
jiāo xiǎng qǔ
  • symphony
交响曲 [jiāo xiǎng qǔ]
  • [symphony] 通常用奏鸣曲式,为齐全的交响乐队精心创作的器乐作品

交响曲[jiāo xiǎng qǔ]
  1. 立陶宛爱乐交响乐团演奏了贝多芬的《第九交响曲》。

    The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony .

  2. 这首交响曲确实需要为数不少的一组演奏者。

    The symphony does require a largish group of players .

  3. 第103和104号交响曲是早期交响乐结构的典型代表。

    Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect examples of early symphonic construction

  4. 贝多芬的第九交响曲是壮丽的音乐篇章。

    Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music .

  5. 你这贝多芬交响曲唱片是全套的吗?

    Do you have the complete set of beethoven 's symphonies ?

  6. 贝多芬第九交响曲激动人心的末乐章

    the rousing finale of Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony

  7. 谢尔盖拉赫玛尼诺夫《E小调第二交响曲》作品.27,第一小提琴分谱。

    Sergei Rachmaninoff , Symphony No.2 in E Minor , Op.27 for Violin I.

  8. 《C大调交响曲》写于1961年,它是科达伊晚年的代表性作品之一,也是作者一生中唯一创作的交响曲。

    C major symphony write in1961 , it be one of representative 's work of his old age .

  9. 托斯卡尼尼非常崇敬博拉姆斯,但他的C小调交响曲的乐谱上画满了标记,以致只有大师本人才能看懂。

    Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms , but Toscanini 's score of the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestro himself could read it .

  10. 在那些唱片中,贝多芬的第五交响曲是我最喜欢的之一。n.泡沫;

    Among those records , Beethoven 's Fifth Symphony is one of my favorites .

  11. 节目单上说第一个节目是贝多芬的《f大调第六交响曲》,人们称之为《田园交响曲》。

    The playbill says that the fist selection is Beethoven 's Symphony No. 6 in F Major , commonly know as The Pastorale .

  12. 他因为肩伤而临时取消了12月与乐团的第四次合作,原定的曲目是马勒第六交响曲(Mahler'sSixthSymphony)。

    In December he withdrew on short notice because of shoulder pain from a fourth engagement to conduct Mahler 's Sixth Symphony .

  13. 已经凌晨4点了,我们不是在写“Jupiter交响曲”的最后一章。

    It 's 4 in the morning . We 're not writing the last movement of the " Jupiter Symphony . "

  14. 所以,如果你不是在12岁之前就能写多首交响曲的Mozart,你就需要一个教练。

    So , unless you are Mozart who had written several symphonies before the age of12 , you NEED a coach .

  15. 实验者聆听贝多芬交响曲升高了心率变异性,能明显兴奋交感神经(P0.05),而聆听中国古典音乐虽然也提高了交感神经的兴奋性,但是并不明显。

    The testers when listen the Beethoven ` ssymphony can be improved the HRV and obviously be enhanced the excitability of thesympathetic ( P0.05 ). Chinese classical music also can , but not obviously .

  16. 他创办了北京大学音乐传习所(PekingUniversityConservatory),1922年,北京大学管弦乐队演奏了《第五交响曲》的第二乐章和《第六交响曲》的第一乐章。

    He created the Peking University Conservatory , and in 1922 , the Peking University Orchestra performed the second movement of the Fifth Symphony and the first movement of the Sixth Symphony .

  17. 他的钢琴曲目包括海顿《惊愕交响曲》(Surprise)的改编版。8岁时,父亲给了他作品的管线乐全谱。

    One piece in his piano repertory was a reduction of Haydn 's " Surprise " Symphony , and when he was 8 , his father gave him a copy of the full orchestral score .

  18. 它采用了作曲家最受欢迎的作品之一的“惊喜”交响曲(G大调第94号)旁边的第92(也有G)的,被誉为“牛津”和第97号交响曲C大。

    It features one of the composer 's most popular works , the " Surprise " symphony ( No.94 in G Major ), alongside the92nd ( also in G ) known as the " Oxford " and Symphony No.97 in C Major .

  19. 于是他建议演奏《第三交响曲》,但那首是“英雄”(Eroica),而左派说那是“关于”拿破仑(Napoleon)的。〔

    So then he suggested the Third , but that was the " Eroica , " which the leftists said was " about " Napoleon .

  20. 德沃夏克·安托宁(DvorakAntonin),一个在交响曲、室内乐、清唱剧、歌剧领域都倍受关注的捷克民族乐派的代表人物。

    Antoninus ( Dvorak Antonin ), a symphony , chamber music , oratorios , operas closely watched areas of the Czech national school representatives .

  21. 对于古典音乐爱好者来说,贝多芬(Beethoven)的降E大调第三交响曲也就是《英雄交响曲》(Eroicasymphony)以及莫扎特(Mozart)的G小调第40号交响曲是两个不错的选择。

    For classical music buffs , two pieces that work for him are Beethoven 's Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major , known as the ' Eroica ' symphony , and Mozart 's Symphony No. 40 in G minor .

  22. 让心灵沉醉在东西方文化相融的交响曲中,轻松感受“SHUQINGFASHION舒謦”所描绘的一种与众不同的时尚潮流。

    Let the soul intoxicated blending eastern and western cultures in the symphony , the relaxed feeling " SHUQINGFASHION " described a different fashion .

  23. 《欢乐颂》摘自贝多芬第九交响曲的终曲合唱。唱词采用了席勒(FriedrichSchiller)的同名诗歌《欢乐颂》,是一部宏伟、充满着哲理旦性和英雄性的作品。

    " Ode an die Freude " was an excerpts from the last choral of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven , which used Friedrich Schiller 's poem " Ode an die Freude ", is a gigantic work overflowed with philosophy and heroism .

  24. 多纳尼演绎海顿&G大调第88交响曲

    Christoph von Dohnanyi : Joseph Haydn Symphony No.88 in G Major

  25. 瓦格那在他的一些交响曲中注入了声乐特点。

    Wagner gave a vocal character to some of his symphonies .

  26. 该交响曲结束部分各节中的弦乐全为弱化音

    The string be mute throughout the closing bar of the symphony

  27. 那个旋律最终变成了著名的《神州颂》交响曲。

    That melody eventually became the celebrated Ode to China symphony .

  28. 为双钢琴四手联弹而作的第13交响曲缩编谱。

    Reduction of Symphony No.13 , for two pianos four hands .

  29. 他说这就是盛大的交响曲的主旨。

    He says this is the motif of a grand symphony .

  30. 这首曲子使人想起他早期的一首交响曲。

    The melody harks back to one of his earlier symphonies .