
jiāo chā ɡuān xì
  • Cross relationship;cross-referencing
  1. 其次,文章关注税率与其他解释变量之间的交叉关系对FDI的影响,认为税率效应的大小受到外生经济变量的制约。

    Secondly , the paper concerns about the interaction between the tax rate and other explanatory variables on FDI , and thinks that the tax effect is constrained by the size of the exogenous economic variables .

  2. 语义预设与规约隐涵具有交叉关系;

    There is crossing relationship between semantic presupposition and conventional implicature .

  3. 单位犯罪中行、刑两种性质的交叉关系

    On Intersect Relative Between Administrative and Criminal Nature in Corporate Crime

  4. 突出显示项目中交叉关系变化的新功能

    New functionality to highlight changes to the crosscutting relationships in a project

  5. 快乐小康的三组交叉关系

    Three Groups of Relationships That Determine Your Happiness

  6. 地方自治与联邦自治之间的这种交叉关系是一个崭新的概念。

    This interlacing of local self-government with federal self-government is quite a modern conception .

  7. 白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种中国画的黑白与木版画的黑白交叉关系研究

    Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations

  8. 现代管理决策模型及其交叉关系

    Intersection of Modern Management Decision Models

  9. 子需求通过使用交叉关系来与它们的父需求关联起来,这些关系指明了嵌入式命名空间。

    Sub-requirements are related to their parent requirements using the crosshair relationship , which denotes namespace embedding .

  10. 制度和行为显然不是并列关系,而是交叉关系。

    The system and behavior are obviously not in a coordinate relationship but in a cross relationship .

  11. 研究内容也开始转入到研究地下水系统与自然环境系统和社会经济系统之间相互交叉关系。

    While the content turned to the intersect relations among groundwater system , environment system and society-economy system .

  12. 然后,我们提出修饰语与被修饰名词之间的语义关系是交叉关系。

    Thirdly , we suggest that the semantic relationship between the [ ModP ] and the noun is intersection .

  13. 文学传播中,更多的是传播媒介与传播方式往往表现为交叉关系。

    The publicity medium and the type of publicity show a kind of interrelationship in the spreading of literary works .

  14. 在40号照片中也可显示出树枝与老虎尾巴的交叉关系。

    Photo No.40 ( Fig.1 inset ) too demonstrates the same cross relationship between the stem and the tiger 's tail .

  15. 同样作为一种助人活动,职业咨询与心理咨询既有区别又有联系,两者既不是包含关系,也不是平行关系,更不是同一关系,而是交叉关系。

    Both as a kind of way to help people , the career consultation and the psychological counseling have differences and similarities .

  16. 认为交叉关系异体词和包孕关系异体词不是异体词。

    The essay considers that the " heterographs of cross relation " and " heterographs of inclusion relation " are not real heterographs .

  17. 对中国画与木版画黑白交叉关系的研究,是对黑白艺术的再认识。

    Of Chinese painting and wood engraving study on the relationship between black and white cross is a further understanding of black-and-white art .

  18. 文学现象之间实际存在的亲缘关系、价值关系和交叉关系是可比性的客观基础。

    The relation of relative , the relation of value and the relation of cross existing among literate phenomena are the objective foundations of comparability .

  19. 因而,英语复合宾语与这两种汉语结构形成的是一种交叉关系。另外,本文还结合教学实践,对汉语兼语式英译的若干类型进行了探讨,并提出了相关学习策略。

    In addition , this text carry on the discussion of the translation from concurrently language type into English , and propose relevant study strategy .

  20. 园林诗作为一种独立于山水诗、田园诗又与其有交叉关系的诗歌类型,有着自己的特点。

    As an independent form of landscape poetry and idyll , garden poetry has characteristics of its own but is interrelated with the two forms .

  21. 第三章,介绍了吐蕃东向发展的主要过程,其中讨论了吐蕃东向发展的手段战争与融合的交叉关系及其影响。

    The third chapter introduces the process of the eastern development of Tu-bo , including the intercrossing relationship between its two means , i.e. , war and integration .

  22. 本文将理性和非理性投资模型综合于统一的框架,着重分析它们之间存在的交叉关系,具有一定的理论品味价值。

    The framework of unifying rational and irrational investment patterns and the emphasis in analyzing an intersection relationship among them bear , at some extent , some theoretical value .

  23. 对数学问题的交叉关系和平行关系进行了讨论,并利用交叉关系和平行关系的方法解决具体问题,以能够达到更好地揭示问题的本质。

    This paper tries to discuss the parallel and the cross relations of mathematics problems , and to solve them with the two relations so as to reveal the essence of the problems .

  24. 它既与哲学、逻辑学,语言学、心理学有着传统的联系,又与符号学、信息学、科学学等学科有着密切的亲缘关系与交叉关系。

    It has a traditional connection with philosophy , logic , linguistics and psychology , at the same time it is closely related to semiotics , information science , science of science and other subjects .

  25. 国际水资源包括国际河流、国际湖泊及其大小支流,或者国际河流的入口和出口,以及处于两个或更多国家管辖之内的地下水系统,与国际法中的内水是一种交叉关系。

    International water resources contain transboundary groundwater systems as well as international rivers , lakes and their tributaries , or the entrances and exits of international rivers . They intersect with inland water in International Law .

  26. 注意各门学科之间的交叉关系,将高等代数、实变函数、泛函分析、点集拓扑等相关内容与数学分析进行整合。

    We should pay attention to the cross relation of all kinds subject , arrange and merge relative content of mathematical analysis in the advance algebra , the real analysis , function analysis and the point topology .

  27. 对吸烟、饮酒、性别和年龄等协变量因素分别与4种疾病进行交叉关系研究,判断上述因子是否进入人群健康影响的多因素分析。

    On smoking , alcohol consumption , gender and age association variables respectively with the four kind of disease cross relations , judge whether the above factors into the crowd the health effects of many factors analysis .

  28. 企业的管理分为日常管理、创新管理和危机管理,这三者之间是交叉关系,并同时与知识管理交叉,因此,知识管理和危机管理具有内在的逻辑联系。

    The enterprise management can be divided into daily management , innovation management and crisis management . The three are overlapped , and interlaced with knowledge management at the same time , so we think knowledge management have internal logistic relation .

  29. 弗协调逻辑是能用作一切不协调但并非不足道的理论的基础逻辑,它能为哲学辩证法提供理论依据,辩证逻辑和弗协调逻辑具有交叉关系但是存在着区别。

    Paraconsistent Logic is the underlying logic which can deal with all inconsistent but non-trivial theory and can provide with the theoretical basis for the philosophy and the dialectics . The fields of dialectical logic and paraconsistent logic intersect but are different .

  30. 有的认为应把心理健康教育看作德育的一个部分,有的认为应把心理健康教育独立出来,有的则认为心理健康教育与德育存在交叉关系。

    Have of think should mental health the education see make virtuous to teach a part , have of think and should come out independently the mental healthy education , have of then think the mental healthy education with virtuous teach existence to cross the relation .