
  • 网络leading sector;leading department
  1. 我的意思是,零售业通常是一个主导部门,你可以通过零售业来对经济进行多方面的判断。

    I mean retail -- well the word retail is always the leading sector where you can judge a lot of things for how the economy is going .

  2. 因此,区域主导产业选择要反映其区域属性和主导部门属性。

    Therefore choosing regional leading industry should represent the characteristic of a leading sector in a special region .

  3. 主导部门各项工作流程的制订,执行及监督。

    Led the drafting , implementing and supervising of the department 's respective work procedures .

  4. 二是在传统计划体制部门之外发展新型的市场主导部门,改变过去的部门和企业的单一所有制结构,以创造更加充分的竞争环境。

    The other is to develop new market dominated sections out side the traditional planned system .

  5. 其中钢铁将继煤炭开采之后而成为地区工业的主导部门,王滩将成为大型钢铁冶炼基地的港口城市。

    Following the coal mine exploitation , the iron and steel industry will be dominated in the area .

  6. 中央和各地方政府作为社会保障政策制定、具体实施的主导部门。

    Central and local government as a social security policy formulation , the dominant sector in the specific implementation .

  7. 交通运输部作为道路运输市场的主导部门,其经济行为直接影响着道路运输市场的发展。

    Communication department is the leading part ; so its economic behavior directly affects the development of road transport market .

  8. 目前,作为我国国民经济的支柱产业,制造业是我国经济增长的主导部门和经济转型的基础;

    At present , as the pillar industry in our national economy , manufacturing industry draws Chinese economy and the transformation of industrial structure ;

  9. 这一政策主张的基本特点是:在开放经济的前提下探讨我国产业结构的调整方向,根据对国际经济结构或比较优势结构的变化趋势确定我国的主导部门。

    The direction of readjustment and the leading sectors should be decided in accordance with the international economic structure and the changing trend of comparative advantages .

  10. 信息产业是引领西部经济起飞的主导部门,而科技工业园是信息产业发展的空间载体,能为信息产业发展提供五大聚集优势。

    IT industry is the leading part in economy growth , and hi - tech parks can provide five dominant priorities in collecting and promoting IT industry .

  11. 再由社会化分工体系的自然演进、主导部门在区域间的转移和置换,导致区域结构和发展水平的高位均衡或趋近。

    Furthermore , the natural evolution of socialized division of labour and the regional transfer of leading sectors cause the high grade balance of regional structure and development level .

  12. 经过近三十年的高速发展,制造业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业、经济增长的主导部门和经济转型的基础。

    Manufacturing has become a pillar industry of China 's national economy and the dominant sector in China 's economic growth in economic restructuring after nearly three decades of rapid development .

  13. 在该模型中,将企业职能部门区分为主导部门和非主导部门,每个部门都有机会成为主导部门或非主导部门。

    In this model , all functional departments of an enterprise are divided into a dominating department and non-dominating departments , and every department has the opportunity to become a dominating or non-dominating department .

  14. 定性基准包括主导部门分析法基准、产业关联基准、收入弹性基准和生产率上升基准、比较优势基准等。

    The qualitative datum includes the leading department analytic method datum , the industrial connection datum , the income elastic datum and the productivity rising datum , the comparison superiority datum and so on .

  15. 快速的扩张仅出现在棉纺织业等少数主导部门,其他多数工业部门发展缓慢,而且直到工业化结束前农业仍是最重要的生产部门。

    Only few leading sectors , for example , cotton manufacture , expand rapidly and the development in the other industrial sectors was still slow , while the agriculture was yet the main productive sector .

  16. 同时,基于东部省份体育产业内、外要素分析,构建了以3大体育产业资源集化区、区域发展时序和区域体育产业主导部门三维结构的我国东部省份体育产业区域发展模式。

    At same time , according to the analysis of inside and outside elements , the solid frame with three sports industry resource is constructed such as conglomeration , area development timing-order and area sports industry .

  17. 此外,明确定义了协调决策过程信息交换的内容,即主导部门向非主导部门传递全局决策向量,而非主导部门向主导部门传递各自的边际收益向量。

    In addition , the information exchanged in the process of coordinating was definitely defined , i.e. the dominating department transfers the global decision vector to the non-dominating departments , while the non-dominating departments transmit their marginal income vectors to the dominating department .

  18. 政府主导多部门合作综合防治癌症

    Government Dominant , Multi-branch Cooperation and Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment for Cancer

  19. 主导工业部门与瑞典现代经济起飞

    The leading industrial sectors and the takeoff of modern economy in Sweden

  20. 长江三峡地区主导产业部门选择

    Selection of leading industries in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang River

  21. 区域主导产业部门的分析与实例研究

    Analysis of regional leading industry sectors and case study

  22. 城市的主导产业部门是自然资源的采掘、生产和初级加工。

    Oriented industry of the city relies on excavation , production and primary processing for natural resources ;

  23. 一个国家或地区经济增长的过程,其实就是主导产业部门综合体系不断更替的过程。

    A national or local economic growth process is actually the process which the leading industry department combined system changes unceasingly .

  24. 打破行政主导和部门分割,建立主要由市场决定技术创新项目和经费分配、评价成果的机制。

    Break executive-leading and departmental segmentation , building a system where the market decides innovation program selection , resource allocation and result assessment .

  25. 工业是俄罗斯远东地区的主导经济部门。2001年远东工业仍未走出低谷,但有的工业部门生产已出现恢复性增长。

    The industrial production of the Russian Far East in2001 didn 't bottom out , but there appeared a recovery increase in industrial sectors .

  26. 3探讨主导工业部门的联动作用在石油工业地域体系形成过程中的科学和实践意义。

    To approach theoretical and practical significance of the linkages of the Leading industrial departments in the formation of the regional systems of the oil industries .

  27. 但如果把他们安插到流水线上或任何白人占据主导的部门,甚至在挂他们衣服的时候碰到了白人的衣服

    but if you try to mix them in the assembly lines or any place elsewhere whites predominated and hung their coats touching those of whites ,

  28. 我国社会福利事业经过改革与发展,已初步形成了政府主导、部门配合、社会广泛参与的局面,建立起了多种类型、多种层次的福利服务体系。

    Our country social welfare enterprise after the reform and the development , has initially formed the government to lead , the department coordinates , the social widespread participation aspect , established the many kinds of types , the many kinds of levels welfare service system .

  29. 在我国政府明确提出艾滋病防治工作要由政府主导,多部门合作,全社会参与之后,防艾草根组织在艾滋病防治工作中的固有优势就更加突显。

    After our government clearly put forward " government-led , multi-sectoral co-operation and participation of the whole society " in the AIDS prevention work , grass-roots NGOs show advantages in this field .

  30. 学校与社区体育设施共享应设立共享的保障资金,着手从共享的运行机制体系进行制度创新,重在以政府为主导的多部门联合机制实施共享关键在于组织构架的创新。

    School and community sports facilities sharing shall establish Shared guarantee funds , begin from sharing mechanism of system of system innovation , focusing on the government-led implementation Shared many departments joint mechanism , the key lies in the innovation of organizational structure .