
  • 网络theme tourism;Themed Tour
  1. 本文本着从实践中来,到实践中去的原则,基于实践总结出主题旅游规划的理论和方法。

    This text summarizes the theory and method of theme tourism planning based on practice .

  2. 红色旅游作为一种新型的主题旅游活动,近年来迅速成为新的旅游热点。

    As a new kind of theme tourism activities , red tourism has become rapidly a new tourist attraction in recent years .

  3. Set-jetting指将电影拍摄地作为目的地的旅游,即“电影主题旅游”。

    Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies .

  4. 主题旅游成为新的旅游方式。

    Themed tourism is becoming a new way to travel .

  5. 利用这些独特的旅游优势,投资者可以发挥所能,开发主题旅游项目。

    Investors are invited to develop thematic tourism options that take advantage of these unique assets .

  6. 主题旅游活动项目策划研究&以峨眉山2004年百姓生活游旅游活动项目策划为例

    Research on Project Planning of Theme Tourist Campaign & A Case Study of Emei " 2004 Common People Life Tour "

  7. 旅游机构推出的热门电影主题旅游地包括法国(源于电影《达芬奇密码》)和爱尔兰(源于电影《附注:我爱你》)。

    Popular movie tie-ins done by tourism boards include France ( The Da Vinci Code ) and Ireland ( P.S. , I Love You ).

  8. 在自组织理论指导下,针对北运河的旅游开发现状,设计主题旅游线路并构建旅游板块。

    In theory , under the guide of tourism development in the Northern Canal situation , the design theme tour routes and constructing tourism sector .

  9. 虽说电影主题旅游还是个新理念,不过在日益紧缩的经济环境下,却成为很多旅游者选择时考虑的一个主要方向。

    Although set-jetting is a new concept , it 's fast becoming a major factor in the choices travelers make in an increasingly tight economic climate .

  10. 文章以恩平市旅游经济走廊为例讨论了区域主题旅游产业集群的空间培育和产业联系培育策略。

    Taking tourism economic corridor of Enping as a research case , space cultivation strategy and industry extension strategy of a regional tourism industry cluster are discussed .

  11. 提出了主题旅游规划的理论基础,研究了其核心理论,明确了主题旅游规划所要解决的核心问题之后,再结合具体实例进行分析。

    It presents the theoretical basis of theme tourism planning , and discuss its core theory , after the core problem solved , then analyzed the specific examples .

  12. 主题旅游是一种立足于细分旅游市场发展的旅游方式,是旅游者在旅游过程中所获得的主题性的旅游经历,是旅游者个性的体现与自我实现的需要。

    The theme tourism is a kind of tourism mode , which is on the subdivision tourism market . It is the theme experience during the course of traveling for a tourist .

  13. 据统计,今年春节主题旅游有10个热点,其中前三大热点分别为健康理疗,徒步和滑雪,分别占到了17%,16%和15%。

    According to the data , there were ten hot tourism themes this year . Among of them , health treatment , pedestrianism and skiing made up 17 percent , 16 percent and 15 percent .

  14. 通过对峨眉山2004年百姓生活游主题旅游活动项目策划的研究,对主题旅游活动项目策划的理论与方法进行了初步探讨。

    Through studying project planning of theme tourist campaign in Emei ' 2004 common people life tour ' , the author made a preliminary research on the theory and method of project planning of theme tourist campaign .

  15. 通过主题旅游活动的开展,能够有效地整合区域旅游资源、提升旅游目的地形象、丰富旅游目的地产品类型、促进旅游基础设施和服务设施建设、弘扬当地传统文化。

    By holding theme travel activities , it could effectively assemble tourist resource of tourist area , advance image of tourist destination , enrich tourist product , improve tourist foundational and service establishment , promote locality traditional culture .

  16. 因其具有一定的抽象性,将进行具体分析时,剔除了主观因素,将其落实到一定的旅游类型之中。它们分别对应的是:环境旅游、文化旅游和特种旅游。2、主题旅游规划。

    For they are abstractive , when explain and use them , eliminate every subjective factor , put them to some special tourism styles , which are the environmental tourism , the cultural tourism and the specific tourism . 2 .

  17. 阐述了世界游船业发展呈现出豪华型、大型化的特征,出现了消费群体年轻化、家庭旅游产品成为新卖点、主题旅游成为热销产品的发展趋势。

    The paper describes the luxury and large characteristics of the development of the cruiser industry . It is the development trend of the cruiser industry that the tourists are much younger and family tourism products and theme tourism are well welcomed .

  18. 在主题旅游产品的开发、推广、消费模式的建立、服务质量的完善及旅游计划的可持续发展方面,内地旅游业明显地存在许多不足,需不断完善和发展。

    In the subject traveling product development 、 promoted 、 the expense pattern establishment , the grade of service consummation and the aspect of plan sustainable development , the inland tourism obviously has many insufficiencies , must unceasingly consummate and the development .

  19. 自1992年以来,我国国家旅游局每年推出一个专项旅游产品作为对外宣传口号。为配合此项活动的开展,各地纷纷组织了相应的主题旅游活动。

    A special travel product was annually brought by the national travel bureau as a external propagandizing catchword since 1992 . In order to gear with this project process , many local government organized corresponding theme travel project to respond it in succession .

  20. TheFranzKafkaSociety(Siroka14,420-224-227-452;www.franzkafka-soc.cz)是一家书店,也是这位作家的研究机构。你可以在这里预定私人的卡夫卡主题的旅游专线。

    TheFranz Kafka Society ( Siroka 14 , 420-224-227-452 ; www.franzkafka-soc . cz ) is a bookstore and center dedicated to the writer . You can also arrange private Kafka-themed tours through them .

  21. 国内大型主题性旅游演艺产品开发初探

    A Study on the Exploitation of Domestic Large Theme Tourism Performing Art

  22. 二月中旬,众信推出了十几个以花为主题的旅游产品。

    Utour launched dozens of flower-themed travel products in mid-February .

  23. 论芷江和平文化主题式旅游开发

    On Thematic Tourism Exploitation of Peaceful Culture in Zhijiang

  24. 基于旅游体验的海洋主题公园旅游产品设计

    Based on the tourist experience of the marine theme park tourism product design

  25. 这种主题式旅游开发的最大的好处之一,是其具有全年12个月的开发可能性。

    One of the greatest benefits of thematic tourism is its suitability as a12-month opportunity .

  26. 红色旅游作为一种新型主题性旅游形式,在神州大地逐渐兴起。

    Red theme of tourism as a new tourism form , is becoming more and more popular in china .

  27. 第二章是国内外相关文献综述,主要包括国内外主题公园旅游研究综述,消费者品牌转换理论研究综述。

    The second is literature review at home and abroad was reviewed , including theme park tourism and Consumer brand switching theory .

  28. 本章中作者界定和辨析了三组概念:旅游规划与旅游地规划;主题与旅游主题;主题定位与主题提炼。

    The author defined three couples of terms , including Tourism Planning V.S. Tourism Spots Planning ; Theme V.S. Tourism Theme ; Theme Positioning V.S. Theme Summarizing .

  29. 随着以人文景观为主题的旅游不断发展成熟,人们开始寻求富有科普价值的新的旅游资源。

    With the developing of the tourism that based on cultural landscape , people begin to seek for new tourism resources which is full of the science value .

  30. 狗主人和他们的宠物狗受邀体验环伦敦观光游,行驶到可以遛狗的区域、对狗友好的餐馆、以及狗主题的旅游景点时可以稍作停留。

    Owners and their pets are invited to experience a sightseeing trip around the city complete with stop-offs for walkies , at pooch-friendly restaurants and at attractions with a canine theme .