
  1. PID控制技术因其良好的控制效果,始终是实际工业过程控制中的主导技术。

    To its good control effect , PID control technology has always been the dominant technology of actual industrial process control .

  2. IP将成为未来信息通信的主导技术,最终将实现数据、话音、图像业务和网络的融合。

    IP will become the dominant technology in the future information communication with the merging of data , voice and picture in one network .

  3. 可以毫不夸张地说,信息资源整合将是新一代Web及电子化服务中的主导技术之一。

    It is never too exaggerated to emphasize that Web Integration would be one of the key techniques in the new generation of the web and new application era of e-services .

  4. WCDMA是第三代移动通信系统空中接口的主导技术,由于其基站之间没有统一的同步参考时钟,因此小区搜索是WCDMA物理层的关键技术之一。

    WCDMA is one of the leading technology of the air interface in the third generation mobile communication system , there is no unity synchronization reference clock between the base station .

  5. TANG等人报道了低电压、高效率的有机小分子电致发光器件以来,OLEDs获得了飞速的发展,并很有希望成为下一代显示器的主导技术。

    Tang et al reported the small molecule organic light-emitting device with high efficiency under low operating voltage in 1987 . OLEDs have been paid much attention and be vastly recognized as a most promising technology for next generation of display .

  6. 提出了工具化CECAPP专家系统的结构和主导技术,为化工机械厂的CAD/CAPP/CAM集成提供了实用的运行模式。

    The paper introduces the architecture and key technology of the toolkit CECAPP expert system , which will provide a practical method for CAD / CAPP / CAM integrated system of chemical machinery factory .

  7. 纳米技术是21世纪的主导技术。

    Nanometer technology is one of the dominant technologies in the 21st century .

  8. 它将成为滩海油田钻井技术中的主导技术。

    It will become the leading technology in the shallow sea oilfield well drilling technology .

  9. 然后探讨了构建衣业持续发展技术体系的原则、主攻方向、主导技术、发展模式和运行机制。

    Dominant technology .. development model and operation mechanism for setting up the technology system .

  10. 纳米技术是继信息、生物技术后的主导技术之一。

    Nanotechnology becomes one of the main technology as well as the information technology and biotechnology .

  11. 最近十年来,无线传感器网络作为电子信息领域的主导技术之一已经出现。

    In recent ten years , wireless sensor networks have emerged as one of the dominant technology trends in Electrical & Information field .

  12. 认为煤矿生产的主导技术是开采技术,因此要加强对采煤方法的研究。

    With the mining technologies considered as the guiding technologies , an intensified research should be directed towards the development of mining methods .

  13. 随着性能的改善,它将逐步向主流市场扩散,侵蚀更大市场份额,并最终成为新的主导技术。

    With performance improvement , it will gradually spread to the mainstream market , occupy greater market share , and eventually become the new dominant technology .

  14. IC卡技术是金卡工程的主导技术,同磁卡等其它卡片相比,其具有较高的安全性。

    IC card is the dominant technology in " Project of Financial Card " . Its security is better than other cards such as magnetic card .

  15. 胜利油区几大主力油田进入特高含水阶段后,三次采油已成为进一步提高采收率的主导技术。

    Tertiary oil recovery has become a dominant technology for improving oil recovery in Shengli Oil Field after the main oil fields turn into high water content stage .

  16. 但这种作用不应体现为对个别企业的保护、主导技术创新和制定某种产业政策,而应体现为推进市场机制的建立与完善。

    The government role is not to protect to individual enterprise , to dominant technique innovation and to make some Industrial policy , but to speed up to found the market system .

  17. 酸压改造工艺技术不仅是碳酸盐岩油气藏增产和稳产的主导技术,而且已经成为勘探开发油气或探明储量不可缺少的重要手段。

    Acid fracturing technology is not only the main one to increase oil and gas production and make stable yields in carbonate reservoirs but an important measure in oil and gas exploration and exploitation .

  18. 另外,由于能以较低的成本、较简单的结构形式极大地扩大单根光纤的传输容量,波分复用系统已经成为光网络中的主导技术。

    In addition , the wavelength-division-multiplexed ( WDM ) system became the dominant technology in optical networks for it can greatly expand the transmission capacity of a single fiber with low cost and simply structure .

  19. 积极发展勘探主导技术,用新理论、新技术确保油气勘探高效进行。

    The geologic cognition can be used to guide exploration , and develop actively the dominant technique of exploration , new theory and new technology can ensure oil and gas exploration to carry out effectively .

  20. 传统的诱变育种是最广泛的选育方法,以基因工程为核心的现代生物技术也应用于农用抗生素产生菌的菌种选育中,并逐渐成为农用抗生素菌种选育的主导技术。

    The traditional way for selecting strains is wide way , the modern microbiologic technology taking the gene engineering as center is also applied for strains breeding , and it becomes the main way gradually .

  21. 纳米技术是本世纪前20年的主导技术,纳米材料是纳米技术的核心,是21世纪最有前途的材料,也是纳米技术的应用基础之一。

    Nano technology is the dominant technology in this century at the beginning twenty years , and nanometer material is the core and application foundation of nano technology and also the most promising materials in 21st century .

  22. 挤压成形技术是铝型材生产的主导技术和核心环节,因此如何保障型材质量、缩短投产时间和提高模具寿命成为挤压成形过程中的核心问题。

    Extrusion technology is the dominant technology of the aluminum production , therefore how to ensure the quality of profiles , shorten production time and improve dies ' lifespan are the core aspects of the extrusion process .

  23. 在国内大多数油田进入高含水期的今天,三次采油技术不断发展成为高含水期油田持续稳定开发的一项主导技术。

    In the most domestic oil fields with high water cut period , the continuous development of enhanced oil recovery technology has become the dominant technology in a sustained and stable development of high water cut stage oilfield .

  24. 本文在第三次产业革命的基础上,论述了模块化技术成为主导技术的技术条件,以计算机产业为例论述了模块化生产方式的产生及其特点。

    The article discusses the factors of technology that modular technique becomes the dominant technique , based on the third industrial revolution , it takes computer industry for example and expounds detail advent and features of modular production .

  25. 文章从科学发展的方向和水平、亟待解决的与农业有关的问题以及世界农业发展的趋势等方面,讨论了本世纪初我国农业主导技术发展的基本走向。

    From the orientation and level of science development , some problems associated with agriculture and developmental tendency of world agriculture , this paper discusses the basic trend of our leading agricultural technology at the beginning of present century .

  26. 提出创新网络是集群式产业创新的载体,分析总结了创新网络的涌现受到集群技术空间维度与主导技术生命周期的影响,创新网络的涌现与进化贯穿于整个集群式产业创新过程。

    Innovation net is the carrier of clustering industrial innovation , the avalanche of innovation net is affected by cluster technology space dimensionality and life cycle of leading technology . Net learning and synergy innovation are the running mechanism of clustering industrial innovation .

  27. 随着化学驱的方法成为老油田持续稳产的主导技术,三次采油用到的化学药剂作用明显且用量大,但这些药剂会对原油性质以及后续加工会产生怎样的影响都不得而知。

    With the chemical flooding method became the leading continued stable production technology in oil field , chemical agents effect obviously and was used in large amount , but what effects of these chemical agents had on crude oil properties and subsequent processing were unknown .

  28. 随着软件服务领域的不断拓展、软件研发技术的不断进步,面向对象技术已经成为了软件分析与设计的主导技术。然而与之相应的软件测试技术的发展却是滞后的。

    With the development of software service and the technique of software R & D , Object-Oriented ( OO ) technology had become the main skill in analyzing and designing software , however , to some degree , the corresponding software test technique still fall behind .

  29. 本文在对比分析技术能力成长内涵、途径、影响因素和企业技术创新特点的基础上,论述在主导技术范式约束和限制的情况下,技术能力成长对企业进行技术创新产生正负双刃影响的机理。

    Based on the comparative analysis of the connotation , approaches , influent factors of the growth of technological capability and the characteristics of technological innovation in contemporary firms , the paper discusses the possibilities and the mechanism of the double-edged effect of technological capability on technological innovation .

  30. 主导火焰技术在600MW机组W型火焰燃烧锅炉中的应用

    Application of main guiding flame technology in 600 MW boiler with " w " - shaped flame firing