
  • 网络Yanling County
  1. 分工深化、知识创造与产业集群成长&河南鄢陵县花木产业的案例研究

    Deepening division of labor , knowledge creation and the growth of industrial clusters : A case study of the flowers and plants industry in Yanling County , Henan Province , China

  2. 本文以河南省鄢陵县为例,对农村土地承包经营权流转问题进行了系统的调查和分析,研究了农户农村土地承包经营权流转的影响因素。

    Based of Yanling County of Henan Province , this paper makes a systematic investigation and analysis on this problem and researches the factors affecting the circulation of right to the contracted management .

  3. 鄢陵县作为一个典型的农业县,其农民犯罪问题较为突出。

    As a typical agricultural county , Yaming is conspicuous for its peasant crime .

  4. 1996~1997年,分别在河南省许昌市的许昌县及鄢陵县进行人群及动物旋毛虫病流行病学调查。结果发现家猪旋毛虫感染率为2.61%。

    An epidemiological investigation of human and domestic animal trichinosis was carried out in Xuchang and Yanling of Xuchang City , Henan Province in 1996-1997 . It was found that the infection rate of trichinosis in pig was 2.61 % .

  5. 在这种新的形势下,为了解决花卉产业发展面临的新问题,鄢陵县政府应该进一步完善自己的职能,以便更好的促进当地花卉产业的发展,提升整个县域经济的实力。

    In this new situation , in order to solve the new problems in the development of flower industry , Yanling county government should further perfect their functions in order to better promote the development of the local flower industry , enhance the strength of the county economy .