroleum Corporation with 3.75 billion cubic feet a day for 30 years starting in 2018 .

  8. 菲亚特500L车内空间的容积为121.1立方英尺(约合3.43立方米),而承载这样空间的仅仅是102.8英寸(约合2.61米)的轴距和167.3英寸(约合4.25米)的整车长度。

    The 500L encloses a volume of 121.1 cubic feet of interior space , piled but just barely on a 102.8-inch wheelbase and overall length of 167.3 inches .

  9. 混合箱的容积约等于41立方英尺。

    The capacity of the mixing cask is about forty-one cubic feet .

  10. 该容器的容积是一千立方英尺。

    The volume of this container is 1000 cubic feet .

  11. 这个东西超过39000立方英尺。

    This thing is more than 39000 cubic feet .

  12. 1立方英尺的水形成11/10立方英尺的冰。

    One cubic of water forms 1 1 / 10 cubic feet of ice .

  13. 海上采气在周边也已经被发现,多达100多万亿立方英尺。

    Up to 100 trillion cubic feet of offshore gas have also been discovered nearby .

  14. 一立方英尺空气在0℃和76厘米汞柱压力下重多少?

    How much does one cubic foot of air weigh at0 ℃ and76 cm . pressure ?

  15. 室内氢系统的全部储存量应限制在3000立方英尺或更少。

    Total storage capacity of an indoor hydrogen system should BE limited to3000cubic feet or less .

  16. 以立方英尺计算的散装容积

    Grain capacity in cubic feet

  17. 每分钟真正的立方英尺数

    Actual cubic feet per minute

  18. 制冷空间中每立方英尺可储存包装好的约2~3磅的进一步的加工肉。

    Approximately 2 to 3 pounds of meat may be packed per cubic foot of freezer space .

  19. 这个学生问老师:一立方英尺空气有多重?

    The student asked the teacher , how many one cubic foot of air weighs under normal conditions ?

  20. 据悉,上一次的世界纪录是在2005年创造的,当时吹出的泡沫量为105.4立方英尺。

    It is reported that the previous world record was created in2005 , when the bubble was105.4 cubic feet capacity .

  21. (采矿)体积单位(等于立方英尺)用于测量矿体。

    ( mining ) a unit of volume ( equal to 6 cubic feet ) used in measuring bodies of ore.

  22. 单填料:在编织环之间放置三个或四个石墨环,密度80-90磅/立方英尺。

    Single set packing : three or four graphite rings between braided rings , 80-90 lbs. / cu . ft. density .

  23. 2013年,美国已探明天然气储量也增长强劲,增长了9.7%,达到354万亿立方英尺。

    US proven reserves of natural gas also grew strongly in 2013 , rising 9.7 per cent to 354tn cubic feet .

  24. 行李容量5。3立方英尺,反过来,使驾驶员和乘客可以方便随身携带两个高尔夫球袋。

    Luggage capacity of5.3 cu ft , in turn , allows the driver and passengers to conveniently take along two golf bags .

  25. 立方英尺为单位的测量,表明其性能的通风罩。

    CFM ( Cubic Feet per Minute ): CFM is a unit of measurement that indicates the performance of a ventilation hood .

  26. 2010年美国开采的天然气为22.6万亿立方英尺。而2005年为18.9万亿立方英尺。

    In 2010 the country produced 22.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas , up from 18.9 trillion cubic feet in 2005 .

  27. 印尼一座泥土水坝坍塌的时候,多数民众还在睡梦中,没有料到他们的家很快被事故引发的7千万立方英尺的大水淹没了。

    Most residents were sleeping when the earthen dam collapsed , sending 70 million cubic feet of water crashed down on their homes .

  28. 由于天然气需求旺季接近尾声,天然气价格目前徘徊在4美元/千立方英尺以下。

    As the peak demand season for natural gas comes to a close , natural gas is stuck under $ 4 / MCF .

  29. 超过15000标准立方英尺的大量气态氢系统必须放置在单独的建筑物或室外。

    Bulk gaseous hydrogen systems in excess of 15,000 standard cubic feet storage capacity must be located in a separate building or outdoors .

  30. 另据有关媒体的报道,每年输送过来的天然气预计能够达到10亿立方米(350亿立方英尺)。

    The sum is expected to cover one billion cubic meters ( 35 billion cubic feet ) of gas annually , media reports said .