
zhǔ ɡuǎn jī ɡuān
  • competent authority;department in charge;organization in charge
  1. 直辖市、县(市)主管机关之管辖范围,为领海海域范围内之行政辖区;

    The scope of jurisdiction for a special municipality , county or city competent authority shall be its administrative jurisdiction within the territorial seas ;

  2. 目的事业主管机关或主管机关得先行采取紧急措施,必要时,并得代为清除处理;

    The industry competent authority or competent authority may first adopt emergency measures and , when necessary , may perform cleanup and disposal work on behalf of the polluter ;

  3. 第四十条审计机关审定审计报告,对审计事项作出评价,出具审计意见书;对违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,需要依法给予处理、处罚的,在法定职权范围内作出审计决定或者向有关主管机关提出处理、处罚意见。

    Article 40 Audit institutions shall , after examining the audit reports , give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities .

  4. 第十三条外国人在中国居留,必须持有中国政府主管机关签发的身份证件或者居留证件。

    Article 13 For residence in China , aliens must possess identification papers or residence certificates issued by the competent authorizes of the Chinese Government .

  5. 第十条中国政府主管机关根据外国人申请入境的事由,发给相应的签证。

    Article 10 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shall issue appropriate visas to aliens according to the purposes stated in their entry applications .

  6. 第十四条依照中国法律在中国投资或者同中国的企业、事业单位进行经济、科学技术、文化合作以及其他需要在中国长期居留的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,可以获得长期居留或者永久居留资格。

    Article 14 Aliens who , in compliance for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  7. 第二条外国人入境、过境和在中国境内居留,必须经中国政府主管机关许可。

    Article 2 Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government in order to enter , transit or reside in China .

  8. 第十五条对因为政治原因要求避难的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,准许在中国居留。

    Article 15 Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  9. 情节较重的,对有关责任人员由其所在单位或者政府主管机关给予行政处分。

    in a serious case , the persons responsible shall be subject to administrative sanction by the unit to which they belong or by the competent department of the government .

  10. 第十九条未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人,未经中国政府主管机关允许,不得在中国就业。

    Article 19 Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or who are on a study programme in China may not seek employment in China without permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  11. 同中国政府订有签证协议的国家的人员入境,按照协议执行。外国对中国公民入境、过境有专门规定的,中国政府主管机关可以根据情况采取相应措施。

    The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreements with the Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements . In cases where another country has special provisions for Chinese citizens entering and transiting on the circumstances .

  12. �环境保护监督管理人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;

    Any person conducting supervision and management of environmental protection who abuses his power , neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal gains shall be given administrative sanction by the unit to which he belongs or the competent higher authorities ;

  13. OPC注册车辆,由各该主管机关许可,以推动整个星期天的时间。

    The OPC registered vehicle is permitted by the authorities to be driven on the whole of Sunday .

  14. 如行政法规、部门规章或其他措施未能在此类时限内到位,则主管机关仍将信守中国在《WTO协定》和议定书(草案)项下的承诺。

    If administrative regulations , departmental rules or other measures were not in place within such time frames , authorities would still honour China 's obligations under the WTO Agreement and Protocol .

  15. 而AIS远程船舶报告系统有助于船舶远程自动报告的实施,使主管机关能在更远的距离上对船舶交通进行监控。

    AIS long range ship reporting system will contribute to the application of long range automatic report and monitoring of shipping in farther distance .

  16. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是由主管机关实施的,用于提高船舶交通安全和效率及保护环境的服务。

    Vessel traffic management system & a service implemented by a Competent Authority , designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment .

  17. 四其他经劳动检查机构或主管机关核准者。

    Other inspections approved by the labor inspectorate or competent authority .

  18. 目前,美、日、欧等地区的专利主管机关对商业方法专利的保护都持肯定态度,而在我国,对于商业方法专利保护的研究还不多。

    China has not acknowledged the business method patent yet .

  19. 从双方主管机关的观点来看,这是非常敏感的。

    This is very sensitive from both regulatory 's perspectives .

  20. “关于无线电操作人员,主管机关可:”。

    " In respect of radio operators , Administrations may : " .

  21. 查核金额由主管机关定之。

    The threshold for supervision shall be prescribed by the responsible entity .

  22. 国家主管机关从事和控制的海难救助相关法律问题研究

    A Study on the Salvage Performed or Controlled by the Competent Authorities

  23. 论我国反垄断法主管机关的设置

    On the Enforcement Organ of Anti-monopoly Law in China

  24. 关税退税,税务主管机关和海关;

    For tariff refund , taxation and customs authorities ;

  25. 国家主管机关海难救助若干法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Issues of Controlled Salvage

  26. 已达到主管机关规定的最低年龄;

    He has reached a minimum age to be prescribed by the competentauthority ;

  27. 船舶法定证书发证是船旗国主管机关的职责。

    Ship 's statutory certification is the responsibility of the flag state administration .

  28. 主管机关应列出有关产品供应商的名称。

    The authorities shall name the supplier or suppliers of the product concerned .

  29. 四其他经中央主管机关公告应行检附之文件。

    4 other documents as required and promulgated by the central competent authority .

  30. 中国的主管机关将不执行包含此类要求的合同条款。

    Chinese authorities would not enforce the terms of contracts containing such requirements .