
zhǔ jù
  • main clause;principal clause;main sentence;matrix sentence
主句 [zhǔ jù]
  • (1) [main clause;principal clause]∶即句子的主体,能单独使用或出现的句子

  • (2) [matrix sentence]∶指在转换生成语法中,包含有成分句的句子。与传统语法中的主要从句相吻合

主句[zhǔ jù]
  1. 这句中有一个主句和一个从句。

    The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause .

  2. 我生气了主句,因为他来晚了从句。

    I was angry = main clause because he came late = dependent clause .

  3. 前一个polluted为过去分词,属定语从句中的谓语,后一个为过去式,属主句的谓语.句意为:曾被污染的那条河污染了另一条河。

    The river which had been polluted polluted another one .

  4. 从句(副词从句)主句他来到时,请叫他来见我。

    When he comes , please ask him to see me .

  5. 一个句子可能包含一个主句以及一个或多个从句。

    A sentence major clause and one or more subordinate clauses .

  6. 主句是一般现在时而从句却是一般过去时。

    Do you know the man who was here just now ?

  7. 浅析定语从句与其主句的逻辑关系

    On the Logical Relationship Between the Main Clause and Its Attribute Clause

  8. 主句从句(形容词从句)每人个都喜欢说实话的孩子。

    Everybody likes a child who always speaks the truth .

  9. 他没赶上火车,这使他父亲很生气。(定语从句修饰整个主句)

    He missed the train , which made his father very angry .

  10. 在英语中,有些从句从语法结构上看是定语从句,但跟主句在逻辑上却有状语的关系。

    Some English sentences are structurally attributive clauses but logically adverbial ones .

  11. 我一到剧场,节目就开始了。(从句用过去完成时,主句用过去时)

    No sooner had I arrived at the theatre than the performance began .

  12. 只有结束它以后,你才能离开。(主句倒装)

    Only after you finish it can you leave .

  13. 与前面的名词、主句、从句或句子相关联的

    Referring to an earlier noun , clause or sentence

  14. (语法)用以连接从句和主句。

    ( grammar ) serving to connect a subordinate clause to a main clause .

  15. 谈谈汉语无主句的英译途径

    On C-E Translation Techniques of Sentences Without Subjects

  16. 空主语参数和汉语的无主句

    Null Subject Parameter and Null Subject in Chinese

  17. 至少包含一个主句和一个从句的句子。

    A sentence composed of at least one main clause and one subordinate clause .

  18. 对比状语从句用来表示超出主句表达的意义或与主句形成对比的信息。

    Clauses of contrast give information that surprises , or contrasts with the main clause .

  19. 主句从句(名词从句)我知道她快乐。

    I know that she is happy .

  20. 应当强调指出,激光器并不是一个能源。(译为无主句)

    It should be emphasized that the laser is in no sense an energy source .

  21. 爱因斯坦到十四岁时就自学完了高等数学。(从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时)

    By the time he was fourteen , Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself .

  22. 第三种手段是使用英语的被动语态和汉语中的无主句。

    The third device is by using passive voice in English and sentence without subject in Chinese .

  23. 熟练掌握无主句在英文中的几种近似编码,对于现场口译顺利进行有很重要的意义。

    Being able to master the ways of English encoding will be of great significance in oral-interpretation .

  24. 假如你当时听了我的话,现在就能作完这份工作了。(从句表示过赴,主句表示现在。)

    If you had followed my advice , you would be able to finish the work now .

  25. (从句指过去,主句指现在)。如果我今天早上带了雨衣,现在就不会被淋湿了。

    If I had taken my raincoat with me this morning , I would not be wet now .

  26. 如果到现在一切还没有准备好,明天的情况就糟了。(从句表示对过去情况的假设,主句表示对将来情况的假设。)

    If we hadn 't got everything ready by now , we would be having a terrible time tomorrow .

  27. 在分词从句中,过去分词和复合过去分词从句均可做主句的同位语。

    In an participle clause , past participle and compound past participle clause can both be appositives of the subject .

  28. 但是,在中心语和主句动词位置,实验结果显示宾语关系从句更难加工。

    Object relative clauses were found to be more difficult to process in the head noun and main verb regions .

  29. 复杂句中的主句至少有一个主语和一个动词。

    The main ( or independent ) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb .

  30. 复合句的主句和从句也和简单句一样,必须有主语和谓语。

    The main clause and subordinate clause of compound sentence must have subject and predicate , as same as the simple sentence .